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Everything posted by chattux

  1. okay then? welcome to the forums.
  2. welcome to PP forums
  3. 293 Whismur [sprite]293[/sprite]
  4. chattux


    hi welcome to the PP forums
  5. chattux


    welcome to the forums!!!!
  6. 284, Masquerain. [sprite]284[/sprite]
  7. chattux

    Hi there

    welcome to the forums.
  8. how do u expect to get it then
  9. ive posted the uk one here:http://projectpokemon.org/forums/showthread.php?p=44753#post44753
  10. Try opening a save file first! Myn always does this before I open a save.
  11. 245 Suicune
  12. 243 Raikou
  13. 241 Miltank
  14. chattux

    Hello ^^

    hi welcome to the forums!
  15. jumpliff
  16. Heracross
  17. my speed is like 161KB/S
  18. 235 Smeargle
  19. 232 Donphan
  20. 230 Kingdra
  21. 228 houndour
  22. 224 Octillary
  23. 222 Corsola
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