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About gamerotom

  • Birthday 08/16/1991
  1. Ok, thanks! One more question: do I need to mark before or after I start up the Action Replay and turn on the code?
  2. When I mark a Pokemon for codes do I need to mark all of the symbols on that Pokemon? I want to use the following codes to change the IVs of Pokemon I've hatched. Would these have any effect on the hex values of my Pokemon and make them illegal?
  3. Thank you for the speedy reply.
  4. I have not hacked Pokemon, or even played, in a while but I remember hearing something about being able to tell if a Pokemon was hacked based on the IV spread and the date it was caught. I paid too much attention to RNGing, only did it for a few shiny eggs, but apparently the date has an affect on what you encounter. So, for hacked Pokemon that are listed as "bred" (or I suppose any Pokemon in general..), does the date matter? Will it be possible to tell a Pokemon is hacked when comparing the IV spread with when it captured/hatched/picked up?
  5. Oh wow. My bad! I like PokeGen a lot so far. I think it'll just take a little time for me to get used to it since I've used PokeSav for so long. What would encrypting a .pkm do?
  6. What's the difference between 136 byte and 236 byte Pokemon? Looking back all my PokeSav'd Pokemon were 236 byte. Here's the Pokemon. shelgon.pkm
  7. I wanted to make sure I made these 2 Pokemon correctly. I don't know if I messed up with the Trash Bytes or when making Rotom shiny. rotom-h.pkm flygon.pkm
  8. What does the 'Do you want to use automatic public/private IP switching' mean?
  9. I'm able to use sendpkm by myself just find but I'm having trouble getting HyperGTS to work and using it with other people (like giveaways). I ran the pkmsendportcheck application and it said both ports were open. I've had people try to receive a Pokemon. They say that once they go through the door in the GTS they cannot connect and are forced out. I tried connecting myself and got a 52100 error but I don't know if that's because it was me. http://img293.imageshack.us/img293/4643/hypergtsissue.jpg This also occurred with the just-released version. Do I need to use my DS at all with this?
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