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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/14/19 in all areas

  1. I made a personal.garc editor for Pokemon X/Y and OR/AS: Use it like you would RSWE or RSTE. XY Garc is a/2/1/8. RS Garc is a/1/9/5. Source is available on my github: https://github.com/SciresM/Personal-Editor Download link: Personal Editor.zip
    1 point
  2. It's a shame https://teamcity.projectpokemon.org/ is down with a 502 Bad Gateway error; I suppose individual tools will have to do until it's either up, or the pk3DS GitHub has an actual release as a backup measure.
    1 point
  3. This site has some really good pictures - http://pokemoncenternewyork.weebly.com/gaming-distribution-events.html For the visitor, you would put your game (Gold, Silver, or Crystal) into the machine. There was a cartridge slot. You would get a cool video showing what Pokemon you got (or just an egg). From my understanding and memory, the distributions were powered by Gamecubes (specifically development units, they were green when they opened the machines). Changing the distribution involved switching the disc that was in the Gamecube. They would sometimes switch the disc for special circumstances (far out of town visitor wanting Celebi) and sometimes might forget to put the disc into all four units. Another somewhat common occurrence was the machines would accidentally delete the save file. In this case, staff would bribe you with some shiny event Pokemon and additional eggs. Each week a hidden tag was put in your game, so you couldn't repeat an event. There were ways around it. I think I used something called a "Monster Brain" and if the staff forgot to switch all the machines, hopping between the two machines seemed to suffice. When examining Pokemon data, keep in mind some of them have been leveled up and not all of them may have come from the Crystal game, Zubat certainly came from Crystal. The battery on my brother's game failed earlier than the Crystal.
    1 point
  4. I was just sent this link via email, amazing news important enough for me to log in again and reply. This is the most important Pokemon distribution device to surface so far! I'm still curious about these things to know when they show up, even if they're of no use to me these days. I stand by willing to help if in need, or with any sort information related. Glad to see extraordinary finds are indeed not yet over and passed! Keep us updated.
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