pokemonfan Posted April 14, 2009 Posted April 14, 2009 Xenesis said: I expect there to be a meaningful choice between the new pokemon and the old pokemon. Seriously, there's very few reasons that I'd take say Gastrodon over Swampert. Or Pidgeot over Staraptor. Or Pelliper over Gyarados/MantineAlso 2v2 battling. MORE 2v2 battling. You mean double battles? Yeah those are fun and it requires you to build a whole new strategy with your pokemon. Also, pelliper is ugly I would prefer gyarados or mantine so I could get mantike and gyarados is really awesome. I cant stand battling them. Gyarados knocked out my whole team in the distortion world and I'm so mad now because it took me forever to figure it out!
bear831 Posted April 14, 2009 Posted April 14, 2009 I disagree because people said the in the 3rd Gen. But did it happen? No of course not the y want money so there will be more games of a riot by pokemon fans outside pokemon centers everywhere. I mean to the no new pokemon posts.
Midnight Posted April 14, 2009 Posted April 14, 2009 If next-gen has an adorable Tropius pre-evo, I'll be happy. That's all I really ask for.
sheepgoesmeep Posted April 14, 2009 Posted April 14, 2009 They should have some better HM's, like a fire type hm to melt blocks of ice blocking the road.
pokemonfan Posted April 14, 2009 Posted April 14, 2009 sheepgoesmeep said: They should have some better HM's, like a fire type hm to melt blocks of ice blocking the road. So maybe flamethrower could be an HM??????:bidoof:Oh yes spinning bidooofs!!!
Hydra_ Posted April 15, 2009 Posted April 15, 2009 Maybe they could make it so when you have a friend added on wifi you can watch the battles they have on Wifi with other people but only if you have there Fc.
Zengetsu Posted April 15, 2009 Posted April 15, 2009 I think thats the whole point of the battle recorder
pokemonfan Posted April 15, 2009 Posted April 15, 2009 Isn't that only if you battle them. Also, how do you use that thing I'm not sure about how you use the battle recorder!
Zengetsu Posted April 15, 2009 Posted April 15, 2009 well I mean you cant really like go in like in Shoddy Battle and watch a live battle or partake in conversation but you can go to the GTS and search for other peoples battle vids. the post and so on
Turtlekid2 Posted April 15, 2009 Posted April 15, 2009 Speaking of the GTS, I want to be able to look through each and every single Pokemon that meets my search criteria, not just the random seven that happen to pop up. I want it to be systematic. Also, I want to look at summaries of these Pokemon. I want to know beforehand if I'm trading a Pokemon I worked hard to EV for a Modest Mewtwo, and not an Adamant one. GameFreak seems to have really skimped out on the GTS. I was hoping they would fix it in Platinum, but no joy.
Zengetsu Posted April 15, 2009 Posted April 15, 2009 ya I would love if they would do that that would prevent real pokemon trainers not to get scammed in some hack poke
pokemonfan Posted April 15, 2009 Posted April 15, 2009 Yeah, if you are really trying to train for competitive battling then having a nonhacked powerful poke is the way to go!
Zengetsu Posted April 15, 2009 Posted April 15, 2009 well ya and if you are in tournys and someone checks your pokes and you got one from GTS (for whatever reason) and then you get disqualified it would just be very helpful for competitive battling
pokemonfan Posted April 15, 2009 Posted April 15, 2009 Indeed, so I'm almost glad my wifi is nonexistent and I have no patience to enter in extremely long, pokesav generated, AR codes so I dont get hacked pokes if I ever wanted to battle from a competitive stand point.
Hydra_ Posted April 15, 2009 Posted April 15, 2009 Zengetsu said: well I mean you cant really like go in like in Shoddy Battle and watch a live battle or partake in conversation but you can go to the GTS and search for other peoples battle vids. the post and so on That is what I mean they should make it so you can watch a LIVE battle. It would be cool if they added that.
pokemonfan Posted April 15, 2009 Posted April 15, 2009 Yeah, you could get a lot of cool strategy tips plus mentally rank opponents and prepare for them if you ever challenged them or fought them.
Hydra_ Posted April 15, 2009 Posted April 15, 2009 pokemonfan said: Yeah, you could get a lot of cool strategy tips plus mentally rank opponents and prepare for them if you ever challenged them or fought them. Yeah but it would probably take a long time to make they could probably add it on to the GTS some how.And use the system of GTS but make one just for looking at people's live battles.
pokemonfan Posted April 15, 2009 Posted April 15, 2009 Maybe even something else. Maybe a whole nother place like: GBCs Global Battling Centers! There you can watch your videos and videos of others. Here all battling is recorded. You could even be ranked on a world score board and amongst your friends. That would be beast!
Hydra_ Posted April 15, 2009 Posted April 15, 2009 pokemonfan said: Maybe even something else. Maybe a whole nother place like: GBCs Global Battling Centers! There you can watch your videos and videos of others. Here all battling is recorded. You could even be ranked on a world score board and amongst your friends. That would be beast! Yeah that sounds beast . But in the GBC you could watch your friends live battles (if there having one) you can only watch them if you have them added in ur pal pad. That would be pretty beat.
pokemonfan Posted April 15, 2009 Posted April 15, 2009 Yeah, I guess only friends. However, shouldn't you be able to watch old videos of your friend's battles?
Zengetsu Posted April 15, 2009 Posted April 15, 2009 pokemonfan said: Yeah, I guess only friends. However, shouldn't you be able to watch old videos of your friend's battles?thats what the battle recorder lets you do
pennypenny123 Posted April 16, 2009 Posted April 16, 2009 They have FOUR generations of pokemon! That's 493 pokemon! There's no need for more new pokemon. I want them to make another G/S/C remake! I mean, come on! That's the only one that still is in the dirt old graphics! Yes it already has a remake (crystal) but still! That was still so long ago! I know more agree with me. Those three games were tons of fun too! Either they do that or they bring back the idea of two regions in one. Because I still remember that. It was so much fun to beat it and say, "Oh, I'm not done yet, lets go to the (name of region) region!"
ssj5goku5 Posted April 16, 2009 Posted April 16, 2009 the next game(s) they should make should allow you to play in the region that it is set in and then beat their pokemon league and then have to get the national dex to unlock all the pokemon and then have a boat you can ride on to go to the previous regions so you can be in that region to catch and train all the pokemon from that region and beat their gyms and pokemon leagues and go through all the regions like that. Now that would be a game id spend my money on to play.:)
Zengetsu Posted April 16, 2009 Posted April 16, 2009 ^^ I agree with both of you I think there needs to be a G/S/C remake and I also hope for there to be a game were all pokemon are acessible but I think it will be a little harder to do I think you should have to go through every gym in every region it would take forever but it would be the most awesome pokemon game ever
ssj5goku5 Posted April 16, 2009 Posted April 16, 2009 ya and if that would happen the pokemon game revolution would pretty much be complete because of the changes that have been made since r/b/y like changing to full colors and then later have events to get pokemon and now its o a touch screen so they need to finish it by giving it the possibility to go wherever you want in the pokemon world because that would be amazing.
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