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BlackShark last won the day on June 8

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  1. hi, i've seen that theres not much you cant do when it comes to restoring savefiles, and i was wondering if you could help me with mine, although the procedure is a bit weird since the savefile comes from a .cia version of the rom and i don't know how to convert it

    1. BlackShark


      Hi, you can not "convert" a 3DS save. If you want to get a save from your console you have to use a save manager like JKSM or Checkpoint.

      You can follow one of these tutorials to import/export saves from/to your 3DS.


    2. Blueberry


      ok, thanks. do you think the damage on my savefile can be reverted? its an emerald save, where most of the data is still intact, but accessing the storage system crashes my game (i checked with pokehex and all my pokemon are still there and safe). i also get random glitched characters on some dialogues and on the start menu, but other than that its fine. im not an expert but it really looks like it can be restored, im just not sure how. im confident this happened because i never bothered removing the eggs from the pomeg berry glitch from my storage system. what would you do on this situation?

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