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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/08/19 in all areas

  1. Yeah, apparently this is the thing. You need to drag the event, view it then set it again. This worked for me, thank you so much! Hope it helps people until a fix or something isn't released. Thank you!
    1 point
  2. @Kaphotics it appears that directly dragging it into a WC slot, without viewing it then setting it, is what's causing the problem. (I was able to replicate the issue) @DonateloGM in the mean time, there's a way for it to work. I'm using latest PKHeX (which I download directly from here, our site). All I did was: 1. Load the save in PKHeX 2. Drag the WC6 into the mystery gift window (and if you're skeptical, I used the exact copy you uploaded.) 3. I view the wonder card, and set it into the slot. (right click on the icon and you'll see those options) 4. Save the save as "main" using PKHeX. 5. Load up the game. Didn't modify any events flags or anything. Literally those 5 steps.
    1 point
  3. Why are you making multiple posts with the same content? Date on wonder card is based on receiving system (3DS), not the sender (server). Person could have received the file on the correct, but the 3DS' date was incorrect. It is not a problem.
    1 point
  4. If you're referring to trades: Cart / VC Gen 1: (ENG FRE GER ITA SPA) <-/-> (JPN) VC Gen 2: (ENG FRE GER ITA SPA) <-/-> (JPN) <-/-> (KOR GS) [includes Time Capsule] Cart Gen2: (ENG FRE GER ITA SPA KOR GS) <-/-> (JPN) [includes Time Capsule] [Note: While Korean GS can communicate with the international games, the trades aren't 100% perfect, due to characters used in names] Gen 3: No regional lock for trades (note: No KOR Gen 3 games) Gen 4: Every language can connect with each other, with the exception of Korean games. Gen 5 and onwards: No restrictions for multi-regional trades
    1 point
  5. I found a way that involves modifying your own save, but it required copying a bit of data from a working save. These are the modifications I've made. Offsets I indicate were copied from my save to your save: 0x2500 to 0x25A7 and 0x25B0 to 0x261F (Coordinates of goodsave + extra unidentified data) Also copied these offsets to the second block ( + 0x40000) Then, used PKHeX to fix the checksums of the save When the game loads, open the menu, view Pokédex, and exit, and the map would load. Your save: POKEMON P test.sav
    1 point
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