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  • 1 month later...
Posted (edited)

@theSLAYER Does someone have the back animated sprite of Cosplay Pikachu: Libre?

I fixed the colors of Druddingon. Do you need another sprite i have some :)


Edited by Azkuonmo
  • Like 2
  On 5/11/2018 at 2:50 AM, Azkuonmo said:

@theSLAYER Does someone have the back animated sprite of Cosplay Pikachu: Libre?

I fixed the colors of Druddingon. Do you need another sprite i have some :)



Thanks, I didn't even notice its shading was off. [I'll upload it later :) ]

Hmm, we were having difficulties loading Libre-chu's texture, as seen in the quote below.

  On 2/14/2018 at 2:13 AM, Kalaxe said:

the texture of the pikachu-libre is bug,  I've been like 4h trying different things but unfortunately it's impossible, at least in my game. If someone knows what happens,  comment on it here




With these sprites I think all the relevant ones would already be there. If somebody thinks that there is a lack that puts it here and I will try to capture it as soon as possible. Tomorrow I will  update the link without background.



  • Like 1
  On 5/11/2018 at 9:16 AM, theSLAYER said:

Thanks, I didn't even notice its shading was off. [I'll upload it later :) ]

Hmm, we were having difficulties loading Libre-chu's texture, as seen in the quote below.



I understand, i tried to capture the back when the battle started but for now it seems really difficult. Thank You :D:)

  • 2 weeks later...

According to this video, Glameow would not be the only Pokémon that would have changed sprites in Generation 7. The Talonflame back sprite would have, if I understand correctly, just changed posture. Unless this find has already been reported here, is it worthwhile to import the new sprite on the site?

  • Like 1
  On 5/23/2018 at 12:23 PM, Ellicrum said:

According to this video, Glameow would not be the only Pokémon that would have changed sprites in Generation 7. The Talonflame back sprite would have, if I understand correctly, just changed posture. Unless this find has already been reported here, is it worthwhile to import the new sprite on the site?


I haven't seen the video, but if the differences are known, we should snap them :)

  • Like 1
Posted (edited)

Now it's a certainty: Glameow is the only change in gen 7. I take this opportunity to list the last missing sprites, especially concerning gender differences:
gen 1: Rhydon, Scyther, Magikarp;
gen 2: Politoed, Murkrow, Scizor;
gen 3: Bidoof, Krickenot, Kricketune, Shinx, Luxio, Luxray, Roserade, Pachirisu, Buizel, Floatzel, Ambipom, Gible, Gabite, Garchomp, Croagunk, Toxicroak, Finneon, Lumineon, Weavile, Rhyperior, Tangrowth and Mamoswine.

It lacks also very specific sprites:
back shiny Pikachu-Libre (but the texture problem has already been mentioned several times);
Hakamo-o-Totem (I guess there is only the front of the mon).

The problem of sprites with the transparency of Pokédex has improved a lot, there are just some scattered examples:

Sprite 6 dos 015 s.pngSprite 6 r 015M s.pngSprite 6 dos 123 m.pngSprite 6 dos 127M.pngSprite 6 dos 166 m.pngSprite 6 dos 193.pngSprite 6 dos 212 m.pngSprite 6 dos 251 s.pngSprite 6 x 284.pngSprite 6 x 290.pngSprite 6 x 313 s.pngSprite 6 x 314 s.pngSprite 6 dos 415 f.pngSprite 6 x 416 s.pngSprite 6 dos 577.pngSprite 6 dos 578.pngSprite 6 dos 579.pngSprite 6 x 690.pngSprite 6 r 719M.pngSprite 7 s 738.pngSprite 7 us 738d.pngSprite 7 s 742.pngSprite 7 s 743.pngSprite 7 us 743d.pngSprite 7 dos 751.pngSprite 7 s 752.pngSprite 7 us 752d.pngSprite 7 dos 795 s.png

The animation of Steelix-Mega (shiny) can also be a point to look at (but it's very cosmetic). Sprite 6 r 208M s.png

Finally, I have two questions:
is there a gender difference in Torchic? I read somewhere that it would have in the male a black dot at the end of the tail but in another site, it would rather be the size of the head feathers;
does Pikachus in a cap have shiny forms? In any case, I have never seen it.

Anyway, you all do a great job and thanks for that

Edited by Ellicrum
  On 5/24/2018 at 7:58 PM, Ellicrum said:

Hakamo-o-Totem (I guess there is only the front of the mon). 


Can't seem to make one, with editing the models and all.


  On 5/24/2018 at 7:58 PM, Ellicrum said:

is there a gender difference in Torchic? I read somewhere that it would have in the male a black dot at the end of the tail but in another site, it would rather be the size of the head feathers;


There's supposed to be, but I can't spot it.

  On 5/24/2018 at 7:58 PM, Ellicrum said:

does Pikachus in a cap have shiny forms? In any case, I have never seen it.


They weren't colored shiny. Meaning the star would pop up, but looks the same.
As seen below (Partner Cap was the only one that can be obtained shiny, as GF screwed up the shiny-lock implementation):


Using the method in this post, the discolored parts can be changed to uniformed color (but it won't be partially transparent, tho)

  • Like 1

Ah ok my bad for Pikachu: it would be with Marshadow (excluding the zenith form) and Magearna the only one that does not have a different color for the shiny form. I have never tried editing files, I tested the proposed method (and the result is not terrible):
to train I took one of Reshiram sprites: the only time I was successful ezgif-4-ef6b43115e.gif.005656260624c5595f6e5717e414f904.gif
same thing for a second sprite (but I can't remove the background anymore) ezgif-4-a7010cc2e9.gif.4f0663dd34bd355f3b66b12587df791d.gif
then I tried with Beedrill: the rib of the wings is not good ezgif-4-490677d55e.gif.f7b8678d3002291bb74c97c948fa500a.gif
to finish with M-Diancie: maybe it does not work with this software ezgif-4-0727a44bd5.gif.3f147e0524157a1a0bf90fd153627c13.gif

I do not think all these manipulations are done for me

  On 5/25/2018 at 3:35 PM, Ellicrum said:

Ah ok my bad for Pikachu: it would be with Marshadow (excluding the zenith form) and Magearna the only one that does not have a different color for the shiny form. I have never tried editing files, I tested the proposed method (and the result is not terrible):
to train I took one of Reshiram sprites: the only time I was successful ezgif-4-ef6b43115e.gif.005656260624c5595f6e5717e414f904.gif
same thing for a second sprite (but I can't remove the background anymore) ezgif-4-a7010cc2e9.gif.4f0663dd34bd355f3b66b12587df791d.gif
then I tried with Beedrill: the rib of the wings is not good ezgif-4-490677d55e.gif.f7b8678d3002291bb74c97c948fa500a.gif
to finish with M-Diancie: maybe it does not work with this software ezgif-4-0727a44bd5.gif.3f147e0524157a1a0bf90fd153627c13.gif

I do not think all these manipulations are done for me


For starters:

for reshiram, don't make the background white, cause that's it's body's main color (lol)
for beedrill, replace the wings to a color which matches it's wings (can use the colored wing from bulbapedia, for example
for Diancie, reduce fuzziness.

For these images, I typically use lower fuzziness, and do multiple replacements.
edit: @Ellicrum Here's a Diancie Example for you.

  Reveal hidden contents

and result:

others that I've worked on (I'll add these to the respective Sprite Indexes later):
pheromosa-back.gif  cutiefly.gif  ribombee.gif  ribombee-totem.gif

  • Like 2
Posted (edited)

To warm me up, I did some quick tests. The first five are quite passable:


For M-Pinsir precisely, I wanted to make a slight retouch with the tool "brush" paint.net to remove a blue dot lost on the wings (to coloring in yellow): but it gives as result a gif that does not move more (it tells you my level of mounting). Perfecto.gif.67b063d99605c6a450d489f0f0638d87.gif
But for the next two, I planted myself (superficial gray on the wings for Beedrill and always blue for Yanma):


Anyway thank you for your help and your detailed explanations

Edited by Ellicrum
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  • 1 month later...
  • 3 months later...
  • 2 months later...

Merry Christmas! I bring all of you a gift for those who like crobat, kyogre or zapdos. They are my favorite pokemon and I made these forms for my birthday several months ago and now I share it for all of you!

 crobat-ataque1.gif.f4ee47270bd1666021864ea09a489341.gif kyogre-ataque1.gif.2eae1a11af33e30ee3282d4018050381.gifzapdos-ataque4.gif.2d9b015908fca2e2feaf7ec7e8d6a00f.gif

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  • 4 years later...
  On 1/31/2023 at 10:05 AM, Achampnator said:


I would like to have all Animated Pokémon Sprites in a wrapped up ZIP File if thats possible thank you


I think it’ll be best if you go to every page (I mean for 3DS/Switch models, there’s probably one per Gen), then right click > save page as.

I used to have a zip somewhere, but I don’t know where it is and don’t have the time to zip em all up right now :/


Edit: I mean check out the pages here.

Wherever you decide to use them, make sure to credit everyone.

I have the image credits below “thanks” here.

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