amh7912 Posted April 11, 2010 Posted April 11, 2010 I am sure there won't be one, but if there was I would want it like I said. And I'm pretty sure that's what they were talking about, but FR/LG means that the idea a third one is guarenteed is an incorrect idea.
RenegadeShroom Posted April 11, 2010 Posted April 11, 2010 Quote And as for the people talking about the "inevitable third game", I ask that you look at FireRed and LeafGreen. At the very least I doubt that there will be a Crystal remake. What? There will be a third game. Think of it like this: The first two are prototypes, then the third one is the actual thing. And FR/LG didn't have WaterBlue/LightningYellow because they were remakes, they didn't need another remake for themselves. It's incredibly unlikely that there won't be a 'Grey' version.
mewmart Posted April 11, 2010 Posted April 11, 2010 Maybe everyone should just not argue about whether is it good or not, and just enjoy the games when they come ?
AtomicGreymon Posted April 11, 2010 Posted April 11, 2010 amh7912 said: And I'm pretty sure that's what they were talking about, but FR/LG means that the idea a third one is guarenteed is an incorrect idea. Those of us talking about the "inevitable 3rd version" were talking about Gen V's equivalent of Blue (in Japan), Crystal, Emerald, or Platinum. Basically, the enhanced remake. Gen V's is likely to be a 3DS title, as the DS will be completely dead by the time it comes out.
amh7912 Posted April 11, 2010 Posted April 11, 2010 Remember Platinum? It came out with a large set of wifi features. Which would have been great if I could regulary use wifi, and I could have if they had added the single feature of being able to use the DSis advanced connections. But they didn't, so I almost didn't get it. The I kinda assumned they would have added it to HG/SS.(Rather ticked they didn't). Since Pokemon seems to be ignoring the "new features" I think the idea of the third game working on the new system is kinda ridiculous. It would be nice, but I'm betting the 3DS will have backwards compatibility instead.
AtomicGreymon Posted April 11, 2010 Posted April 11, 2010 amh7912 said: Remember Platinum? It came out with a large set of wifi features. Which would have been great if I could regulary use wifi, and I could have if they had added the single feature of being able to use the DSis advanced connections. But they didn't, so I almost didn't get it. The I kinda assumned they would have added it to HG/SS.(Rather ticked they didn't). Since Pokemon seems to be ignoring the "new features" I think the idea of the third game working on the new system is kinda ridiculous. It would be nice, but I'm betting the 3DS will have backwards compatibility instead. I'm not sure exactly what you're trying to say. The 3DS is already known to have backwards compatibility (meaning it can play DS games, and probably access the DSi store to download DSi Ware, as well), however unlike the DSi, the 3DS is a next-generation successor to the DS. The only real Wi-Fi advantage the DSi has over earlier models is compatibility with WPA security; of course you can only do that if you're playing a DSi game, as the feature isn't backwards compatible with older DS games. For this reason, it would've been silly for Platinum to have included the feature; regular DS users would've been left out in the cold. There's also the fact that Platinum came out before the DSi. The 3rd version of Gen V isn't likely to come out until sometime in 2012... by then the 3DS will have been on the market for well over a year, perhaps even a year and a half. The DS/DSi will be dead (and buried) at that point, no argument about it. I'm sure Nintendo will continue to sell DSi's and XL's for some time after the 3DS launches (maybe even as long as a year), but new titles will slowly peter out; and the quality of these games will decrease even more quickly. The 3DS will be the primary focus of both Nintendo, and its high-quality developers. There's no way Game Freak will publish another main series game on the DS after Black & White. The enhanced remake of B&W will be a 3DS title.
amh7912 Posted April 11, 2010 Posted April 11, 2010 You still skipped over one detail. Why weren't HG and SS made DSi games?
AtomicGreymon Posted April 11, 2010 Posted April 11, 2010 amh7912 said: You still skipped over one detail. Why weren't HG and SS made DSi games? For the same reason there has only been 2 or 3 DSi-exclusive cartridges released in the year and a half the DSi has been on the market. The vast majority of DS owners still have Phats or Lites, and have no interest in updating to the DSi, since it's only a redesign and not a brand new generation. If Hg/Ss had been DSi-exclusives, then Nintendo would've lost out on the huge sales to Phat and Lite owners. The 3DS is the next-generation of handheld (like the move from the GBA to DS Phat), and inevitably people will either upgrade or lose the ability to play new games. That isn't a choice, whereas it was up to users if they wanted to go out and buy a DS Lite if the already had a Phat, or a DSi if they already had one of the other two types of earlier DS.
amh7912 Posted April 11, 2010 Posted April 11, 2010 I meant make it capable of working on the other DSs, but be able to use the adcanced connections. So DSi enhanced, not DSi exclusive.
AtomicGreymon Posted April 11, 2010 Posted April 11, 2010 amh7912 said: I meant make it capable of working on the other DSs, but be able to use the adcanced connections. So DSi enhanced, not DSi exclusive. Not sure if that would be possible; I haven't used any DSi-enhanced Wi-Fi games, so I have no idea how it works. WPA is hardly "advanced", anyway. I'll admit that it should've been included in the DS from day 1; WEP is a joke.
Mewtwo Ex Posted April 11, 2010 Posted April 11, 2010 I am not sure why people are still calling that gen 5. Are they blind and don't they know that it's on the generation 4 handheld? Until the new 3DS is released, we are still in gen 4.
AtomicGreymon Posted April 11, 2010 Posted April 11, 2010 Mewtwo Ex said: I am not sure why people are still calling that gen 5. Are they blind and don't they know that it's on the generation 4 handheld? Until the new 3DS is released, we are still in gen 4. While I'm inclined to agree, the fact there are new Pokemon in these games is probably enough to qualify them as Gen V (though I'm not particularly happy with the graphics).
Mewtwo Ex Posted April 11, 2010 Posted April 11, 2010 TM2-Megatron said: While I'm inclined to agree, the fact there are new Pokemon in these games is probably enough to qualify them as Gen V (though I'm not particularly happy with the graphics). This will become a conundrum. A new batch of Pokemon on an old device... When has that been? We appear to be in Generation 4. 1/2.
AtomicGreymon Posted April 11, 2010 Posted April 11, 2010 Mewtwo Ex said: This will become a conundrum. A new batch of Pokemon on an old device... When has that been? We appear to be in Generation 4. 1/2. Well, Gold/Silver were playable on the old 1989 Game Boys. Granted, they looked like completely different games when run on a GBC... and color alone added quite a bit to Gen II, despite the overall similarity in graphics and sprites. Color was something Gen I just didn't have; period. This, on the other hand... as stated, the camera hack for Hg/Ss allows you to shift the angle in those games to approximate what we're seeing so far in these screenshots. It's true that these screens look better, but I think that's mostly because this time the feature is being officially implemented, and the buildings and such are designed with the increased depth of field in mind. The few instances of this we actualy got officially in Hg/Ss (on the roof of Celadon Mansion, and halfway up Olivine Lighthouse), it was very similar to these Gen V visuals. Whether the engine is exactly the same or not, it's clear that it hasn't been upgraded very much; and GF seems to be trying to cover for that by implementing the 3D camera angles on a wide-scale, to give the illusion of more improvement than is really there. Ultimately, though, it probably isn't entirely their fault. Nintendo left the DS around for quite a long time, and apparently they didn't tell Game Freak about the 3DS early enough for B&W to be made as launch titles. The end result of that procrastination is that we're apparently beginning a new generation of Pokemon with a handheld that's likely to be displaced within 2-3 months of the games' release date.
Illithian Posted April 11, 2010 Posted April 11, 2010 So it begins. Again. Ah, what a repetitive cycle. Mewtwo Ex said: I am not sure why people are still calling that gen 5. Are they blind and don't they know that it's on the generation 4 handheld? Until the new 3DS is released, we are still in gen 4. Also, Mewtwo, consider: R/B/Y and G/S/C were both on the Gameboy Color, but they are considered separate generations because G/S/C had new pokemon and was in a new region. B/W is much the same in relation to D/P/P.
Akothegreat Posted April 11, 2010 Posted April 11, 2010 I saw the scans, and 3D just got more 3D but looks like the zoom hack Edit: @Illithian but RBY and GS can be played on the first gameboy, only Crystal doesn't work there as it needs to be in color
japzone Posted April 11, 2010 Posted April 11, 2010 I'm getting tired of watching you guys fight over this. Look sure you used a camera Hack on HG/SS to make it in that side view but doesn't that prove that the DS can still do more? And Consider this, You had to HACK it to do that, it's not the normal gameplay that everyday users can see and it proves that the DS still has more to offer. Another thing I think it would be a great idea for Nintendo to make B/W a DS game but add some great 3DS enhanced Features (Like Better 3D graphics, a better 3D battle system, ect...) it'd be great incentive for people to buy the 3DS. Just like what they did with G/S, You could play them on the Gameboy but if you played them on GameboyColor you got better graphics and features. Who knows what they could do depending on what the 3DS can do. I mean all it takes to do something like that is add more memory and if they can put 32gb in an SD card they can add more memory to a DS cartridge. And Just Like Crystal "Gray" will be 3DS only. PS: B/W are Generation V
AtomicGreymon Posted April 11, 2010 Posted April 11, 2010 Illithian said: Also, Mewtwo, consider: R/B/Y and G/S/C were both on the Gameboy Color, but they are considered separate generations because G/S/C had new pokemon and was in a new region. B/W is much the same in relation to D/P/P. Going by the logos on the games' boxes, R/B/Y were for the original Game Boy and G/S/C were for the Game Boy Color. Gold and Silver were playable on the original Game Boy models, yeah, but like I said they looked like completely different games when played on a GBC. B&W basically looks like Hg/Ss with the camera angles changed, and the environment redesigned to take advantage of that. The actual graphics seem barely improved. japzone said: I'm getting tired of watching you guys fight over this.Look sure you used a camera Hack on HG/SS to make it in that side view but doesn't that prove that the DS can still do more? And Consider this, You had to HACK it to do that, it's not the normal gameplay that everyday users can see and it proves that the DS still has more to offer. All it proves is that none of the current Pokemon games took full advantage of the DS; not that a 6 year-old, dying handheld has anything new to offer. As I mentioned, Hg/Ss briefly used 3-D angles like we're seeing so far in B&W (roof of Celadon Mansion, and halfway up Olivine Lighthouse)... clearly they were testing it out in that game, and merely expanded it for use in the whole game for B&W. The actual graphics probably can't be improved, because they've hit the limit of what the DS can do with a game as large as Pokemon.
Fawful Of Ice Posted April 11, 2010 Posted April 11, 2010 please stop megatron..... be happy there are new pokemon games altogether, and rember this to, some people might not be able to afford a 3DS, i assume it will be VERY expencive.......
amh7912 Posted April 11, 2010 Posted April 11, 2010 Well the Gamecube cost 100 bucks at release, the DSi cost 160, and the wii like 200. Doing the math... I'ld guess somewhere between 180 and 250 in US dollars.
mewmart Posted April 11, 2010 Posted April 11, 2010 Seems like it might be possible for Black and White to be on the 3DS as well, can't really eliminate that possiblility, judging from the discussions.
Zetaphrem Posted April 11, 2010 Posted April 11, 2010 I keep coming back to the this thread for news on the new Gen games but it's just pages upon pages of people arguing about what system is gonna be played on? Who cares where I play it, I just want to play it. Where do we talk about the pokedex, possible evolutions, Dragon-type Eevee, unused Japan regions? I've been playing pokemon since RED, I own every main-series game, and I didn't buy them all upon release, same goes for systems, much like a lot of players. Again, doesn't matter what system it comes out on, we will play them, regardless, whether they blow our minds, or just repeat R/B/Y. That's because we are all nerds. Soooo, how about that dragon-type eeveelution...Drakeon???
amh7912 Posted April 11, 2010 Posted April 11, 2010 My vote is for Souleon, the one they can all evolve into.
tkdtju Posted April 11, 2010 Posted April 11, 2010 How about this after they have released ways for an evee to evolve into all different types have a side version similar to yellow but have evee as your starter and instead of catching a legendary you find a stone that would evolve your evee or any evolution of it into an eevolution similar to arceus where it can be any type depending on a held item or based on environment or something eh????
MACandCHEEZWIZ1 Posted April 11, 2010 Posted April 11, 2010 @ Pokemon walkthrough help That is spam. It does not belong in a news thread. @ Everyone else Obviously, we're gonna need a seperate "Black and White Speculation/Discussion" thread. We have no proof of anything so far, so we should probably seperate what we know (news articles) from what we speculate. THERE, WE SHALL ENGAGE IN WAR!
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