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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/01/20 in Posts

  1. .IsNicknamed=True on batch editor
    2 points
  2. Full Documents Related to the Distribution, the full copy of Pokemon Power Volume 6 is attached to this post: In the Fall of 1998 Nintendo Power held a contest to “Win Mew for your Pokémon collection!” 151 winners of this contest would be given the chance to mail their cartridge into the Nintendo Power Headquarters and receive it back with a brand-new mew on their game save. Contest winners were notified by mail by 2/28/1999 that they had won the contest, making this the earliest known Mew distribution in the west. Recently while browsing reddit, I ran across a post from Th4tGuyUKn0 showcasing his Original Red cartridge that was one of the lucky recipients of this contest. After scrolling through the thread, Th4tGuyUKn0 stated that the battery on the game had not yet dried out; upon reading this I immediately messaged him explaining Project Pokémon and asked him if he would be interested in dumping his game save. Luckily, he was all for it! The only problem was he could not remember which of his five Pokémon cartridges he left the mew on, and did not want to risk draining the more than two decades old cartridge battery by checking. Th4tGuyUKn0 graciously decided to send me all of his cartridges so that I could backup the saves and hopefully find the mew. With the amazing research done by @suloku on these save files, we are confident that we have found the Mew in question. In the Pokemon Blue game save we discovered a Mew with the TID 51273 (the same Mew ID# printed on the back of the cartridge) and the OT ‘MARIO’. Suloku has concluded that this Mew is definitely legit. It shares the exact same DVs as the YOSHIBA Mew, matches Mew machine distributions data-wise, and has the same OT Nintendo character naming convention that several forum posts from 2000~ reference. While this does raise questions about what distribution the supposed ‘NINTEN’ Mews are a part of, this Nintendo Power Mew is most certainly legit. Suloku was also able to find the Mew in the red save file as a deleted Pokémon (moved or deleted pokémon can be found in box savedata if it was not overwritten by another pokémon being stored in the same slot). Attached is the the .pk1 of the 1998 Nintendo Power 'MARIO' Mew. Thanks very much again to Th4tGuyUKn0 for sending and trusting us with these cartridges and Suloku for all of the great research, none of this would have been possible without them. Happy holidays and enjoy! 151 - MEW - C23C.pk1 Pokemon Power vol 6.pdf
    1 point
  3. Hello everyone, today I bring you yet another Gen I Mew contribution, this time thanks to Vezokair who was kind enough to share the Mew with all of us. A month ago TotalTS contacted me about this reddit post where Vezokair was asking for help to determine if the Pokémon Red cartridge she just bought contained a legit Mew on it, as there was a distribution in Finland and the OT and TID matched the known data about the distribution. She posted this image, but the mew is not fully stat (EV) trained so DV (or IV) data couldn't be accurately calculated and know if it had the known fixed DVs gen I mews had. I contacted Vezokair and talked about the possibilty of dumping the savegame and preserving the mew, and she was willing to help, so after exposing several backup options she decided to acquire a backup device and a couple days ago I was sent the dumped savefile. She also told me the savefile seems to have been glitched in some way and that there are multiple mews on it, but after analizing the data of the mews and comparing the data with other known legit distributions we have these were my conclusions: - All of the mews present in the savefile are clones of the same mew (only difference is stat experience which is normal if the mew were used after cloning). - The original mew (or all of them) were stored in a generation II game at some point and the held item was removed or used (bitter berry) before cloning and transfering to this cartridge. - All the data in the mew(s) indicate it is a legitimate mew. My hypothesis: original owner traded the mew to gen 2 for pokedex completion and gameplay use. At some point the mew got confused and used the bitter berry it got when traded to gen 2. Later that mew was cloned multiple times (since box cloning in gen 2 games was a really easy method) and then they were trasnfered to the pokémon Red cartridge Vezokair bought. This is the third european Mew were are able to collect, the fourth if we count the spanish mew (it has a bogus story and different DVs, you can read the story in it's own thread). Due to fixed DVs it is not interesting gameplay wise, but as preservation is concerned and the batteries being almost dry every single event pokémon we can get is gold. Best regards FINLAND MEW.zip
    1 point
  4. In other news, I moved the thread cause it did not belong in events contribution. This thread didn't contribute any events, and as such, did not belong there. Just leaving my reasoning behind, do carry on as per normal.
    1 point
  5. This is a legit Norway Mew for GEN 1 Pokemon games, distributed by Club Nintendo. TID: 10595 OT: NORWAY The Club Nintendo Mew distribution ran in Norway from October 15th 2000, to November 20th 2000 and required you to be a Club Nintendo member to receive a Mew. Club Nintendo members could post their game cartridge to Club Nintendo, Nedre Rommen 5, 0988 OSLO. Once the cartridge was received by Nintendo a Mew would be distributed to it, before the game cartridge was posted back. This Mew was obtained by Digiex Member Golden Toilette back when he was 9 years old. So do send a big thanks his way for preserving this Mew 19 years later. Magazine Scans and Translation: Download: Club Nintendo Norway Mew.zip Included is the original save, the extracted Level 100 Norway Mew and also the Mew reverted to Level 5. All credit to Golden Toilette for this release, he sent everything my way on Digiex so I could write up and share it for everyone to enjoy.
    1 point
  6. Hello to all fellow Pokémon fans and trainers! As I had found my Pokémon Yellow save file to be still alive and containing probably the rarest still-living distribution Mew (or at least one of the rarest), I decided to share with everybody. But first, let me tell you a short story here. When I was about 10 years old, my parents took me with them to receive Mew on my GB cartridges, and I was excited like never before! Of course, I did know nothing about the glitch back then, so this felt even more special to me. The event, as I remember, took place on 2 days (friday and saturday) only, and from talking to all of my friends, it seems that event was only held in Vienna, Austria, and only in one small shop called "Jipitoy" in the shopping mall "Gerngross". Even without knowing all this, it is the most cherished memory since. I am so thankful that my parents made it possible to receive this Mew on both, red and yellow version. I want to share my happiness and joy with all of you, so you can experience it too. The game saves I extracted with a GB01 cart reader from submodule.co, which I paid about 64€ for (incl. shipping). On my journey to restore and backup saves, I lost the game save of red (through a different device, called Mega Memory Card, which also was about 60€ ... pathetic device ...) but was able to distribute the yellow one to other cartridges too. I even bought a blue cartridge, so I can provide you all three versions of the Gen-1 games with that Mew. It was very hard to remember all the details about the distribution event, I found out that the original shop was shut down many years ago, but with a little support from the new shop there I was able to get the shop's name at least. Not even Nintendo of Austria was able to find any further details, as I requested them to share with me. Back then, not only were these events rare in Europe but also not recorded online, or poorly. DrLava and SnorlaxMonster from Twitter / Bulbapedia helped me a lot with this project full of passion. You can find me on Twitter too, if you want to say "Hi" or just wanna share your excitement and happiness with me. --> DocMartin_HG p.s. see entry on Bulbapedia: AUSTRIA Mew (Jipitoy 2000) p.p.s. note, that the ".sav" files are in german language. (scroll down to download) EDIT August 20th / 2020: I uploaded pk1 files of both, the stock condition and the trained condition from my original savefiles. Have fun but PLEASE don't forget to inform me beforehand and credit me if you forward data to a third person. Pokémon Blaue Edition.sav Pokémon Gelbe Edition Special Pikachu Edition.sav Pokémon Rote Edition.sav 151 - MEW - AUSTRIA Lv40 EV trained.pk1 151 - MEW - AUSTRIA Jipitoy 2000 Lv5 event condition.pk1
    1 point
  7. No problem. I’m afraid I did check all my save files to that site and these two mews were the only events that were there sadly. Still I was very surprised to even find these
    1 point
  8. Ok so I think I have found another one. It’s a different trainer but the same one as mentioned above by @TotalTS being ヨッシー same IVs and it’s level 100. I will upload save file but just to show I’m not making this up any scrutiny of these save files is welcome and here is a pic to show I’ve gone through an aweful lot of cartridges to find these two
    1 point
  9. I uploaded Japanese Generation I Pokemon PKM Files. Nintendo Space World '97 Makuhari Mew is also in a separate file. Everything is a non-nurtured Pokemon. Since the Japanese version and specifications are different, they can not be used with International version. Postscript: I corrected the filename of the compressed file containing Mew. Japanese Generation I Pokemon PKM Files.7z Makuhari Mew.7z
    1 point
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