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Hello, just wanted to know if Suicune to find the combat and with him is when you generate the PID (different for each soft reset) or to go and remains static at its release of the Burnt Tower. Thank you.

Hola, simplemente quería saber si al encontrar al suicune y combatir con él es cuando se genera el PID (diferente para cada soft reset) o se elige y se queda estático al haberlo liberado de la torre quemada. Gracias.


That's dumb of GF....

We can SR Suicune easily when it's at the last spot, but can't for Raikou and Entei )=

Well if you wanted to softreset for the other 2 you would have to trade yourself a masterball before setting them free in the burnt tower, chase it (it becomes very easy after some training to find them) throw the MB, check the stats and repeat...

Though this only allows you get only 1 either Raikou or Entei..... and of course you still can't synchronize their natures like for Suicune <,<

They should have made it like in FRLG. For you example choose Chikorita as your starter, Entei would play Suicunes role and run too Kanto for the final battle, while Raikou and Suicune would be runners.


So if you'd choose Cyndaquil it would be exactly like it is in the actual games now.

  Klaatu said:
That's dumb of GF....

We can SR Suicune easily when it's at the last spot, but can't for Raikou and Entei )=

Well if you wanted to softreset for the other 2 you would have to trade yourself a masterball before setting them free in the burnt tower, chase it (it becomes very easy after some training to find them) throw the MB, check the stats and repeat...

Though this only allows you get only 1 either Raikou or Entei..... and of course you still can't synchronize their natures like for Suicune <,<

Actually, no, Synchronize does NOT work on legendary Pokemon.


For all the legendaries I want to EV train, I just save right before I catch them, and try and try until I get what I want.

I got a Timid Darkrai from the Member Card event, and just two days ago I got a Timid Shaymin from the Oak's Letter event (still active)


what you can do, you can defeat raikou, or entei, and then they will re-appear after you beat the elite 4, and you can do some SRing again, since they have different ivs, i think...

  Arandomproduction1 said:
Actually, no, Synchronize does NOT work on legendary Pokemon.

Sorry, Arp, Sync does work on legendary Pokemon, Maybe not roamers liker Entei and Raikou, but stationary ones like Suicune, it does work.

I used RNG reporter and a BOLD syncer to get a shiny suicune, my video can be found here.

Part1: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ClqPb2zTIDk

Part2(shiny suicune is here.): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SdkwcXMq_04

  KazoWAR said:
Sorry, Arp, Sync does work on legendary Pokemon, Maybe not roamers liker Entei and Raikou, but stationary ones like Suicune, it does work.

I used RNG reporter and a BOLD syncer to get a shiny suicune, my video can be found here.

Part1: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ClqPb2zTIDk

Part2(shiny suicune is here.): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SdkwcXMq_04

Maybe I'm just always unlucky when I tried it in R/S/E ]:


No, you weren't.

Synchronizers work on:

- Wild Pokemon (not legendaries) in Emerald only. (not R/S/FR/LG)

- All wild Pokemon in Gen IV including legendaries and stationary ones like Sudowoodo in HG/SS.


No, in Emerald, it only works on wild Pokemon not interacted with:

Taken from Smogon, this is a list of all the interactable Pokemon in Emerald (that Synchronize will NOT work on):

- Voltorb, Electrode (fake Poke Balls only, regular wild ones will work with Synch)

- Mew (Faraway Island, Japanese Emerald only)

- Chikorita, Cyndaquil, Totodile

- Sudowoodo

- Lugia, Ho-Oh (Navel Rock)

- Treecko, Torchic, Mudkip

- Lileep, Anorith

- Castform

- Kecleon (Devon Scope invisible ones only, regular wild Kecleon will work with Synch)

- Wynaut (The Lavaridge Town egg only, regular wild Wynaut from Mirage Island will work with Synch)

- Beldum

- Regirock, Regice, Registeel

- Latias, Latios (Both the roaming one and the Southern Island one)

- Kyogre, Groudon, Rayquaza

- Deoxys (Birth Island)

Full recap:

- Synchronize NEVER works in R/S/FR/LG.

- Synchronize only works on wild non-interacted Pokemon in Emerald, so it will not work on the ones in the list above

- Synchronize works on ALL Pokemon in Gen IV.

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