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Grovyle91, in name of the Pokémon Community in San Pedro Sula, Honduras I want to thank you for this wonderful tool, now we are able to get events here.

I tested distribution of Japanese Wondercards (Crown Beats) from a Pokémon Platinun ( U) Game when I tried to distribute them to 2 or more people, only 1 at random was able to get the Wonder Card, the remainig people and me ended with corrupted savefiles. I then distributed one by one and there was no problems at all.

If you need a copy of the savefile from which I was distributing I can gladly email it to you

Before I forget, I'm using v1.4 bèta 3 of your baby. and once again, thanks for it


it absolutely does work for the us hg and ss. i use it often. make sure your sav is exactly 512 kb or it won't work. it's easy to screw up, my flash cart saves properly, but desmume outputs a 513kb file. you have to resave the file in pokegen and it will fix the sav.


Of course it works in US version, I'm using it in US version right now. the only problem I've found is the one mentioned in my previous post, and I'm still having it.

  • 1 month later...

Sorry guys I haven't been online for six months. Due some personal reasons I was not able working on this program.

I hope that I'll release the next version in September or October.

I'll have to look at every bug which's reported in the last months. However, I cannot guarantee that I'm able to fix every bug in the next weeks.



  Grovyle91 said:
Sorry guys I haven't been online for six months. Due some personal reasons I was not able working on this program.

I hope that I'll release the next version in September or October.

I'll have to look at every bug which's reported in the last months. However, I cannot guarantee that I'm able to fix every bug in the next weeks.



Woooo welcome back! Expecting great things :)

  ZMaster said:
Woooo welcome back! Expecting great things :)

Thanks :)

I'm expecting that from myself too, if .NET Framework wants to cooperate that is...

It's just that I'm writing in version 4.0 now. Since the new version of PMGE will be written in WPF instead of WinForms, I needed this version to be released. With the older .NET versions the text wasn't clear at all times in WPF. However... sometimes the styling is a pain. But! I'm trying to add a feature that'll give the original style of Windows back. Windows XP doesn't like my new GUI, that's why.

I'm sure many people will be happy with their WinXP :P

Things I have yet to do (if not more) for v1.4:

- Finishing custom styling

- Finishing Folder Mode

- Creating Mystery Gift Mode

- Checking the problems with AR Export (and adding HGSS)

- B&W support arrives at the time when I've figured out the location in the saves and implemented it in PMGE, not earlier, possibly later though ^^

Expected date: somewhere in October

And WOW! I just saw that the bèta has been downloaded over 10000 times! O_O

Thanks everyone for supporting it!

Well... I'm going to bed now... it's past 2 AM here :o

  Riolu Aura Sphere Now said:
Welcome back, glad you're still with us. Just a quick question, will you be supporting .pkm Files with the B/W support?

Example: Converting .pkm Files into AR Codes.


Regarding B&W, as I said in my post above:

  Grovyle91 said:
B&W support arrives at the time when I've figured out the location in the saves and implemented it in PMGE, not earlier, possibly later though ^^

Supporting the new PKM shouldn't be much of a problem (since the PKM is almost identical), however, I don't know the AR codes of it yet.

I'm working on releasing the next version without B&W support for now, then I'll be working on the B&W support.

  • 2 weeks later...

I don't know if I'm just being thick or something, but how do you use .pgt files on this?

I've loaded the .pgt files into the gift editor, and saved, but how do I get them to show up in game? Will they come up as wondercards, or will I have to receive them somehow or what? I'm so confused.



So, the wondercards for the 5th generation is progressing :)

Well, when I understand the full meaning of the PCA files and it works on the files, I will release the version WITH B/W support.

But for now, I'm still working on some AR fixes (which I still cannot find because here it does work) and some buttons to work.

And, Kopa... please read some manual or something on how the game understands the whole Mystery Gift meaning. You'll need PCD for the Wonder Card and PGT for the Gift itself, link those things together by setting the Wonder Card ID in the PCD section.

Potatoo, it's saying you have the wrong filesize. You're trying to import a PKM yes? Then you'll need the Party PKM format, which is 236 bytes (the Box format is only 136 bytes, which isn't supported in the Mystery Gifts).

Have I said already that I'm using tabs now? :)

Well... it'll look like your internet browser with tabs ^_^ meaning you can (theoretically) open unlimited SAV, PCD and PGT files to edit.


  Guested said:

With the release of the WCs from yesterday's event, a few guys were digging through the pca files in the IRC channel today and Bond697 wrote some of it up on the wiki.


(if you haven't seen it yet)

I found it yes :)

To be more precise, I've added some basic PGF editing in this new version! :)

News: 12 October 2010

Yes, you're not daydreaming or something like that. I've finally finished the final version of 1.4 after six, long months. You can download it in the first post.

However, I'm not supporting Windows XP completely anymore. Since WPF is mainly focussed on Windows Vista or higher, PMGE works the best on those operating systems. So, if you are still running Windows XP, it is possible you encounter some display errors. If any error occours which prevents the program from working, please do report it here. I may find a way to solve it.

Now the updated features. I've updated HGSS ARDS export for those who still want it. I've changed the GUI in a way so it can open multiple files (tabbed editing FTW!). I've updated the ingame DPPtHGSS font (non-Japanese previews with Japanese characters now use the light version of these characters). And last but not least, basic editing of BW Mystery Gifts! (only PGF for now, not SAV).

So... hurry and download it! :)

Have fun!!


Stopping the Windows XP support is a bad idea IMO.

But as long as the program works as it should, I'd be okay with that.

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