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Everything posted by UnderXRay

  1. will be ready in a few minutes, i will pm you on when to come to the club.
  2. the king strikes again .
  3. yea sure, here you go, just so you know i made it's Sp.attack 300 and HP 500, if you place this pokemon inside a box it's stats will become the normal ones, also i made it shiny as requested, enjoy: tested and worked on platinum US.
  4. here is another random battle bettwen me and king (RJFLA), we found out that Steve McNair died and my monkey became a uber killer X_X:
  5. i will start makeing the requests now. ---------- Post added at 04:00 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:55 PM ---------- @ShiPrime, here you go, this code will place the requested shuckle at slot 1 in your party, enjoy: @db88, here you go, this code will place the requested pokemon at slots 1-3 in your party, enjoy: both codes were tested and worked on Platinum US, any problems/changes you whant me to fix/do tell me right here or pm me which way you prefer.
  6. i assume that you whant it for D/P since there isnt the option for pal park in the platinum pokesav, i will start makeing it now. EDIT: here you go, this code will make the requested pokemon appear at the pal park, enjoy: tested and worked on both diamond and pearl, any problems/changes you whant me to fix/do tell me right here or pm me which way you prefer.
  7. yes i can find out your SID when you trade me a pokemon, and you may need it in the future, we will continue this by pm if you dont mind.
  8. i can make this for you but i will need your FC to be able to trade you, the SID does 2 things: 1, it makes the pokemon obey you at any level dosnt matter how many badges you have (must use ID,SID and OT); 2, it gives the legal PID combination (IV,SID,ID,nature) for a shiny pokemon, i can make your giratina shiny useing my own ID and SID.
  9. do you mind if we continue this over pm so we wont spam too much in this thread? and if you managed to get that charmander then yea i think you can get thoes mews.
  10. oh i didnt see it, i will go add this one aswell.
  11. its not really important cause its for you only, but my name is Ray.
  12. i can make them obey you only if i have your OT,ID,SID and yes im ready im comeing into the club now.
  13. the wifi club is the option at the bottom floor of the pokecenter with FCs you can trade and battle (and do a few other things such as games) with other people, it is possible to make a legal mew and i can find out what is your SID on your game (once we trade of course), the SID cannot be the same as you had in your emerald, yes they will have to have your exact ID,SID and OT so they will obey you without badges, no they do not have to be legal to be able to go thourgh wifi, i hope that explains it, if its alright then i will start makeing it, my FC is in my signature.
  14. @cab1020, here you go both codes were tested and worked on platinum US, enjoy: as before use the codes 1 at a time, any problems tell. @damio, yea i guess your right it depands on the situation. cab1020's event box 3 part 3.txt cab1020's event box 4 part 1.txt
  15. not a bad idea, its a little weak though maybe someone skilled can pull something off with it, maybe a TR team.
  16. here you go, this code will place the requested eevee at slot 1 in your party, enjoy: tested and worked on Platinum US, any problems/changes you whant me to fix/do tell me right here or pm me which way you prefer.
  17. you said both of eevee's abillitys which one do you whant?
  18. <p><p><p><p><p>no problem para pm me when you are ready <img src="<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/biggrin.png" alt=":D" srcset="<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/biggrin@2x.png 2x" width="20" height="20" /></p></p></p></p></p>

  19. <p><p><p><p><p>no problem para pm me when you are ready <img src="<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/biggrin.png" alt=":D" srcset="<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/biggrin@2x.png 2x" width="20" height="20" /></p></p></p></p></p>

  20. @cab1020, i finished them now use each code 1 at a time do not use more then 1, enjoy: tested and worked on Platinum US, any problems/changes you whant me to fix/do tell me right here or pm me which way you prefer. cab1020's event box 2 part 1.txt cab1020's event box 2 part 2.txt cab1020's event box 2 part 3.txt cab1020's event box 3 part 1.txt cab1020's event box 3 part 2.txt
  21. @Patrick, next time please use the form on the first post in this thread, i need to know how you whant it, by code or trade, if code i will need to know for what game (D/P or platinum), if trade i will need your FC. @cab1020, i will start makeing it though im not sure if all of this are located on the database but i will try. @damio, i tried a few times 12 pokemon it crashes and 10 it works.
  22. <p><p><p><p><p>i got AK2 (AceKard2) for me it goes on wifi easily but if you have any current save then it wont go to the AK2 from all i know.</p></p></p></p></p>

  23. <p><p><p><p><p>i got AK2 (AceKard2) for me it goes on wifi easily but if you have any current save then it wont go to the AK2 from all i know.</p></p></p></p></p>

  24. i just read it...wow only 3 hypnosis hit in a row? your luck is getting better X_X but atleast one of your faves saves you in the battle .
  25. i told you before you dont control mewtwo, mewtwo controls you . and where did you add pictures? i hope for floot's sake not those ones again dont forget that after you gave them to floot you didnt see him on shoddy for the next day X_X.
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