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About sky*dragon

  • Birthday 10/02/1993
  1. sounds great good luck in your project
  2. umm i dont know much about lua so i dont know where to add the values you mentioned sorry also i'm not using c-gear seeds i'm using standard iv seeds and the stationary pokemon method for entralink and it seems to work good at least that's what ive seen in the video once again really sorry for the annoyance but i really need someone's help
  3. thank you soo much i just tested it and it's finally gives me the right values btw you need to edit the mac address for your desmume if your gonna use it for RNG or else you wont get the right values EDIT:look at the pic i think there is something wrong with the iv frames counter you can see that it gives wrong values in the video above it was giving the right values can you please fix it? sorry for the annoyance
  4. are RNGed pokemons allowed in battle computations or they considered as hacked?
  5. hi i've been looking and looking and looking all over the forum+the internet and i havent found any lua script for the rng status like the seed/frame etc for pokemon b2/white2 ive found this script but it's messed up and doesnt give the right values can someone edit it for me so it can for with pokemon white 2 or if you have a script like this video please post it here ill appreciate itvideo link thanks in advance
  6. hey bond can you make/find the same code for the us version? thx in advance
  7. First i would like to say thanks for the awsome app bro Second i have a bug to report you cant change meloetta forms in the app is this a bug or its normal? and i cant use the account manegement opion it says unable to contact server and btw when we can use the gts? and can you please upload the leatest versions in links like mediafire iam having problems in the normal updater (slow internet) Thanks again
  8. Is this works on b2w2 dream world? Sent from my GT-I9100 using Tapatalk 2
  9. dear codr how are you? hope youre good first of all i want to thank you for the awsome app that youve made (pokegen) and yes ofc we all understand that you need mony to keep this app alive and we wont mind to pay you even 20$ if possible for some ppl ofc anyway in some ppl like me who cant use paypal or any online banking sites it could be a bit of problem to me since i love pokegen so much iam no asking for you to give me the app for free or something i just wanted to let you know about this and if there is any other way we can pay you with please let me know and ill be sure to do it best wishes sky*dragon
  10. ok ill pm it to you
  11. ok here it is http://www.mediafire.com/?no95w6dxj70yuyr
  12. hey yeasterday before updating pokegen to 3.1.10 desmume save slots were working 100% great but then when i updated it to 3.1.10 i cant do it anymore if i tryed to load any b2/w2 /black 1/white 1 /hg/ss save state the porogram will instantly close and vanish like i didnt open it note it does not give Pokegen not responding stuff but no just instant vanish iam using win 7 ultmate and desmumee 0.9.8/0.9.9 btw sorry for bad eng hope you can fix this codr and keep up the awosome work any info you need ill be right here
  13. thx for the cool tut btw when you make your own c-gear skin in what format you shoud save it and with any porogram youre making skins? thx in advance
  14. its a veery cool idia hope we see it soon on google play
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