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@ J-bad - Nope I posted two min. faster lol. The Event Pokemon code does nothing. If you wanted to create an AR code for Event Pokemon to appear at the PokeMart via Green Man, you would start off with the lines I've posted and for the Event Item code, its more like a Modifier code. The same goes for the Replace First Party Slot code I've posted, you would start off with those lines.

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  PatK25 said:
Couple of questions on my mind:

1. I would think the English PC Pichu event code that uses the green dude is here somewhere, could someone direct me to that page?

Try these two out:

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  Ravidrath said:
Tried searching but didn't find what I was looking for...

I have a legit Arceus, but would like a code to reset the event like it never happened so I can get more legendaries, ala the infinite starters code.

Anyone know of anything like this?

Here you go:

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Hey, I need help. I'm using this code to give my Shiny Suicune Hidden Power Electric and my Latios Hidden Power Fire:

Go to PC-Deposit Box-Select PKMN-Marking, Confirm to apply the following code

1206EE52 000002D6

1206F11E 000046C0

1206F126 000046C0

1206F12C 000046C0

1206F13A 000046C0

1206F140 000046C0

1206F14E 000046C0

1206F154 000046C0

1206F162 000046C0

1206F168 000046C0

1206F176 000046C0

1206F11A 0000211F

1206F130 0000201F

1206F144 0000201F

1206F158 0000201F

1206F16C 0000201F

1206F180 0000201F

Apparently the affected stats are in this order but it didn't work out that way:

1206F11A 0000211F-HP

1206F130 0000201F-Attack

1206F144 0000201F-Defense

1206F158 0000201F-SP. Attack

1206F16C 0000201F-Sp. Defense

1206F180 0000201F-Speed

I know which 1Fs to change to get my desired Hidden power but something went wrong and my Suicune got HP Ice and Latios got something other than HP Fire. Can someone please help me figure out if the code is right or if it can be fixed? I at least want it to give me max IVs, HP Electric or HP Fire.

Here are the IVs for each:


Fire 31/30/31/30/31/30

Electric 31/31/31/30/31/31

Please PM the answer if you can


Riolu: So if I created a Pokesav code for the Time Travel Celebi that put it in Slot 1 of Box 18 and then replaced the first 4 lines of coding with the ones you posted, It'll appear at the pokemart, or will something else happen? Because I want to get this right before I start messing with real stuff. I already tried that on a Shaymin code I found somewhere and now nothing happens (although I'm starting to think I may have erased more than I should have).

Shadow Dragon: When I asked if the Lock Capsule was figured out, I was hoping for things like concrete proof or facts, etc. I know that people speculate that the Lock Capsule works with Gen 5, but thats just speculation. It doesn't really matter to me, if it does go with something, we'll find out eventually.

  PatK25 said:
Couple of questions on my mind:

1. I would think the English PC Pichu event code that uses the green dude is here somewhere, could someone direct me to that page?

2. In my endeavor to become a better code writer, I wanna learn the basics, so to start, what is the coding to make an Event(be it pokemon or item) receivable via the green dude at the pokemart by pressing L+R? I've got a working Time Travel Celebi and I wish to make the code work like a real event, that way you get the Pokedex entry. I wish to do this for Shaymin too. As well as a couple of other events. (This is what I want to figure out immediately.)

3. Did anyone figure out what the Lock Capsule does? (Not really an important item on my agenda)

Earlier in the post I said checking the Fateful Encounter Box didn't make the Time Travel Celebi work. Turns out I was wrong. The reason I thought it wasn't working was because I was trying to activate the event before I beat Team Rocket out of the Radio tower. Turns out the event won't activate until you do that.

well if you have heart gold i have a pichu event code for you

94000130 fcff0000

62111880 00000000

b2111880 00000000

e0009e4c 00000104

00000001 00000001

press L&R and go to the pokemart and speak to the man in green but mark sure u have atleast two empty spaces 1 for the pikachu colored pichu and the other for the spiky eared pichu then go to the ilex forest head to the shrine with the shiny pichu in the first slot of your party and you'll meet the spiky eared pichu

i hope this helps


awesome codes and community here. keep up the good work, even though riolu is working on ev code. i found a ev code which is working for me. i just found them and take no credit.

all ev 252

1206F04A 00004800

0206F04C 023C0B91

1206F050 00004700

E23C0B90 00000018

61384803 82B84801

BDF8B014 0000FCFC



to activate just place a poke in a box, mark and then CONFIRM it. you can confirm the stats changes using the ev/iv checker code. don't use with other codes or it might not work.

  PatK25 said:
Riolu: So if I created a Pokesav code for the Time Travel Celebi that put it in Slot 1 of Box 18 and then replaced the first 4 lines of coding with the ones you posted, It'll appear at the pokemart, or will something else happen? Because I want to get this right before I start messing with real stuff. I already tried that on a Shaymin code I found somewhere and now nothing happens (although I'm starting to think I may have erased more than I should have).

Shadow Dragon: When I asked if the Lock Capsule was figured out, I was hoping for things like concrete proof or facts, etc. I know that people speculate that the Lock Capsule works with Gen 5, but thats just speculation. It doesn't really matter to me, if it does go with something, we'll find out eventually.

Yes if you use the ones I posted, it will make the Celebi appear at the PokeMart via Green Man.

Posted (edited)

okay i noticed quite a few posts asking about an ability modifier and i was wondering if that was on the forums yet cause i have been through at least 60 of the forum pages and havn't seen one. I am starting to wonder if someone can make one!?

EDIT:Riolu i noticed in the past forums you said that you had one that was working do you think you could post i have been waiting to find the code because i want a magicarp with volt tackle and rock head ability.

Edited by 123venom3

@ 123venom3 - The Ability Modifier is on hold because I recently found yet another bug. This time the bug will turn your Pokemon into a Random Pokemon.

Note: This Ability Modifier is different from the ones from D/P/PL that uses the Calculator/Heart Scales. Instead you will input the Move Hex Number for [xxx]. After that you will have to mark your Pokemon and that Pokemon will have the chosen Ability.

Note 2: I changed the Ability Modifier from using Heart Scales into marking your Pokemon.


hey :)

is there any code to battle gym leaders again with out calling them for a rematch. i hate how you have call them on certain time on a certain day.


I have the event arceus AR code, but something is wrong with it i do the L+R thing before going into the pokemart, okay, i get the arceus a get out and save, but when i load it nothing was saved, so basically i can't save if i do the event arceus code can please someone help me?

here is the code that i've got:

94000130 FCFF0000

62111880 00000000

B2111880 00000000

E0009F50 00000104

00000001 00000001

00000001 E8FD0000


F35A84CD E9571FB5

F3E263F7 09088252

64C70C40 B3D6578A

FCFF687B 3472D98D

689ECFE0 82A0CB86

DDB70BFA 1C979418

37E16AE4 6C48DB2B

D53E7993 967D2307

9E77D3E5 5DA777BF

FDC28907 25CCD2AC

22D4EB82 26CC2251


3B22D8BC 956B44D2

670FFAE1 020C87DD

780DD226 B815AB02

AC2141C6 1EE9D28A

B7A578BD 374C4A26

DEBC0CD8 92F95736

22317837 D4E459C1

82413E98 FF91B194

3CD5D027 02E7D2AB

1445107D D4934469

742B3167 A857A728

138B2BCE 26D8ABF6

975673D6 C1B333EB

D8372D49 062303D5


474E9945 00000000

00004000 00000000

00000000 00000000

D2000000 00000000

PS: i'm using pokemon heart gold rom on Acekard 2.ion my DSi...



Hi everyone I've fixed the All Pokeball Code and now it will give you every single Pokeball including every Comp Ball.

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@ thiagofdbs - Replace the line [E0009F50 00000104] with [E00000A8 000000EC] and it will replace your first pokemon in your party and make sure to [Press L+R].

  Mewtwo Ex said:
Post your request where they should go.

It wasn't exactly a request it was more a question as to how it was going and if there was one posted on the site.


Hi everyone, I'm clearly new to this forum so please be patient with me.^^::::

I don't know what codes were already posted so forgive me for any repeats....


would someone mind making me a code for my ideal party??

If so, either request me on facebook or myspace or email me at rosesofchaosluvschrism@yahoo.com and I'll give you all the details.

Thanks SOOOO much! ^^


@ Sylver - It is called Comp Ball (Compitition Ball) such as the Park Ball (Pal Park) and Sport Ball (Bug-Catching Contest).

@ Shadow_II - Yes I am almost finished with it.

@ thiagofdbs - Ok then replace the line [E0009F50 00000104] with [E0009E4C 00000104] or [E0009E4C 00000088].


3 in day care... umbreon please as fast as possible :)

edit when i say an umbreon i mean like a pokesav one i cant figure out how to do it and everytheing i sav, doesnt work

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