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theSLAYER last won the day on February 20

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About theSLAYER

  • Birthday 10/06/1990

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  1. I'm annoyed. I hacked in a Leafeon and Egg into a Ranch save that has the trades unlocked, but I can't seem to do the trade, despite seeing the Pokemon running around.

    1. theSLAYER


      As it turns out, (thanks to @suloku's hard work documenting the saves), the Mew and Phione was already generated on the saves, so I just had to rip them out.

      Now, if only there was a save that is right before it's generated, but already upped level, making the next thing the generation ><

    2. suloku


      Uh, this is old, did you manage to get it?

    3. theSLAYER


      I learned how to rip them out after they're generated.

      Don't have a save right before they're generated (if that's even possible)
      I wanted to collect a save for Dolphin users, since they can't connect to a DS

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