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:: PKMN Nature Modifier (Hold X, Press Left then Press Y)

::: Open the PM info screen, HOLD X and it will switch to stats screen, Press Left to go back info screen and press Y to modify character/nature.

E20004A0 00000038

7C495829 4A0BB50F

78337812 D1002A04

2A083301 3B01D100

D0082902 F06D1C30

7033F95F 21011C30

F980F06D 7033BD0F

46C0BD0F 021D0685

1208969E 000046C0

1208C9AA 0000F773

1208C9AC 0000FD79

1208DE12 0000F772

1208DE14 0000FB6D

1208DE16 000046C0

E208DE18 0000000C

46C046C0 46C046C0

46C046C0 00000000

E20004F0 0000001C

00E00600 7A494904

D9002902 BD082001

F08D46C0 0000FC8F

021D068C 00000000

I found this code on another site. Can someone please convert to the US version if possible? The nature code is the only code I really care about and I think we all really want this one so if there are any nice coders out there any help would be appreciated! [:

  kip said:
does anyone have happiness max
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  Santitos said:
hey guys isnt there already a nature modifier to the US version? and the wild pkm modificator

Here's the Nature Modifier. I would post the wild pokemon modifier code too post I saw a lot of people are finding it to not work.

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Hey anybody know of a move modifier code yet? I know in Diamond and Pearl, the code was for TM 17, Protect. If anybody knows that code, it'd be great! Or in Platinum the code was for TM 01. Either would be much appreciated

  FreeSpirit said:
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Here's the Nature Modifier. I would post the wild pokemon modifier code too post I saw a lot of people are finding it to not work.

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yay thank you for getting this, i needed both :)

still needed:

EV modifier via vitamins (252EVs)

Move Modifier

Hidden Power Wild Pkmn Modifier

Remove all TMs/HMs or one that replaces the 99x with 90x and that i can still get HMs from people (currently stuck :/ )

  lazarus said:
yay thank you for getting this, i needed both :)

still needed:

EV modifier via vitamins (252EVs)

Move Modifier

Hidden Power Wild Pkmn Modifier

Remove all TMs/HMs or one that replaces the 99x with 90x and that i can still get HMs from people (currently stuck :/ )

You can just edit the values in the "Wild Pokemon Has Max IVs" to the right ones in each stat to get the hidden power type. Or I can make a post a giant list of the code for each hidden power with the highest possible IVs if you and other people want me to.


quoting my own post here so maybe people will see it. Is there some reason why every person who asks for a move modifier is completely and utterly ignored.

  serenity44 said:
found this code for TM modifier for japan but with no instructions

[TM Modifier (X or Y)]

1208864C 00002006

12088880 00002104

120888AE 00002104

12088826 000046C0

1208885A 00002006

120710AC 000080C8

120710BC 000070C8

020710CC 88CA7048

E20710D0 00000030

8800481C 02092101

D0004208 00493210

D0004208 00493A10

D0004208 00493201

D0004208 F0003A01

A900F818 1C2180CA

E2071128 00000020

2001E011 21F007C0

428231E3 2200D900

D900428A 46791C0A

4770814A 021D0694

E2088804 00000020

021B230F D028421A

F85CF002 2100484C

F79B5828 484BFE5B

1C015C28 0F000600

E208A1A8 00000010

46C0E000 88164A01

E02F52EE 0207114C

12088836 0000E006

1208A094 0000E001

For platinum the tm modifier was:

::Move Modifier

:::Change TM01 Move (XXXX = move hex values)

920F0BFE 00000151

120F0BFC 0000XXXX

D2000000 00000000

honestly have no idea what the japan code does, but if maybe someone here could convert the japan code or the platinum code, that would be awesome.


at page 24 is a lot of codes including the EV's and they worked on nosgba but crashes desmume, thats y i restarted the game, xD, still there is no wild poke change code


i have a doubt the EV's code worked for my feraligatr and my pidgeot but now i try to use it on others and it wont work, what might i been doing wrong???

PS: both of those were in their 1st form when i used the code, now my party is full and the code is saved but it turns off if i reset the emulator and i need to put a check on it to activate and then i go to the marking and confirm with the poke i want

  FreeSpirit said:
You can just edit the values in the "Wild Pokemon Has Max IVs" to the right ones in each stat to get the hidden power type. Or I can make a post a giant list of the code for each hidden power with the highest possible IVs if you and other people want me to.

yess please, i really have no idea/experience with tweaking codes, so if you do id be rlly grateful :biggrin:

still needed:

EV modifier via vitamins (252EVs)

Move Modifier

Hidden Power Wild Pkmn Modifier(almost)

Remove all TMs/HMs or one that replaces the 99x with 90x and that i can still get HMs from people (currently stuck :/ )


Hey I found the source code for the platinum weather mod code.



94000130 FEFF0000

B2101D40 00000000

DA000000 00111D10

D7000000 000012FA

D2000000 00000000

01 = Dark

02 = Rain 1

03 = Rain 2

04 = Rain 3

05 = Snow 1

06 = Snow 2

07 = Snow 3

08 = White background

09 = Ash rain 1

10 = Ash rain 2

11 = Diamond rain (Birthday-Event)

12 = Earthquake

13 = Hall of beginning

14 = Fog 1

15 = Fog 2

16 = Dark cave 1

17 = Flash and lightning

18 = Mist

19 = Mist 2

20 = Unknown

21 = Snow 4

22 = Ash rain 3

23 = Eterna Forest Look

24 = Dark Cave 2

25 = Dark Cave 3

26 = Smoke 1

27 = Morning

28 = Sunset

29 = Dusk

30 = Night

31 = Day

Now how do I convert this into a Soul Silver Code? Which line and hex number do I rip and change?


Also not sure if this help but here's the daylight mod for Soul Silver.


Always Dawn

521EA2D8 DA014288

121EA2DA 0000E001

121EA2E2 00002103

D2000000 00000000

::Always Morning

521EA2D8 DA014288

121EA2DA 0000E001

121EA2E2 00002105

D2000000 00000000

::Always Noon

521EA2D8 DA014288

121EA2DA 0000E001

121EA2E2 00002107

D2000000 00000000

::Always Afternoon

521EA2D8 DA014288

121EA2DA 0000E001

121EA2E2 00002109

D2000000 00000000

::Always Evening

521EA2D8 DA014288

121EA2DA 0000E001

121EA2E2 0000210B

D2000000 00000000

::Always Night

521EA2D8 DA014288

121EA2DA 0000E001

121EA2E2 0000210D

D2000000 00000000

::Always Midnight

521EA2D8 DA014288

121EA2DA 0000E001

121EA2E2 00002100

D2000000 00000000

There gotta be a line where you can edit the actual weather to male it rain and fog and etc.

Posted (edited)
  lazarus said:
yess please, i really have no idea/experience with tweaking codes, so if you do id be rlly grateful :biggrin:

Ok everyone. Here's the Wild Pokemon Hidden Power Type Modifier Code:

This took a while to change all the values and please test them out in case I edited the wrong value causing the Hidden Power to be different.

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Someone should make a new thread listing all the working codes for HG/SS so people don't need to constantly search the pages and that they know the codes are US and not Japanese codes lol.

All I ask for the 3rd time is a code to reclaim Bill's Eevee cause I would like to get a Female Eevee from him and that I love all the Eeveelutions.

Edited by FreeSpirit
Spelling Error Lol. I spelled out "Wile" instead of "Wild" xD

Off of my hiatus to ask: Are there any AR codes for event Pokemon Walker courses? Like the Yellow Forest?

The All Courses code doesn't work for me for some reason so I need individual codes. I really want to get the Champ's Path event Pokemon and such.

Posted (edited)

yes there are you need to look at pedros post about the events and pokewalker courses code

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thanks to pedro

Edited by Mewtwo Ex

hmm they worked for me :S not sure why then but there is an unlock all code out there i havent tried it ill post it

i just did the rally one which was one i was missing along with the beyond the sea they worked

remember to hit L+R and go to the pokemart and the green man will be there to give you the so called route map for the course :)

All courses

94000130 FFFB0000

62111880 00000000

B2111880 00000000

0200E71C 07FFFFFF

D2000000 00000000

press select

code did not work for me didnt unlock the last course i need

the one from pedro seem to work with event courses only not standard

and for the rest you would have to use the watts at 99999999 for the unlocking of non event courses

  Dash said:
hmm they worked for me :S not sure why then but there is an unlock all code out there i havent tried it ill post it

i just did the rally one which was one i was missing along with the beyond the sea they worked

remember to hit L+R and go to the pokemart and the green man will be there to give you the so called route map for the course :)

I'll try again thanks, I forget if I tried pressing L and R, maybe that's it lmao.


''anyone have a wild pokemon modifier (with level modifier) that works? I've tried a couple different codes so far and all they do is freeze my game. Please help! ''

94000130 FCFF0000

62111880 00000000

B2111880 00000000

00000D14 01ED0001

00000D18 00640002

D2000000 00000000

94000130 FDFF0000

62111880 00000000

B2111880 00000000

DA000000 00000D16

C0000000 00000027

D7000000 00025A68

D2000000 00000000

94000130 FDFF0000

62111880 00000000

B2111880 00000000

DB000000 00000D1A

C0000000 0000000B

D8000000 00025A5C

D2000000 00000000

1.input this code

2. press L+R

3. u'll get 493 master ball and 100 ultra balls

4. subract accordingly

- the master ball number should match the sr.no. of the pokemon you want to appear

- the ultra ball number should match the level at which you want your wild poke to appear

5. hold the L button..and move around the grass (make sure you keep pressing the L button or elz the code won work)

6. the desired pokemon with the desired level should appear..


and uh, a query guys..

that EV code (all EV 252)...i tried that...and used the stat booster items......it did nothing..

and then..i tried the marking in pc and clicking on confirm too..

well..so my question is...if a pokemon has few EVs from the start...we can still use this code and it'll work for sure right?..

i think i tried it and sorta screwed it up..~~

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