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About Darkraivids

  • Birthday 03/18/1996
  1. Same here. It comes as a audio file that doesn't do anything when you open it. When I try to put it into the Code Manager, it says that I need an NDS connected by USB to update firmware.
  2. I went to the site and got the files to update the driver, but when I try to update it, this comes up: It says to go back to the site and get the driver, but it I already did that, and it even told me that I had the right one! What do I do now?
  3. I have the same problem. Try uninstalling and reinstalling the driver. If that doesn't work, try updating the driver. And if it doesn't show the file that is required to update it, and everything else says its not made for the computer, and in your list of usb devices, it says, Unknown Device...then you got it a bad as I do. Can anyone help me with mine also? I uninstalled, reinstalled, looked at the forums, and nothing worked..
  4. Sadly, he is not obtainable.
  5. It's a remake, so yeah I would want it becuase it's one of those enhanced remakes that brings back memories and it's on the DS so it would last longer. I'm looking forward to the graphics and the gameplay as well as Kanto and Johto all over again.
  6. Since the Eevee evolutions were sacred in Ecruteak Town, they probably where Flareon for Entei, Vaporeon for Suicune, and Jolteon for Raikou. I know it sounds a bit absurd, but they were sacred there, so that would be the best explanation...I hope.
  7. Every time I played I picked a different one. Gold=Chikorita, Silver=Cyndaquil, Crystal=Totodile. This time around, I'm getting both games(HG and SS). I'll pick Cyndaquil and Totodile, just becuase they tend to be stronger at level 100. Besides, I already had a Meganium from Colosseum along with the other 2, but the Bayleef was the one I always chose in that game.
  8. I'm not entirely sure yet. I'll see how all three of them look and then I'll decide. At least Pokemon HG/SS is comming in Spring by January, hopefully.
  9. The first pokemon I trained to level 100 was Charizard in pokemon fire red, second Mewtwo. In pokemon Diamond there was Torterra then Dialga. Going to the pokemon league 100+ times really pays off with good results.
  10. Lugia was a lot easier, I didn't bother getting Ho-oh lol.
  11. In Pokemon Fire Red, I was in the power plant looking for one of those uncommon pokemon so I could try to finish the pokedex and what not. I almost didn't notice it was shiny when I encountered it. That was one of the luckiest I ever got becuase it was a shiny Electabuzz! I caught it in a repeat ball and named it "Shinybuzz". I trained it to level 50 and then I transfered it to my Pokemon Diamond and I evovled it into a Shiny Electivire. To this day I'm proud of having it even now that it is level 100. Wouldn't you want one of them too?
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