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  On 12/27/2018 at 10:00 AM, Blackness said:

Im getting an issue where pokemon in the wild have there normal moves but just re-adjusted to match there level. I justed pknx to randomized all pokemon moves including wild pokemon 


I don't know if it is important but there was a folder in the randomizer files called archive, inside was a file with a jibberish name, this folder crashes my switch when I load the randoizer so I removed it from my sd card


Use the latest update of the program.


There is an error with the program when trying to remove a wild spawn. If you try to change a wild spawn to the blank space at the top of the drop-down list it'll show a question mark as the icon for that slot. If you switch to a different location then back to that location the icon for that slot and all slots below it will change to a little red x and an "unhandled exception" error pops up. "Index was outside the bounds of the array."

  On 12/29/2018 at 6:22 AM, Dziggy said:

There is an error with the program when trying to remove a wild spawn. If you try to change a wild spawn to the blank space at the top of the drop-down list it'll show a question mark as the icon for that slot. If you switch to a different location then back to that location the icon for that slot and all slots below it will change to a little red x and an "unhandled exception" error pops up. "Index was outside the bounds of the array."


Thanks, fixed in latest commit :)


Do note there's no protection for slot % rates adding up to 100; the game would probably crash if rand(100) fails to match a slot! So, make sure your final rates add up to 100.

  On 12/30/2018 at 6:14 PM, Xrcjax said:


Thank you for this great work. Are the modifications compatibles from Eevee to Pikachu? Can I just change the title ID in the folder name? I want to share my "mod" with a friend but we don't have the same game. 

Also, what is the difference between the "Doubles" we can check and the mode we can set to "Double" when editing a trainer? 

Are new features coming? 

Thank you. 


Compatible between games: probably, although you should be careful on exefs sharing.

Doubles: the drop down is for the battle mode (what type of battle it will be), the checkbox is an "AI Bitflag" which determines how the opposing trainer behaves. In doubles, it won't attack itself.



  On 12/30/2018 at 7:14 PM, Xrcjax said:

Thank you very much. I will try the other mods (multi looks interesting). 

Are you planning to add more features? 

A way to edit multiple trainers would be awesome. 


Edit : you tell me to be careful when sharing exefs, you mean sharing the files created by your software?


Editing multiple trainers = randomizer functionality. You can turn off pkm changes in the settings and have the other mods still applied.


exefs: might cause crashes as the code binaries are different between the two games. Code != assets


Thank you, all is working as expected. Do you think it is possible to add content in the game? Trainers or pokemon for example. I guess adding maps is probably harder than in older versions. 

I have some doubts to make that are:
1 - Where we edited the Special, Very rare special spawns .... as charmader, bulbassaur and those that stay in the sky after zera the game, charizard, dragonite and etc ...?
2 - The legendary pokemon meltan is possible additionalo to capture?
3 - Where it configures the overall experience rate, because to want to create mod hardcore and would like to reduce the experience.
4 - I saw that you provided the source code, what tool are you using to compress the files after the correction?

I want to congratulate you for the excellent work, thank you!

1. Nobody knows where they are stored in the game data.

2. These species can't spawn in the overworld; nobody knows why.

3. Change exp yield in personal data, or edit the EXP threshold tables (grow_0*.bin) manually.

4. Files aren't compressed; they're copied to a separate folder which is set up to be used with layeredfs on atmosphere/etc.

  • Thanks 1
  On 1/8/2019 at 5:44 AM, Kaphotics said:

1. Nobody knows where they are stored in the game data.

2. These species can't spawn in the overworld; nobody knows why.

3. Change exp yield in personal data, or edit the EXP threshold tables (grow_0*.bin) manually.

4. Files aren't compressed; they're copied to a separate folder which is set up to be used with layeredfs on atmosphere/etc.


Hello, in item "4" I was referring to your pkNX program. did you add source code of the same, in which program was the pkNX made? He was referring to how you compacted the source code. Thank you again. There ... are you still expecting to upgrade in the pkNX tool?

In item "3" I took print, what option do I modify here?



I have restudied all the appearances of wild pokemon and have some way to export them ?? I want to put excel in the modifications to pass the new places to friends.
Thank you in advance.


  On 1/9/2019 at 3:34 PM, Kaphotics said:

Read the error message; you have to install something else.


I have done the compilation, as shown in the attached image, but when I click on "Dump" nothing happens .....




One suggestion, would it be possible to implement a button when we click it would already leave the 6IVs status of the pokemon?
Attached is two screen capture, where one is with random IVs and the other with the perfect 6IVs. I marked where the button could be placed.




Hello again,
Sorry for the posting however, I started using your program well and as I am creating a very difficult game mode I need to edit the coaches well and I am encountering the following error, I put 31 in all the statuses, I change the moves and I support this I go on other trainers do the whole procedure and to be sure I open the ones I edited again and it is saved, so far so good. I click on the "save" button and after that I also close the program ... when I open those 3 or 5 trainers that was edited only one or two that record the modifications ....
Thank you again.



Dump: It copies it to your clipboard and plays a sound indicating it did something. It works like the other dump buttons.

Trainer Pokemon: you have to set them back after editing each one

IV/EV buttons: Maybe i'll add it if I get around to doing more quality of life updates/fixes

  On 1/10/2019 at 3:05 AM, Kaphotics said:



it would be possible to add a button so that when editing the trainer on the part does not need to click save and close the editing screen, thus losing the sequential and having to return in the initial numbering. This process would be very effective in my view.

Do you have a future update for your tool?

Thank you.

  On 1/12/2019 at 3:27 AM, Kaphotics said:

Acertar "Salvar" é necessário para que o programa saiba que precisa gravar os dados finais. Se você não quiser salvar suas alterações, pressione X no lugar.


So my friend,
Follow your guidance, I'm doing a coach and saved ... but when I close the program and return see see back everything .... very strange ... to doing one by one and sometimes not saving ... to having to do one and save and still close the program and so on ... this is the probrema I'm having.

Attached, the two procedures being done to save an amendment ....





  On 1/16/2019 at 2:35 AM, clinkz said:

Are there chances of adding new coaches in the game?
About the new scripts, do you intend to continue the update in your tool?


Script engine is the same as gen6 and gen7; however, the scripting engine reverse engineering has never been fully unlocked like prior games. I can't do everything ;)

Without script editing (and overworld editing), no addition of interactable content.

  • 2 weeks later...

I've got an issue, whenever I edit the stats of a trainer's pokemon then set and save it doesn't save, it just returns back to how it was originally. 

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