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Everything posted by PLAFiles

  1. https://www.google.com/search?q=3DS+R4+Card
  2. I can't help, but I legit laughed out loud when I saw "[spoilers]" for a 20yr+ old game.
  3. Maybe I am lucky with my cartridges then because none of mine have died yet and I bought them all within the same month of original release (U.S.). Interesting.
  4. I noticed there are literally zero Japanese Gen 2 events listed on the Event Gallery. Would anyone else be interested in trying to find these legitimate events by buying the official Japanese Gen 2 cartridges and just searching through them? You can buy them for next-to-nothing at the below URL (I have 15 carts on the way at the moment). Really trying to get some Gen 2 Events here and contribute. List of the event Pokemon: https://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/List_of_Japanese_event_Pokémon_distributions_(Generation_II) -link removed-
  5. I believe getting *from* B/W to US/UM would make use of the PokeTransporter / PokeBank, but I believe it's only a one-way trade system that way.
  6. Dang, so you must've, like, plowed through Legends: Arceus then, right? Because I think it was when the game just dropped and I happened to be on the GitHub page and noticed you already had all of the Pokémon files on it. Just genuinely curious, not trying to be smart.
  7. I don't believe so because you need to use the Checkpoint program (or similar) to back the SAV up.
  8. Is your 3DS modded? If so, just backup the Crystal SAV with something like Checkpoint and then use a SD-to-PC USB stick to get your 3DS' SD card loaded on your PC. Then, edit the SAV file with PKHeX, overwrite the old SAV file with the new one once you make whatever changes you want, then put the SD back into your 3DS and open up Checkpoint again to restore the new SAV file. If you want simple trading from 3DS to PC, not sure.
  9. Ok, just tried wiping the cart via the cart dumper, started new game, saved game, dumped the SAV, and looks like there's no more random Pokémon in my PC boxes or anything. Cool.
  10. Question about this whole RoC's PC thing, though. Are all of these Pokémon legitimately captured/traded in-game by you yourself? Or do you gen them in PKHeX to appear legal? Because the Legends: Arceus Pokémon files were uploaded pretty dang quick at the time. Just always been curious. And yes, I know on the GitHub it says, "...through my own game-play, The Global Terminal, friends, and more" but I'm basically wondering if the "and more" part means via PKHeX and whatnot.
  11. Oh wow, yes actually. Tons of names in Japanese (that I can't read) and they're levels 170, 168, 170, 11, etc. I'm noticing anytime I'm pressing A or B while in the PC, it either won't do anything or it totally glitches the game out. Like just now, I just kept pressing A and now my game screen turned a super dark Red color and froze. Any way to fix corruption like that? Because this happened on a brand new save file. Not sure if the previous save file (with all 8 Badges) was glitched out or not and that somehow carried into a new save file or what.
  12. I was saying nobody knows when the update will be released.
  13. Nope! nobody but the devs do When it's out, it's out basically.
  14. Not that I know of, lol. I just randomly made that name when I was a kid.
  15. For what game?.... I'll assume Legends: Arceus. If so, PKHeX needs to be updated since the new Arceus update changed the SAV file size.
  16. Read that part again. Apparently, the new Arceus update increased the SAV file size. Gotta wait for PKHeX to be updated to support that.
  17. So, the JPN Red game had the entire game completed when I checked on my GBC, then I immediately backed it up with my cart dumper, and whatever it backed up is what I uploaded here. After dumping and putting the cart back into my GBC, the save file got wiped and I only have "New Game" and "Options." But this also happened with my U.S. Crystal until I had to fix some stuff on the actual cartridge board. Every other game I dumped/restored was fine.
  18. Actually, no, I can't. PokeDex just shows 1 (my starter). Interesting.
  19. Just dumped my LG SAV file and I checked the Pokémon on it and one, a Charmeleon, says it's illegal because: Help? It's the Charmeleon that I got from when I first started the game yearssss ago with a Charmander.
  20. Japanese Red. On cartridge. I started a New Game, instantly saved, then loaded my SAV in PKHeX and every box, except Box 1, is full of random Pokémon like this. Why?
  21. Hi. Something disastrous happened to my Gen 1/2 SAV files. Anyone have a source for JPN SAV files? Specifically, for the game beaten, but anything will do.
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