Gallade Posted December 14, 2010 Posted December 14, 2010 (edited) Just collected the 3 johto starters from Emerald (gift from professor after catching all pokémon from the Hoenn dex). G. Edit: included these in the downloadpack in my new post Edited July 2, 2011 by Gallade
Kaphotics Posted March 8, 2011 Posted March 8, 2011 English (NA) Retail Cartridge Boldore -> Emolga (Minipete) Minipete.pkmFetching info...
Mikz Posted March 17, 2011 Posted March 17, 2011 Shiny Jirachi from Colosseum Bonus disc traded from Ruby to Diamond and then to Black. Disclaimer: Unable to trade through GTS on Pokemon Black. ColosseumShinyJirachiPKMBlk.pkmFetching info...
Martyrdom219 Posted May 30, 2011 Posted May 30, 2011 I noticed that you're also looking for chained Shinies... I have an untouched adamant Scyther (Lv 29) Caught by me in the same place that Bagon is chainable in Pt on a chain of 42. It has the technician ability, and perfect speed as well as 30-31 HP and 25-27 Defense IV's. I thought it was a pretty good catch, and I'd like to share it with people, but I don't know how to rip something to PKM? So if anyone could help me out with making a file, I'll put it up soon, or if I could trade it to someone else so they could make a PKM that'd be welcome as well.
HuhWhatWhy Posted May 30, 2011 Posted May 30, 2011 i caught shiny jolly seviper in pokeball the first time i played sapphire. sorry i had leveled it up to lv71. it has TM79 attached. SHINYSEV..pkmFetching info...
Pokefan1 Posted June 13, 2011 Posted June 13, 2011 I have a darkrai, raikou, manaphy, entei, celebi, azelf, dialga, uxie, mesprit, articuno, zapdos, moltres, shaymin, mew, arceus, ho-oh, lugia, cresselia, mewtwo, suicune on my soul silver game. I would trade them but i dont now how to use irc
mikapika69 Posted June 18, 2011 Posted June 18, 2011 Is it the right place to post 5G shiny's? If it's the case ... i post this neitram shiny thanks neitram 5G Shiny &.pkmFetching info...
Gallade Posted July 2, 2011 Posted July 2, 2011 (edited) I added a lot of new stuff to my pack again. The new stuff includes: Emerald: starter gifts (posted before but never included them). Pearl: Spiritomb. Diamond: Cresselia, Mesprit, Rotom, Drifloon, Spiritomb, omanyte. Leaf Green: Snorlax, Mewtwo. Heartgold: bulbasaur, charmander, squirtle, treecko, torchic, mudkip, lapras, spiky eared pichu, kyogre, rayquaza, dialga, palkia, giratina, xatu, voltorb, onix, steelix, magneton, machop, dodrio. Black: everything is new. White: everything is new. Edit: Check my newest post for a completer version Edited September 17, 2011 by Gallade
Mewtwo Ex Posted July 2, 2011 Posted July 2, 2011 Hm.. This is the biggest contribution of events by a single member i have seen on the forum. You deserve a pat on the back for all the trouble you went through obtaining these files.
Gallade Posted July 2, 2011 Posted July 2, 2011 (edited) Thanks More to come but no idea when. I have updated my last post with some stuff I had forgotten to include (diamond, pearl and leaf green stuff) Edit: Now in my newest post included Edited September 17, 2011 by Gallade
Gallade Posted September 17, 2011 Posted September 17, 2011 Here is my next pack. I rearranged my pack a bit to make it easier to see which ones are still missing. And I renamed a lot of pokémon so that every pokémon is named the same way. Furthermore a small update this time. I added the following 18 pokémonfiles: Pokémon Box: - Pichu (no surf) Pearl: - Mesprit - Cresselia - omanyte - kabuto - Lileep - Anorith - Cranidos - Drifloon - Eevee - Happiny egg - Haunter - Magikarp Heart Gold: - Latias - Raikou - Entei - Mewtwo - Spearow with mail attachment This pack now contains: Reveal hidden contents Pokémon Emerald Gifts: - Beldum - Castform - Wynaut (hatched) - cyndaquil (gift from professor after catching all pokémon from the Hoenn dex) - Totodyle (gift from professor after catching all pokémon from the Hoenn dex) - chicorita (gift from professor after catching all pokémon from the Hoenn dex) In-game trades - Horsey - Plusle - Seedot - Meowth Interactible Pokémon: - Sudowoodo - Kecleon - Voltorb (Mauvile underground) - Electrode (aqua hideout) Legendary pokémon: - Deoxy's (used warpcode) - Groudon - Ho-oh (used warpcode) - Kyogre - Latios (roaming) - Latias (roaming) - Lugia (used warpcode) - mew (used warpcode) - Rayquaza - regice - Regirock - Registeel Specials: - Anorith - Lileep Pokémon Leaf Green In-game trades: - Electrode - Farfetched - Jynx - Lickitung - Mr. Mime - Nidoran (Male) - Nidorino - Seel - Tangela Legendary Pokémon: - Mewtwo Interactible: - Snorlax Pokémon Box Ruby & Sapphire Gifts: - Zigzagoon - Swablu - Skitty - Pichu Pokémon Diamond Legendary Pokémon - Cresselia - Mesprit Specials: - Omanyte Interactible: - Spiritomb - Rotomb - Drifloon Pokémon Pearl Gifts: - Eevee - Happiny egg Legendary Pokémon: - Uxie - Mesprit - Azelf - Regigigas - Heatran - Giratina - Cresselia Specials: - Shieldon - Omanyte - Lileep - Kabuto - Cranidos - Anorith - Aerodactyl Interactible: - Spiritomb - Drifloon Ingame Trades: - Haunter - Magikarp Pokémon Platinum Gifts: - Eevee (From Bebe in Hearthome City) - Riolu (egg Obtained from Riley on Iron Island) - Togepi (egg Obtained from Cynthia in Eterna City) - Porygon Specials: - Shieldon - Omanyte - Lileep - Kabuto - Cranidos - Anorith - Aerodactyl - Drifloon - Rotom Legendary pokémon: - Articuno - Zapdos - Moltres - Regirock - Regice - Registeel - Dialga - Palkia - Uxie - Azelf - Mesprit - Heatran - Regigigas - Giratina - Cresselia - Darkrai - Shaymin Ingame trades: - Abra (oreburgh city for machop) - Chatot (Eterna city for buizel) - Haunter (Snowpoint city for medicham) - Magikarp (Route 226 for Finneon) Pokémon Soul silver starters: - totodile - cyndaquil - chicorita Gifts: - Togepi Egg - Eevee (From Bill in Goldenrod City) - Spearow (From Webster in Goldenrod City north gate) - Shuckle (from a PokéManiac in Cianwood City) - Tyrogue (from Karate King Kiyo in Mt Mortar) - Dratini with extremespeed (from Dragon's Den) - Bulbasaur (from Professor Oak after beating Red) - Charmander (from Professor Oak after beating Red) - Squirtle (from Professor Oak after beating Red) - Treecko (from Steven Stone at Silph Co. after beating Red) - Torchic (from Steven Stone at Silph Co. after beating Red) - Mudkip (from Steven Stone at Silph Co. after beating Red) - Mareep egg (from Primo in Violet city's pokécenter) - Wooper egg (from Primo in Violet city's pokécenter) - Slugma egg (from Primo in Violet city's pokécenter) - Spiky eared pichu Specials: - omanyte - kabuto - aerodactyl - Lileep - Anorith - Cranidos - Shieldon - sudowoodo - Lapras - Gyrados - Snorlax - Abra (game corner) - sandshrew (game corner) - dratini (game corner) - Mr. Mime (game corner) - Eevee (game corner) - Porygon (game corner) Legendary pokémon: - Lugia - Ho-oh - Articuno - Zapdos - Moltres - Mewtwo - Groudon - Rayquaza - Dialga - Palkia - Giratina - Latios - Latias - Raikou - Entei - Suicune Ingame trades: - Onix (Violet City for Bellsprout) - Machop (Goldenrod city for Drowzee) - Voltorb (Olivine city for Krabby) - Dodrio (Blackthorn city for Dragonair (Female)) - Magneton (powerplant for Dugtrio) - Xatu (Pewter city for Haunter) - Pikachu (from Lt. Surge) - Beldum (Silph co. For Forretress) - Rhyhorn (Diglett's cave for Bonsly) - Steelix (Olivine city for any pokémon) Pokémon Heart Gold Legendary Pokémon: - Latios (from event) (J) - Latios (from event) (E) - Latias (J) - Latias (E) - Kyogre (J) - Kyogre (E) - Ho-oh (J) - Ho-oh (E) - Articuno (E) - Zapdos (E) - Moltres (E) - Raikou (E) - Entei (E) - Suicune (E) - Palkia (E) - Dialga (E) - Giratina (E) - Rayquaza (E) - Mewtwo (E) Specials: - omanyte - kabuto - aerodactyl - Lileep - Anorith - Cranidos - Shieldon - sudowoodo - Gyrados - Snorlax - Lapras - Electrode (interactible in Mahogany rocket base) - Abra (game corner) - sandshrew (game corner) - dratini (game corner) - Mr. Mime (game corner) - Eevee (game corner) - Porygon (game corner) Gifts: - Togepi Egg - Eevee - Spearow (without mail) - Spearow (with mail, party file) - Shuckle - Tyrogue - Dratini (with extremespeed) - Dratini (with leer) - Mareep egg - Wooper egg - Slugma egg - Spiky eared pichu - Bulbasaur - Charmander - Squirtle - Treecko - Torchic - Mudkip Ingame trades: - Onix (Violet City for Bellsprout) - Machop (Goldenrod city for Drowzee) - Voltorb (Olivine city for Krabby) - Dodrio (Blackthorn city for Dragonair (Female)) - Magneton (powerplant for Dugtrio) - Xatu (Pewter city for Haunter) - Steelix (Olivine city for any pokémon) Pokémon Black Legendary Pokémon: - Victini (from event) - Reshiram - Cobalion - Terrakion - Virizion - Landorus - Kyurem - Tornadus Specials: - Anorith - Darmanitan (desert area) - Foonguss (lv 20) - Amoonguss - Musharna (dreamyard) - Volcarona (relic castle) Gifts: - Panpour - Larvesta Egg - Magikarp Ingame trades: - Petilil - Basculin (red) - Emolga - Rotom - Munchlax Pokémon White Legendary Pokémon: - Zekrom - Cobalion - Terrakion - Virizion - Kyurem - Thundurus Specials: - Tirtouga - Archen - Darmanitan (desert area) - Foonguss (lv 20) - Foonguss (lv 30) - Amoonguss - Musharna (dreamyard) - Volcarona (relic castle) Gifts: - Pansear - Larvesta egg - Magikarp Ingame Trades: - Cottonee - Basculin (blue) - Emolga - Rotom - Munchlax All pokémon in this pack are caught by me and are fully legit, untouched and never edited. That's it for now. Gallade Special Pokemon..rarFetching info...
EXEC_HARMONIOUS/. Posted March 30, 2012 Posted March 30, 2012 Here's a Miltank I chained in my Diamond version. I was extremely lucky to have caught her on a chain of only three. She's in Gen 4 format. Shiny Miltank..pkmFetching info...
ShaunMichaels83 Posted November 11, 2012 Posted November 11, 2012 Here is a shiny Rattata (M LV. 14) from my White2 save, and a shiny Darumaka (F LV. 18) from my Black2 save. They are both in Premier Balls. Enjoy! Darumaka (Shiny)..pkmFetching info... Rattata (Shiny)..pkmFetching info...
krskull Posted November 16, 2012 Posted November 16, 2012 (edited) So, I have 2 Shiny Pokemon that you can get in Black 2. The first is The Shiny Gible (Male) that Benga gives you after you beat Black Tower, the other is the Shiny Haxorus (Female) in the Nature Preserve. The Gible is at level 1, with an EXP Share, his ability is Sand Veil, his Nature is Impish, and he knows the move Tackle. The Haxorus is at level 60, no item, has the ability Mold Breaker, has the nature Bold, and his moves are Taunt, Dragon Pulse, Sword Dance, and Guillotine. They should be untouched, so you can EV Train them as you please. Oh, and they are from a North American Cartridge. Haxorus..pkmFetching info... Gible..pkmFetching info... Edited November 16, 2012 by krskull Forgot to put genders
jokelly1 Posted December 17, 2012 Posted December 17, 2012 Didn't see these posted yet, so here are the Yancy trades. Yancy (Male)..zipFetching info...
Mewtwo Ex Posted August 11, 2013 Posted August 11, 2013 Since i really love this thread and i only value shiny pokemon by our community i will contribute some shinies i caught recently. Mew is from English Faraway island And Geodude is from eggs... MEW..pkmFetching info... Geodude..pkmFetching info...
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