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  Destati said:
I think you should also replace the jigglypuff sprite with my avatar

Disgusting. No offense.

Anyways, for the Pokemon Types, I think you should make it side-by-side rather than stacked. It`s not a significant change, but makes the page a bit shorter.


Looking good so far, SCV... Congrats.

My suggestion would be to make sure it looks good on both Internet Explorer and Mozilla Firefox primarily, and then move onto other browsers such as Opera and Safari.

Just to make sure it's nice and accessable by all standards, so as to say you don't prefer one browser over another. Keep it Switzerland.

  xeomyr said:
greaatttt ...

rather than listing the pokemon by number , i prefer alphabetically xD

Control key plus F key then type in the name of the pokemon you want to find and bam!

i hope the pokedex will be much much better than the serebii's one xD

Me too!

  SCV said:

You cannot use ctrl+f ? Or do you mean in navigation at the top of a pokedex page, other than the main page?

yeah .. i mean the navigation in the top of pokedex, if you don't mind, it's better to also provide alphabetical navigation xD


Ok, I've noticed lots of people have said they want it in alphabetical order...well use Control Key plus F key and a window at the bottom of the screen will pop up. Type in the name of the pokemon you are looking for and it will find that text. Then click on the name and bam you are at its page.


I really like this Pokédex so far, it's probably one of the most visually aesthetic ones I've seen.

Personally, I prefer the numerical/generation sorting, but it WOULD be beneficial to perhaps have an alphabetical sorting in the navigation as an option as well.

I agree with whomever mentioned the base colouring of tables on the pages. I like how the tables are set out, but might I suggest a slight grey tinting on cells indicative of table/column/row titles? I feel it might break up the table more effectively and put more emphasis on the data below them.

In the abilities cells, I personally feel it would be better to keep them together, rather than separate them into separate cells. I just feel that the way they are make them look like completely separate aspects of a Pokémon. (Considering that one Pokémon with two ability types has one with the "Abilities" title bolded in the top cell, but not the other.) If you were to merge the cells, to separate the differences in Pokémon ability might work if you put the ability description between parentheses and italicise the text.

(Sorry, I realise that's a lot of me blah-ing on. I've been following this site religiously for the last couple of weeks.)


Yes, the pokedex does look great. However, the lacking of egg moves can really put a damper on strategy makers. If the move pool of a pokemon grows more diverse as the ways to obtain the moves get harder such as breeding and move tutoring and this info is lacking in our pokedex then it is a real downside. However, I know that admins are working hard on this site and they are expecting nothing less then perfection for it. It is amazing how much is there already though so props to the admins for that.

Additionally, the addition and more incorporation of color to the pokedex would probably be greatly appreciated. Although it is the content (steak) that matters the coloring and appearance (sizzle) also makes it more attractive and makes it more liable to be used by other non members. So the steak may be well cooked but the sizzle makes it taste absolutely fabulous. (I hope you got my comparison there)

  Cruithne said:

(Sorry, I realise that's a lot of me blah-ing on. I've been following this site religiously for the last couple of weeks.)

No, thank you. That is precisely how I would like all suggestions to be.


I do have a couple more questions:

Is there a place for reporting lexical errors? Or can I do so here?

Also, I think with the fact that many Pokémon evolve with the use of items/held-items & trade, would there be need of linking these item graphics to a future item-dex or would you be putting item locations as additional information on the current Pokédex pages?

pokemonfan: Dude, you totally made me hungry.

  Cruithne said:
I do have a couple more questions:

Is there a place for reporting lexical errors? Or can I do so here?

Also, I think with the fact that many Pokémon evolve with the use of items/held-items & trade, would there be need of linking these item graphics to a future item-dex or would you be putting item locations as additional information on the current Pokédex pages?

pokemonfan: Dude, you totally made me hungry.

You can report anything here.

As for items, there will be a link for each evolution type later and for the item as well.

For the items there would be item location and for the evolution types, which pokemon evolve using that evolution type.


Sounds great!

(HAR HAR, I see you put the alphabetical indexing in already. You're quick!)

I stumbled upon the page for Wormadam this morning to see how those alternate forms were being displayed. All the evolution links between Burmy and said Wormadams are labelled as "Felmale", rather than "Female." (Edit: Actually, this is the case with any female specific evo.)

I thought of another suggestion whilst browsing through that page... but I think the form images for Pokémon might benefit from being at the stop of the page just after the main vitals (i.e. abilities, type, egg group, etc). To speed up the process of searching, the Pokémon form images would link to page anchors to the specified Pokémon form's information. (Therefore you don't necessarily have to scroll for whatever form you need info. for)

I thought I'd suggest this to increase efficiency of browsing. I'm just not sure how viable it is. However, with Rotom having five forms, if the pages are to become as comprehensive as predicted, this might be a possible solution.

  Cruithne said:
Sounds great!

(HAR HAR, I see you put the alphabetical indexing in already. You're quick!)

I stumbled upon the page for Wormadam this morning to see how those alternate forms were being displayed. All the evolution links between Burmy and said Wormadams are labelled as "Felmale", rather than "Female." (Edit: Actually, this is the case with any female specific evo.)

I thought of another suggestion whilst browsing through that page... but I think the form images for Pokémon might benefit from being at the stop of the page just after the main vitals (i.e. abilities, type, egg group, etc). To speed up the process of searching, the Pokémon form images would link to page anchors to the specified Pokémon form's information. (Therefore you don't necessarily have to scroll for whatever form you need info. for)

I thought I'd suggest this to increase efficiency of browsing. I'm just not sure how viable it is. However, with Rotom having five forms, if the pages are to become as comprehensive as predicted, this might be a possible solution.

Fixed the Felmale issue.

About the forms:

The pokemon form images at the top already link to the section for each form.

Adding anchors for each section within a for is something to be done. But I have not figured out what the best way would be.

  Cruithne said:
Ah. Baka.

From this rather inane course of conversation, it's probably obvious by now that I cannot help you. *sweatdrop*

Well, I don't need help coding wise. But suggestions on what to do or where to put links, etc are a great help. I can worry about how to implement it.

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