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Everything posted by Bassman

  1. Bassman


    PM'ed about this
  2. I made your Sableye. I presume a trade is on for the normal time, provided you are around?
  3. Spencer to get a legal PID with Pokegen I had to reduce the Def IV on Scizor to 29, HP IV on Zapdos to 16 (HP Grass 69 now) and HP IV on Suicune to 26. I can use Pokesav if you prefer but I am never sure how legal the Pokemon from that are going to fare against the Legality Checker.
  4. Spencer n Aurora, you want all the Battle Stats at maximum. Do you mean at 999 (which will I believe change when they are moved out of the party) or at the level dictated by the IV's and EV's Shad99: Your Heatran and Riolu are ready
  5. You want it hatched before you receive the egg?
  6. I should be able to sort that one out for you.
  7. Download the Heatran (485) from here... http://www.pkmdb.com/PKM-Downloads-All-Generations That I would presume is the genuine article. I would think you just put in your own Trainer information to make it yours. It should give you a fair idea of what is required anyway.
  8. Not sure this will work but worth a try. Download Pokegen (first topic in the RAM section). Load you .sav file into that. You will see your Party Pokemon there on the right (with presumably one Pokemon there). If you right click each empty box and select Delete see what happens when you save the file (File then Save near the bottom of the options) and reload to your DS.
  9. Yes, you need this... http://projectpokemon.org/forums/showthread.php?2059-Tool-PKM-File-PC-Party-Converter
  10. Sorry, I managed to overlook your request. I'll get on it now. Edit: I have now made them, but my DSi is now on charge and it is getting on towards 1am so I may try to get some sleep!
  11. Hello and welcome. Not a lot else I can say really. Not big on the battling side of things. I like to mess about with Action Replays and Save editiors, though mostly for other people. I hasten to add that I have a specific HG save for that purpose though.
  12. Currently listening to "Soul Limbo" by Booker T and the MG's. One track on there being instantly familiar to UK based Cricket Fans (when the Cricket is on the BBC). I really need to find their Mclemore Avenue which was Booker T's take on Abbey Road. Dug out a couple of CD's I want to upload to my PS3 (my normal source of listening to stuff)... The Best of Styx and The Best of the Average White Band. Nice to listen to some "classics" occasionally.
  13. No problem with the Hidden Power, I'll get it the right one. Sorry another question, about Flygon. Best set of IV's would be 31,30,31,31,31,31 with a Hidden Power of Dragon(70). Is that acceptable?
  14. JJB, questions. Flygon EV's which one needs to be reduced. Confirming Hidden Power for Celebi (Ice) and Gengar (Ground) as there are two answers depending on game. Tyranitar the only way to get a legal PID is to reduce the Attack IV to 30 (all the others are 31).
  15. If you trade any old Pokemon you caught to me (FC - 0045 5592 5457 - Roger) I can find your SID. Not sure how much longer I'll be on for though. It is 1am here in the UK.
  16. Trade me any old Pokmon you caught and I can find your Secret ID. FC - 0045 5592 5457 - Roger
  17. The only way to get a Red pokemon would be if the normal or Shiny form of a Pokemon was that colour. Each Pokemon can only be one of those two colours. Checked the Pokedex in the Kanto HG/SS Guide and other than Scizor the only other normal form red Pokemon would perhaps be Groudon. Thay might be worth trying.
  18. I received a Lv 1 Shiny Chamander in a trade that I would like to keep, but am happy to edit my save so that I have an exact copy of it to keep for myself. If that is aceptable I am happy to accept any old Pokemon in return for it.
  19. The majority of my playing now is in a church music group (only bassist unfortunately though I am trying to persuade a guitarist who plays lead to have a try sometime). If the song lends itselt to it I do the melodic approach. Normally fairly straightforward but occasionally I get a little more adventurous. If the song is more rhythmic I will tie in more with the drummer. I can read music but with the bass I never use music (other than once way back when). With the stuff I mostly play now, as it is a church band there are probably hundreds of songs I need to play from memory, Even with a new song I pick it up as I go and in a lot of cases (who says music is not predictable) I can play a bassline to a song I have never heard before. OK, it may get expanded on a little subsequently... I would not attempt slap on my Yamaha as the thing cost a grand (less a pound) second hand 14 years ago. I would class myself as a 6 string bassist as I do tend to use all 6 strings (though again this is dependent on the song
  20. Stupido I checked out the original files and the legality checker highlighted the lack of country and I noticed that the original trainer information was blank (not sure how the game reacts to that as it may use your own as it does with an egg). As you are new to Pokesav please would you consider downloading Pokegen (first page of the first topic in the RAM section of the Forum). Load one of the files to and check it out. In the long run I find it much easier to use than Pokesav, especially for individual Pokemon. You can load your save to it if you have one. I have just sent a brief(ish) user guide for Pokegen for someone so I will PM it to you as well. See how you get on with it. I think you may like it. I just remebered that the PP's were zero. Pokegen sets those for you when you select the moves.
  21. We started out (of course... now I have remembered) with drums, bass and piano as the initial tracks when we did the Jazz recording. The Sax, Clarinet and Lead Guitar were added inidividually after the three of us had finished. 5 hours or so total to record 2 tracks so it wasn't too bad. It was at a friend's studio so I think we probably got more that we paid for. My first recoding was a "studio" which turned out to be pretty much someone's front room! Nothing very sophisticated then, just a reel to reel tape recorder I think. I was along to provide some bass. Never did get to hear the finished product. I think the worst bit of recording was on the album that eventually appeared on CD a few years ago that I bought online. I had to do the bass bit as an initial track with nothing at all to follow at the start of the song which was a bit difficult. I knew the song well enough (I wrote the music) but having nothing to follow until after the first verse was a pain.
  22. If you have an Action Replay (ARDS or ARDSi) then Pokesav can be used to generate an AR code that you can use to load the Pokemon to your save. For Diamond, Pearl and Platinum and an ARDSi and Micro SD card you can transfer saves between PC and DS though they need to be converted to or from .sav format. If you have an NDS Adaptor Plus you can transfer saves back and forth between the PC and DS. If you have neither of those devices post your .pkm or .sav files here and someone will be able to trade the Pokemon to you provided you have specified your Friend Code.
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