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Posts posted by jojo12100

  1. Happy New Year everyone.

    With the holidays I finally get some time to extract all 13 uncatchable pokemon in PLA including the 5 noble, 2 ride Pokemon (Ursaluna and Braviary) and 6 random you can't catch through quests (Sudowoodo, Abomasnow, Froslass, Onix, Lucario and Ursaring).


    Hope FlagsEditor Ex will be updated to extract those Paradox Pokemon in SV I don't have time to do all the game again just for them.

    Will mainly focus upon Kitakami Milotic probably and the 2 underleved around (Houndoom and Graveler as long as you didn't finish the league).

    pla uncatchable.zip

  2. Adding Underdepth Scarlet Uncatchable.


    Just realized how much treasures SV still has to offer for those who will care :

    • Uncatchable : All Pokemon you can't catch during first Area Zero exploration (Paradoxes mostly), Underdepth Iron Thorns (Violet). All can be obtained via RAM dumps.
    • Unreleased : lv1 Ghimmigoul; gift Yanma; gift Quagsire (ROM hacking).
    • Prototype : almost everything we just dumped team members of 2nd one. Many cut from Paldea are in first one apparently like Nidoqueen or Fearow).

    Edit : for boss battles (Starmobiles, Titan Pokemon, Loyal Three ...) it seems the game does not fully generate the pokemon, more researches are needed.


    May retire soon for a certain time, hope brave ones will emerge.


  3. First locked behind protection file : PLA proto gift pokemon.

    Missing : Baron Luxray you can fight (coming soon).

    For other proto of PLA a real big help will be needed to find the pokemon datas location (Zoroark, Celebi, Joltik ...) if they ever exist.

    Big thanks to Pearl for his efforts.

    Hope we can get SV proto mons that easily.


  4. Here the 4 remaining Noble Pokemon (rematch version). Feel free to add the original versions I'll appreciate too.

    Unfortunately due to recent events I'll have to put some restrictions on certain files (DLC mons of SV, prototype mons of LA/SV) I'll share later (if I get them) like a password you'll have to request me in MP.

    For sure if you're able to dump them yourself and want to share them here you're welcome.

    Edit : I'm adding Inlet Grotto Houndoom which strangely doesn't have Crunch or Roar.

    0101-02 - Electrode - F9BCDB936678.pa8 0549-02 - Lilligant - F1AD1D9E7FB3.pa8 0900-01 - Kleavor - 1F58A8378CCC.pa8 0059-02 - Arcanine - 3F67D464579A.pa8

    0229 - Démolosse - 37D508B2FE42.pk9

  5. Here the cut Dugtrio in Lets go proto (got it at level 15 for underleved collectors); I already sent all Go Park datas to @theSLAYER to dump them.

    I added some pokemon I randomly caught in proto SWSH (pretty sure there are more to get like Ekans).


    I got a ton of ideas of pokemon to get if anyone is motivated such as :

    -the 4 remaining Noble Pokemon in Legends Arceus Kleavor; Hisuan Liligant/Arcanine/Electrode (RAM dump or cheat codes) we already have Hisuan Avalugg thanks to @theSLAYER

    -the uncatchable Inlet Grotto Houndoom; Crystal Pool Milotic; Area Zero Underdepths Glimorra/Noivern/Sandy Shocks/Iron Throns/Garganacl/Garchomp in SV (RAM dump)

    -the unused gift pokemon in SV (Yanma and Quagsire) ROM Hacking



    051 - Dugtrio - DA2EF955CEF7.pb7 015 - スピアー - 8349B8C03077.pk8 018 - ピジョット - C2B22FF583D0.pk8 595 - バチュル - 1C2DEE77B579.pk8 779 - ハギギシリ - BE1966CD14E2.pk8 805 - ツンデツンデ - 4BD7C746393D.pk8

    658 - ゲッコウガ - A8E3F40F48DA.pk8 676 - トリミアン - 83C790474355.pk8 699 - アマルルガ - 63F573DAC9BD.pk8

  6. Here some SwSh proto mons (starters and some random pokemon found), for now I'm unable to load the vs Tyrunt debug mode in one version and in another I don't dump any data in debug mode unfortunately.

    Want to test Let's Go protos tomorrow, if I understand how.


  7. Big news everyone I found after 2 nights of hard work 8/24 cut shadow Pokemon in Colosseum.

    Only the met location is incorrect all the rest was randomly generated by the game as a regular shadow.

    If @StarsMmd you're still there we need to contact that mysterious Ralf who created those codes in first place (send me a PM for my source) to know how did he do that.

    Maybe we can get like that the remaining 16/17 shadow pokemon : Psyduck, Poochyena, Electrode, Teddiursa, Spheal, Magcargo, Solrock, Lunatone, Roselia, Chimecho, Breloom, Magikarp, Snorunt, Corpish, Sandslash and Xatu.


    I'm so happy to finally get my hand on my Shadow Porygon2.



    0202 - WOBBUFFET - C978C0C1D924.ck3 0233 - PORYGON2 - D5D0DE3B3E6E.ck3 0312 - MINUN - 024FD31C310D.ck3 0320 - WAILMER - 92B8254BCE5B.ck3 0325 - SPOINK - B6698074E99E.ck3 0340 - WHISCASH - 2F365B4E6179.ck3 0351 - CASTFORM - 346C3FDE3B13.ck3 0352 - KECLEON - CC9BD31F3315.ck3

  8. Here's the SV proto debug mons.


    Currently missing :

    -Let's Go proto (debug catch Marowak (RAM dump) and cut Dugtrio in Digglet's cave (only need to save and extract))

    -SwSh proto Charizard, Blastoise, Pikachu (only need to save) + Battle Debug Tyrunt and Marowak (RAM dump) -> you can use Pkx extraction

    -Legends Arceus proto Unovan Zoroark, Scyther, Cherim + (if possible Celebi, Luxray, Bulbasar, Squirtle, Eevee, Joltik)


    Demos actually missing :

    -2002 RS demo 2 pokemon in it (Kecleon and Sharpedo)

    -BW demo (maybe ?) 5 pokemon in it (starters+ Zorua + Deerling)

    -SwSh demo 6 pokemon in it (starters + ???)



  9. Here some other BW proto mons (4gift) and XY proto mons (4 gift and 2 debug).

    Edit : even more BW protos added 26/10.

    I will need help to dump all debug pokemon from XY prto (44+ pokemon to get) as it's a very long and tedious task ; pkm are in gen5 format in gen6 RAM; @SwagKey 's tool is not compatible, many informations are sometimes lost or wrong like Pokemon species, EV and moves.

    There are :

    • 1 vs 1 (6 team members/ 1 wild pokemon to dump)
    • 1 vs 2 (2 opponnent pokemon to dump)
    • 1 vs horde (4 wild) -> already got 5 team member and 1 wild
    • 3 vs 3 ( 3 opponents)
    • rotative battle (3 opponents)

    Edit : I got all team members. I m also missing opponent Tyrunt/Tyrantrum of the 1vs2. Many opponent are Trubbish otherwise if some people have enough patience.

    Plus :

    • Pikachu vs Chandelure 2 vs 2 (if possible)
    • Pikachu vs 3 Chandelure (if possible)


    Last proto BW.rar XY gift proto.rar DbugXY.rar



    0609 - シャンデラ - 279CD6E27CD5.pk6

    0025 - ピカチュウ - BECDDE1950D6.pk6

    0577 - ユニラン - BAE66F268204.pk6 0501 - ミジュマル - 4E1FFC9FF5A6.pk6 0094 - ゲンガー - 24893C3B146C.pk6

    0568 - ヤブクロン - 0225E3D2048C.pk6


  10. For what I read @BlackShark the one you can download is based upon final version instead of prototype version as showed in events but gift pokemon are the same.

    So you were able to RAM dump Switch emulators ? That's great, I would like some explanations in MP on how you did it ^^

    I will definitively try to dig upon the LGPE protos found in 2020 to get the catch test Marowak or the cut Dugtrio in Diglett's cave. Don't know if Go park debug functions are worth the pain or not.

    Then SwSH protos, then LA proto maybe.

    It's seems that HGSS demo datas were found too. 3 gift pokemon to get if I can make it work.

    Oh and an unused trade Pikachu vs Pikachu in XY proto.

  11. For now I'll add XY proto+ XY demo + BW proto + HGSS proto + Pt proto mons. Probably missed some stuff but badly documented.

    Need help for a debug battle Pikachu/Chandelure in XY (RAM dump doesn't work, I have savestates if interested).

    Also if someone very nice and skilled wants to help us with Let's Go demo/proto and Swsh proto mons (from 2020) you're welcome; my knoweldge in Switch era is very bad.


    BW proto.rar HGSS proto.rar Pt proto.rar XY proto.rar

  12. On 4/6/2022 at 2:01 AM, SwagKey said:

    Ran into another shiny in Emerald's Battle Pyramid and caught using a glitch to bring balls in there.

    356 ★ - DUSCLOPS - 59ECA37B8A9E.pk3 100 B · 4 downloads

    Here's some potential projects to get this going again.

    -In-game trades from the Spaceworld '99 demos. They're different from the final releases in some way or another.

    -The rest of the rental Pokemon from Stadium 2

    -The unreleased Shadow Makuhita, Misdreavus, and Spoink from Colosseum

    -The mons from the SWSH and Let's Go betas

    Tell me more about in-game trades of Spaceworld 1999; I've seen no information about them except "The Pokéfan who trades you a Rapidash asks for a Kadabra instead of a Gloom" and "Still one the topic of friends, the Onix, Aerodactyl, and Rapidash you get from in-game trades are also all female, instead of male."

    More interesting can be "The Goldenrod Game Corner offers a Vulpix instead of an Ekans (Gold), and a Growlithe instead of a Sandshrew (Silver).".



    Is it really possible to get that Unreleased Shadow Makuhita, Misdreavus and Spoink?

    037 - ロコン - B974.pk2 058 - ガーディ - C41F.pk2 078 - カケアシ - D872.pk2 095 - ブルブル - 9F54.pk2 142 - プッチー - 37E6.pk2

  13. @StarsMmd Amazing discovery, maybe we'll be able to get Shadow Spoink at least.

    In fact I suppose the 21st card to be used for promo cards (2 were released only in Japan).

    Note that Shadow Scizor/Togepi/Mareep were not in the cards but with a mini event once you finished the battles.


    In order to get the missing Shadow mons I only see 2 ways:

    -get a beta version of the game which must exist somewhere according to the early build videos found

    -force the Shadow to appear with E-reader card (however my experience with Shadow Loudred taught me that you still need the Shadow ID in order to correctly purify it).


    Let @StarsMmd tell us what did he found with Shadow Spoink.

  14. 1 minute ago, theSLAYER said:

    well, even if details are wrong, being able to send a slightly different mission due to hacks is a good place to start. Right now, we've yet to crack it in any form.

    I was able to replicate it via Desmume a long time ago but not alter the datas.

    I think you'll have to alter them twice in order to make it work: in the ROM (ex:the Purugly mission gives you Purugly) and the RAM (send Purugly to another game via wireless or IR).

    Hope you'll succeed.

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