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It seems that this program doesnt work in HG/SS but i tested on platinum and it worked perfectly

EDIT: It looks like it randomly chooses to work or not because now it wont connect on platinum i have all my firewalls off and all ports open and its not changing from saying waiting connection...

EDIT2: I was mistaken my ports were not open it turns out, it seems to be working now.

EDIT3: doesnt seem to work all the time but it does work

Edited by Scarface
  Wichu said:
We can get the DS card to connect to a fake GTS server, but what about the other way round? I tried writing a program to connect to the real GTS, without much success. I tried connecting to the GTS server, referring to the wiki page, but it gave me a 403 error. The request I sent was:

GET /pokemondpds/worldexchange/info.asp?pid=117094747 HTTP/1.1

Host: gamestats2.gs.nintendowifi.net

User-Agent: GameSpyHTTP/1.0

Connection: close

I'm assuming the DS games have to 'log on' first to get a unique PID, right? Has this been figured out?

Does anyone know anything about this? :(


So this may not be of any use to anyone, but it was useful to me and so I figured I'd share.

I messed with Vlad's python code a little bit so that it would rotate through pokemon that I had in a folder when giving pokemon out. Also, it will never go to the "Summery" screen in the GTS, it will just always send the pokeball down whenever you get to the GTS computer.

Just some minor tweaks that were annoying me, and it helped me to learn some python. Just put the pokemon you want to give out in the pkm folder and it will cycle through them in the order they appear in the directory. (hint: to change the order, just rename the files with numbers at the front. So the first pokemon to give out would be 001zubat.pkm instead of zubat.pkm.)


dns_and_pkm_srv_rlet.zipFetching info...


I managed to get this work once with Wi-Fi USB connector.

Then every time after that I kept getting error code 00000 and was forced to turn off my DS.

  Pingouin7 said:
I managed to get this work once with Wi-Fi USB connector.

Then every time after that I kept getting error code 00000 and was forced to turn off my DS.

You get that error when you walk up to the PC once you're inside the GTS? If so, that means the pokemon you're trying to send has something wrong with it.



Using your GTS is there a way to see a summary of what Pokemon are currently in and what Pokemon are currently wanted? It would be great to use this to run a request GTS. People could deposit anything and seek something, then I could whip it up in Pokesav and send it out to em.

Oh and thanks for this program, it works great.

  kickhopper said:

Using your GTS is there a way to see a summary of what Pokemon are currently in and what Pokemon are currently wanted? It would be great to use this to run a request GTS. People could deposit anything and seek something, then I could whip it up in Pokesav and send it out to em.

Oh and thanks for this program, it works great.

The only function it does not have is the search function everything else works, yes you can see the summary


No, I meant a full summary of all the Pokemon currently in the GTS and all Pokemon currently wanted.

And if it's true there is no search function, how would people actually use it then? Without a search function the only use it has is to convert Pokemon on your game to Pkm files on the computer.

  kickhopper said:
No, I meant a full summary of all the Pokemon currently in the GTS and all Pokemon currently wanted.

And if it's true there is no search function, how would people actually use it then? Without a search function the only use it has is to convert Pokemon on your game to Pkm files on the computer.

Actually i managed to swap pokemon. for example

I deposit a pokemon from my SS game and my Platinum,and by swapping the filenames in the folder Current i was able to swap the pokemon completely

  Scarface said:
Actually i managed to swap pokemon. for example

I deposit a pokemon from my SS game and my Platinum,and by swapping the filenames in the folder Current i was able to swap the pokemon completely

It's cool and all but pretty pointless since you could have just used sendpkm on each game for the same effect. Less steps and easier.

@Tritlo I wasn't saying it was a bad thing, it's pretty useful for checking IVs and Secret IDs. I was just checking to see if I missed something.

  kickhopper said:
It's cool and all but pretty pointless since you could have just used sendpkm on each game for the same effect. Less steps and easier.

@Tritlo I wasn't saying it was a bad thing, it's pretty useful for checking IVs and Secret IDs. I was just checking to see if I missed something.

The way i do it enables people to trade Pokemon if they only have 1 ds

  kickhopper said:
Without a search function the only use it has is to convert Pokemon on your game to Pkm files on the computer.

Yes, that is the only use of the program for the moment, I don't know what you expected...

That's pretty useful however if, like me, you don't have any way to extract your save and you want the .pkm of your Pokémon.


Being able to get a legit .pkm of your own game is pretty nice.

Also, other people could deposit pokemon to you and then take them back, basically giving you that pokemon.


That way, we can restart our game without having to trade over heaps of Pokémon.


I must say this is certainly an impressive project. I'm into studying and implementing protcols myself, so this is really fun for me. Unfortunately, it seems I can't do a broadcast over the internet using the DNS server (both Vlad's and M@T's). This screenshot shows the attempted connection results:


Then it stalls and my DS throws error code 52100.

This is most likely due to Comcast being my ISP and blocking port 80. The AutoIT script that checks the ports appears to confim this. I'm guessing there is no work-around. I have a webserver (not on my own machine) that is available for trying to run Vlad's GTS that I found in his signature. However, the readme included is not helpful at all. I'm competent in all aspects of web design except for using the Python script. I was able to create the database and everything else though.

Help would be appriciated. Thanks in advance.

EDIT: Thought I'd note it's a CentOS server. This will probably mean it won't work.


You are not understanding what i am saying, i upload a pokemon to the gts then send it to another ds instead of using legal/hacked pokemon

  Scarface said:
You are not understanding what i am saying, i upload a pokemon to the gts then send it to another ds instead of using legal/hacked pokemon

No, I get it. You don't seem to be understanding it would be easier if you just used sendpkm to send a Pokemon to that other game instead of having him deposit something, then swap it with another Pokemon. Your method is something we would have been doing if this GTS was created before sendpkm, since it came after though this method is a novelty.


I think that the easiest way is to use my program to get the .pkm, then send it to the other game with sendpkm.

  kickhopper said:
No you just made it sound like a full working GTS instead of a glorified Pokemon depository.

I never intended to make a full working GTS server, read more carefuly :

  M@T said:
I am currently making a VB.NET program that acts as a GTS server, allowing users to deposit/retrive a Pokémon and saving a .pkm of every Pokémon it receives (but no "search" function yet, so no real trading).


I need some help....

Whenever i send a pokemon using the GTS_nuker i have to keep pasting the path to the pokemon in the nuker... could someone please help me?

Also should i be using the sendpkm.py file to get my dns and then use the nuker... it seemed to work for me....

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