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Posted (edited)

Just collected the 3 johto starters from Emerald (gift from professor after catching all pokémon from the Hoenn dex).


Edit: included these in the downloadpack in my new post

Edited by Gallade
  • 2 months later...
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  • 2 months later...

I noticed that you're also looking for chained Shinies... I have an untouched adamant Scyther (Lv 29) Caught by me in the same place that Bagon is chainable in Pt on a chain of 42. It has the technician ability, and perfect speed as well as 30-31 HP and 25-27 Defense IV's. I thought it was a pretty good catch, and I'd like to share it with people, but I don't know how to rip something to PKM? So if anyone could help me out with making a file, I'll put it up soon, or if I could trade it to someone else so they could make a PKM that'd be welcome as well.

  • 2 weeks later...

I have a darkrai, raikou, manaphy, entei, celebi, azelf, dialga, uxie, mesprit, articuno, zapdos, moltres, shaymin, mew, arceus, ho-oh, lugia, cresselia, mewtwo, suicune on my soul silver game. I would trade them but i dont now how to use irc

  • 2 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

I added a lot of new stuff to my pack again. The new stuff includes: Emerald: starter gifts (posted before but never included them). Pearl: Spiritomb. Diamond: Cresselia, Mesprit, Rotom, Drifloon, Spiritomb, omanyte. Leaf Green: Snorlax, Mewtwo. Heartgold: bulbasaur, charmander, squirtle, treecko, torchic, mudkip, lapras, spiky eared pichu, kyogre, rayquaza, dialga, palkia, giratina, xatu, voltorb, onix, steelix, magneton, machop, dodrio. Black: everything is new. White: everything is new.

Edit: Check my newest post for a completer version

Edited by Gallade
Posted (edited)

Thanks ;) More to come but no idea when. I have updated my last post with some stuff I had forgotten to include (diamond, pearl and leaf green stuff)

Edit: Now in my newest post included

Edited by Gallade
  • 2 months later...

Here is my next pack. I rearranged my pack a bit to make it easier to see which ones are still missing. And I renamed a lot of pokémon so that every pokémon is named the same way. Furthermore a small update this time. I added the following 18 pokémonfiles:

Pokémon Box:

- Pichu (no surf)


- Mesprit

- Cresselia

- omanyte

- kabuto

- Lileep

- Anorith

- Cranidos

- Drifloon

- Eevee

- Happiny egg

- Haunter

- Magikarp

Heart Gold:

- Latias

- Raikou

- Entei

- Mewtwo

- Spearow with mail attachment

This pack now contains:

  Reveal hidden contents

That's it for now.


Special Pokemon..rar

Special Pokemon..rarFetching info...

  • 6 months later...
  • 7 months later...
Posted (edited)

So, I have 2 Shiny Pokemon that you can get in Black 2. The first is The Shiny Gible (Male) that Benga gives you after you beat Black Tower, the other is the Shiny Haxorus (Female) in the Nature Preserve. The Gible is at level 1, with an EXP Share, his ability is Sand Veil, his Nature is Impish, and he knows the move Tackle. The Haxorus is at level 60, no item, has the ability Mold Breaker, has the nature Bold, and his moves are Taunt, Dragon Pulse, Sword Dance, and Guillotine. They should be untouched, so you can EV Train them as you please. Oh, and they are from a North American Cartridge.



Haxorus..pkmFetching info...

Gible..pkmFetching info...

Edited by krskull
Forgot to put genders
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