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Everything posted by 5P33DY1

  1. I have a question; Ok, so I use the multisender program, similar to the nuker, and I was wondering how you prevent a GTS ID from receiving the same pokemon more than once. I'm planning on using this program for 4th gen games only at the moment, but this is probably an important step before i get this on the road... Any help with this would be greatly appreaciated ^^
  2. Yo! I need some help.... Whenever i send a pokemon using the GTS_nuker i have to keep pasting the path to the pokemon in the nuker... could someone please help me? Also should i be using the sendpkm.py file to get my dns and then use the nuker... it seemed to work for me....
  3. I know this may have already been answered but its hard to go through every single thing... but could someone please explain how to actually 'distribute' the .pkm files to more than one person and would the distribution method work the same for any operating system not just windows (i use linux - fedora)
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