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Everything posted by PKMN_trainer

  1. Looking for any HiddenAbility spit backs with decent IVs. But i'm mainly looking for a Marvel Scale Dragonair or Dratini, female if at all possible. Im willing to offer Protean Froakies, Gibles, Deinos, Kangaskhans spit backs or Battle Maison items.
  2. @TheSlayer- It is indeed a Pinsir.
  3. Wow, you certainly hear a lot rumors.
  4. I don't think we are up to the stage where Pokemon can be edited/distributed/cloned freely in GEN Vl. Just wait 'till pokebank/transfer comes out after Boxing Day. (I'm waiting to get my flawless ditto. )
  5. Maybe you go to the friend code request in the xy discussion thread?
  6. Wraith89, could you save me one of your pokerus protean froakie(any female will do, shit IVs or not)? I have some 4-5 IV gibles to trade or something.
  7. EDIT: Added all the people above me.
  8. Hi, i'm just asking to see if anybody has a pokemon w/ a pokerus virus and could possibly trade me one?
  9. James 3093 8378 4372 will add the FCs above soon.
  10. Guys, just use pokecheck.org. If you don't like the compulsory ribbon, download the .pkm file and upload it to Pokegts and then send it to your game. Ask me if you want some help with that.
  11. Can I Please have the File for these Pokemons. its kinda long I know but I need them .. Thanks
  12. Canada22, its not possible to create an egg for PKMN White/Black, PokeGTS. GTS doesn't let you send eggs for trade.
  13. THis is a really cool thing to use but its no longer letting create another poke, is there something wrong? or am i screwing it up? [{EDIT-duh found what was wrong, should have thought before posting}]
  14. Need these 2 pokemons Urgently, well, soon please (wifi trade only please as i don't have a action replay) Whimsicott Thundurus It Would Be Great to have these...
  15. I thought pokesaving eggs will be easier, so yeah… It’d be appreciated if you make them and trade over wifi please. if there’s any problem let me know please. Thanks for taking your time.. ☺
  16. AND What do you reckon? Cofagrigus has normal and fighting immunities covering for blissey's weakness and Blissey has a ghost type immunity covering up Cofagrigus weakness. Its like a replacement for the almost broken skarm/bliss combo. Im having little bit of trouble thinking up a set for Cofagrigus. Im thinking of this: Cofragrigus Ability-Mummy@Rocky helmet/Leftovers 252 HP // 252 DEF // 4 Sp.DEF Moves- ~Protect ~Calm mind ~Hex ~Toxic/Will-o-wisp Rocky helmet for that extra bit of damage when they hit Cofagrigus Physically or leftover to last a little longer, Hex for STAB along with will-o-wisp for double base power, Calm mind to cover for its Sp.Def stat and lastly protect to find out the moves your opponents are using. P.S- If you have a better set for Cofagrigus don't hesitate to tell me!
  17. I need this request to do a pokemon battle organized here in christchurch and the entry money goes to the japanese People in Sendai.
  18. id really love these two pokemons made!! Freind code:0346 8710 0162 Thanks in advance if you do this!
  19. I'd appreciate it hugely if you help! Thanks.
  20. I'm only looking for somone to create a ditto that has 31/31/31/31/31/31 ivs please (japanese if possible) and trade it over wifi . if you have a leftover ditto like the one i described above please trade it to me!
  21. Luuckyy...
  22. Hey, why not just run around a small patch of grass until it rustles then you can find audinos...
  23. i'd really like this pokemon, please and through wifi. id really love it!! Ill be eternally gratefull (literally speaking of course)
  24. sorry i just thought that was really good record overall.
  25. mine'll probably be azelf or blissey. maybe a giratina. *shudder*
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