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Everything posted by Luxio

  1. I will none of your programs, are there to do something special? All I get error when pressing something.
  2. Keep it up, at this rate they'll end soon. From the list of tools ,the Editor Stats will support Bw2?
  3. Hi all, I'm doing a hack bw2 and wondered if these things can hack: -Mugshots: I've got an idea for the Bwoe hack but if anyone knows an easier method. -Front Animations Sprites: I've seen on the Internet that can be done in bw2 with trainers, I just try to move the 8 files of each trainer and I get bad foot head in the game, is there any way to move too animations. -Battles: I've seen in videos that can change the battles with some trainers, but not how. -C-Gear: I have no idea if this is possible (I think it did), but if anyone has tried to tell me. -Evolutions: I want to change the evolutions of pokemon by trade, but I have seen that there are no tools, some form of change in these games or if they serve the narc previous games. -Added New Forms: Kazo proved possible to add forms in bw, I wonder if it is possible also in bw2. -Insert Ow in map: I mean the ability to insert a Victini somehow the freedom tower again. That's what I was wondering if anyone could help me know it.
  4. Very good application, but I had problems with the starter editor, when you're done the Toolbox? I say this because I'm making a pokemon hack bw2 and need the Trade Editor, Trainer Editor and Mart Editor. The Trade Editor changes the pokemon you have to give?
  5. For when the next update? Add support a BWME with BW2?
  6. I've been thinking about more within the ideas. History: After the events of BW and BW2. A new trainer begins his adventure in Aspertia city along with his best friend (his rival), receives his first Pokémon Bianca hands, while this follow the story. It's been three months since Ghetsis did his to catch Kyurem, now in jail but someone has taken his place and also controls secretly plasma the white team. To achieve the dual goals. N still in the game, helping us to pass obstacles and telling the team plans evil. We stop the mysterious boss to not get the power of the Great Dragon. (The story is made based on the single edit overworlds, mugshot, sprites, pokemon teams and text editor to fit) Name: I liked your idea of ​​the name, but if applied my story, only if you like, would be simple. Black and White 3. Starters: The Unova are good, but for a change, take a poll vote giving the top three starters from all regions. I really like this idea, but it is an option. Character: New heroes (I found a very good boy, but I need a girl), new rival (and I found it and I'll be the authors). Leaders: The same as always, only the modification surprise champion (only necessary to change sprites, text and Pokemon team, because only runs once) (Is Cheren) Capture all 649 Pokemon: Like I said, I can not order me to put all pokémon. The classics like Shinx, Pidgey ... I placed them. The initial missing from Natural Sanctuary. And the legendary small as Mew, Celebi and Jirachi with 1% will be catchable somewhere in Unova. Legendary: This I can not do myself, I can only come up with where to place them. Although I have ideas that one is Shiny. Forms and color changes of the pokemon shinys: I thought I modify palettes. Pokémon with different palettes shinys would Dialga, Palkia, Giratina (all three active Dialga vane style), Pikachu (Classic Blue), Victini (Blue, I have the right to put my favorite), Reshiram, Zekrom (Palettes loaded, ie black and white orange and blue), Kyurem (shiny blades, become the normal, the plan is to capture in the game and the Shiny Kyurem merge add an active form of color) and Genesect (Change palettes for each form, fire = red, blue = water ...). On forms propose adding only 2. Spiky-eared Pichu and The leyend of one dragon, based on the story that was one Reshiram and Zekrom and Kyurem was the instinct of these two, then I'll give the story soon. On these ideas I just missing genesect, kyurem, Pikachu, Giratina and the dragon sprites (which I'll give you the details). There will be the same differences between editions as bw2. And to this we add your ideas in the first post, except as types. Translation: In order to understand better the story would have to replace some text, a few, I can I take care of a Spanish version. Tell me what you think, everything is made to be easy to hack but to complete. Tell me your opinion about my ideas, if you want help with the hack and if you want to contact me send me an email to (and then I will connect to hotmail). Ciao :smile:
  7. Not me I'm not very good hacking. Although I am spriter. Although if you would i assist with modifying wild encounters or creating sprites. I had also thought lately bw2 hack sequel style, had thought of a new story (and I have), new players, new rival, modify palettes of pokemon shinys (adding classics like dialga primary). Tell me if you like my ideas. And if you want my help.
  8. Sorry, but is that because I know little English use the translator. way = forms
  9. I think I discovered BWSE failure, failure was my computer did not recognize the RGCN and took by. Bin to unzip Tinke so remained in that format, which takes another decompression and change the extension. So the only solution would be for any of you and I come over the 4.narc descompress with Tinke to download. Please someone pass me try it. :creep:
  10. Which tool you used for the initial editing?
  11. I like your idea of BW2 hack various things only recommendations, opinions and questions: - Really good idea is to capture all the pokemon, I wonder if you will add the legendary overworlds for some particular place, change the types could cause problems with connection to other pokemon games bw, the other changes (skills, attacks ) does not change much except for the effect of the attacks, other changes in the rom not cause problems. - I can only add some new way to a Pokemon. - Viewing the many changes that you add, what programs you use to edit these games?
  12. I served a lot of tools. Although you need to update you BW2 or create an editor of initials or stats. Your BWSE not working. Narc bag from inside the BW2, unzip with Tinke and open the unzipped folder. Eventually the program Bwse tells me: DsDecmp descompress failed to the file What I can do? :confused:
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