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Posted (edited)

So I was playing Stadium 1 for the gift pokémon and thought I missed the amnesia psyduck with normal box beacuse I filled the hall of fame in round 2, so instead of re-playing the game to get all 151 again into the hall of fame in round 1, I got a round 1 save I had and filled the hall of fame with copies of an alakazam hall of fame entry to get the amnesia psyduck with normal box. Turns out there's no amnesia psyduck with normal box (which makes sense), but this is what I got from the savefile and since there doesn't seem to be any information around I'll leave it here in case someone wants to mess with it, code an editor or something. I know this isn't much information, but I think any info is better than no info.

Important note: Everything I say about the save takes as reference a project64 fla save file that has been byte swapped using saveswap by saturnu. Please keep this in mind.

Get saveswap here: http://krikzz.com/forum/index.php?topic=2298.0

The savegame file actually holds a Main save and a Backup save, which starts at 0x10000. Unlike gen 3, Main save seems to be always at 0x00 and Backup save at 0x10000.

The save has many different sections, they are really easy to spot since each section ends with a footer ("POKE"). I have only searched two of them, but with a little testing it should be easy to locate all of them.

0x8DC0-0x9D1F Hall of Fame Data

- 2 byte Header (seems always 0x0010)

- 26 byte * 151 pokemon data structure (seems to hold Level, OT ID, Nickname and OT Name, in this order. Level is stored like this level 100 = 0x6407)

- 2 byte padding (0x0000)

- 4 bytes footer ("POKE" or 0x504F4B45)

- 2 byte checksum

0x9EA0-0x9EC7 Gift Pokémon Data

- 2 byte Header (seems always 0x0010)

- 0x1C species index by pokedex number

- 0x20-0x21 2 byte padding (0x0000, Actually this is just an assumption due to analogy with other sections)

- 0x22-0x25 4 bytes footer ("POKE" or 0x504F4B45)

- 0x26-0x27 2 byte checksum

There's more data in the section, round 1 gift pokemon and round 2 gitf pokemon seem different (round 2 have more data apparently).

All sections seem to hold a similar structure, ending in padding, footer and checksum. There's probably a section for each kind of data (boxes, pc, cup data, registered pokemon...), and when a section is corrupted the game sets it back to default, but it won't actually tell the player that some data got corrupted.

I'm probably not looking further into this save as there are not many uses to editing it.

As a test, I got my amnesia psyduck save and changed species to #151:




All these gift pokémon have DVs generated when transfered to the GB cartridge (which is the only way of retrieving them), and have fixed TID: 02000 and OT (OT depends on Stadium game language).

I don't know why the Mew got tackle and growl, since the amnesia psyduck should know scratch and amnesia, I don't know how that became Tackle and Growl. Gift bulbasaur and squirtle come with those moves, so maybe it just defaults to those two? Who knows, I'm not gonna test the 150 remaining pokemon to see if they come out with tackle and growl.

note: the post has been updated to reference a propper swapping tool.

Edited by suloku
  • Like 1
  • 1 month later...

Thank you so much! No where in my google searches have I been able to find anything that outlined or mentioned the save structure of Pokemon Stadium. Let alone direct me to the tool uCon64 that makes it possible. I can finally start to find where registered party Pokemon are located in the save file. However, uCon is being difficult to setup so it will probably take me a few days to get it running.

  Poke J said:
Thank you so much! No where in my google searches have I been able to find anything that outlined or mentioned the save structure of Pokemon Stadium. Let alone direct me to the tool uCon64 that makes it possible. I can finally start to find where registered party Pokemon are located in the save file. However, uCon is being difficult to setup so it will probably take me a few days to get it running.

As you can see I edited my post. Use this tool: http://krikzz.com/forum/index.php?topic=2298.0

It will properly convert the savefile to hex "readable" format back and forth. I'll update first post to only reference the propper conversion.

If you are looking for registered pokemon: use a blank save, make a backup, then register 1 pokemon and compare both saves. You should at least find out where registered pokemon are stored. Since you only will have a single pokemon there it should be easy to figure the whole structure, it should be very similar to gen 1 structures, or at least hold the same data, allowing you to map it.

  • 3 months later...
Posted (edited)

hi suloku

first of all, thank you very much for your research. it has helped me understand the pokemon stadium save file a lot better :). fair warning, i am a noob when it comes to save editing via a hex editor.

Right now, I have a save file that has all 151 pokemon registered in the hall of fame. I'm trying to pop one of the pokemon out, so that the next time that specific pokemon is used in battle and wins, I can win the amnesia psyduck.

I've tried this with three different pokemon: Bulbasaur, Mewtwo, and Mew, mostly because these are at the start and end of the Hall of fame data respectively. Using your guide, specifically this part: "26 byte * 151 pokemon data structure (seems to hold Level, OT ID, Nickname and OT Name, in this order. Level is stored like this level 100 = 0x6407)", I found where the pokemon themselves are stored. Each 26 bytes corresponds to a different pokemon, as you mention in the OP.

However, when I try to pop one of them out (by setting each byte to 00), it seems to wipe the entire Hall of Fame contents after launching the game. I have made sure to saveswap before editing, and saveswap again after editing so that the game loads the save fine. I have all the other unlockables (such as R2) working fine in my edited save.

Here are the bytes I have in my save file that correspond to Mewtwo and Mew. Both are level 100, OT JACKSTR, and ID: 44423. This is a PJ64 stadium save that I found on the web, I believe on zophar's domain.

Mewtwo: 07 64 AD 87 8C 84 96 93 96 8E 50 20 80 13 AC 89 80 82 8A 92 93 91 50 33 80 0A

Mew: 87 64 AD 87 8C 84 96 50 93 8E 88 92 84 50 AC 89 80 82 8A 92 93 91 50 02 80 0A

On a clean save, these are all zeroed out, which is why I thought I could simply zero out one of the pokemon and have it simply disappear from the hall of fame. However, I was wrong.

I guess this has something to do with the 2 checksum bytes at the end of the hall of fame section? Do you know how I can calculate a valid checksum so that I can do what I'm trying to do?


EDIT: Okay.. after messing around a bit more with this I found out what the deal is. Using a tool called 010 Editor (found here: http://www.sweetscape.com/010editor/ ) I was able to calculate the correct checksum. Basically, you need to highlight all the data from the 0x0010 header of hall of fame data (located at 0x8DC0) through the ending 4 byte footer of the section located at 0x9D1D, including it. Then run the checksum calculation and use the last 2 bytes of the "Checksum - Ubyte (8 bit)" field. Use the last 4 digits of that checksum value (aka 2 bytes) and put it after the footer, where the checksum is expected. Save, swap the bytes again using the tool, and load up in pj64. Worked like a charm.

Again, thank you so much for your research as it has helped me (a noobie editor) to alter my save data. Let's see if I can get that psyduck now! :)

Edited by N64
found solution
  On 7/24/2016 at 5:49 PM, suloku said:

So I was playing Stadium 1 for the gift pokémon and thought I missed the amnesia psyduck with normal box beacuse I filled the hall of fame in round 2, so instead of re-playing the game to get all 151 again into the hall of fame in round 1, I got a round 1 save I had and filled the hall of fame with copies of an alakazam hall of fame entry to get the amnesia psyduck with normal box. Turns out there's no amnesia psyduck with normal box (which makes sense), but this is what I got from the savefile and since there doesn't seem to be any information around I'll leave it here in case someone wants to mess with it, code an editor or something. I know this isn't much information, but I think any info is better than no info.

Important note: Everything I say about the save takes as reference a project64 fla save file that has been byte swapped using saveswap by saturnu. Please keep this in mind.

Get saveswap here: http://krikzz.com/forum/index.php?topic=2298.0

The savegame file actually holds a Main save and a Backup save, which starts at 0x10000. Unlike gen 3, Main save seems to be always at 0x00 and Backup save at 0x10000.

The save has many different sections, they are really easy to spot since each section ends with a footer ("POKE"). I have only searched two of them, but with a little testing it should be easy to locate all of them.

0x8DC0-0x9D1F Hall of Fame Data

- 2 byte Header (seems always 0x0010)

- 26 byte * 151 pokemon data structure (seems to hold Level, OT ID, Nickname and OT Name, in this order. Level is stored like this level 100 = 0x6407)

- 2 byte padding (0x0000)

- 4 bytes footer ("POKE" or 0x504F4B45)

- 2 byte checksum

0x9EA0-0x9EC7 Gift Pokémon Data

- 2 byte Header (seems always 0x0010)

- 0x1C species index by pokedex number

- 0x20-0x21 2 byte padding (0x0000, Actually this is just an assumption due to analogy with other sections)

- 0x22-0x25 4 bytes footer ("POKE" or 0x504F4B45)

- 0x26-0x27 2 byte checksum

There's more data in the section, round 1 gift pokemon and round 2 gitf pokemon seem different (round 2 have more data apparently).

All sections seem to hold a similar structure, ending in padding, footer and checksum. There's probably a section for each kind of data (boxes, pc, cup data, registered pokemon...), and when a section is corrupted the game sets it back to default, but it won't actually tell the player that some data got corrupted.

I'm probably not looking further into this save as there are not many uses to editing it.

As a test, I got my amnesia psyduck save and changed species to #151:




All these gift pokémon have DVs generated when transfered to the GB cartridge (which is the only way of retrieving them), and have fixed TID: 02000 and OT (OT depends on Stadium game language).

I don't know why the Mew got tackle and growl, since the amnesia psyduck should know scratch and amnesia, I don't know how that became Tackle and Growl. Gift bulbasaur and squirtle come with those moves, so maybe it just defaults to those two? Who knows, I'm not gonna test the 150 remaining pokemon to see if they come out with tackle and growl.

note: the post has been updated to reference a propper swapping tool.


Do you have the sav or pk1 of that pokemon? If you have a link to download it !! thank you very much!

  On 1/3/2017 at 8:09 AM, RyanC said:

Do you have the sav or pk1 of that pokemon? If you have a link to download it !! thank you very much!


I don't think I kept it, but that Mew is nothing special (random DV and the tackle/growl moveset) and is completely illegal, so you might as well just make it with pkhex?

  • 1 month later...

UPDATE: Added registered teams structure

I've been researching a little Japanese pokémon stadium 1 (the japanese only game, do not confuse with stadium 2 which is international stadium 1).

Also, I've been looking at the rom searching for the trainers and their pokémon. They are easy to find, but they seem to use a different character encoding. I'm hoping registered pokémon use that different encoding, so I'm able to map it...unless there's an easier way to do it, I'm not feeling like registering 6x42 nicknamed pokémon to get the n64 japanese map.
Update: registered and stored pokémon use the GB character encoding, only pokémon in the ROM seem to use the n64 encoding, which I think it's a variant of UCS, characters are two bytes, the first one seems to be "always" 0xA5, if anyone recognizes the encoding it would help a lot.

Stadium 1 (JAP)

Registered Teams

0x00000 Registered team 1
0x00128 Registered team 1 backup

Each registered team is 294 bytes, 294*2 (588) bytes with the backup.
There's a total of 16 slots for team registers, so registered teams go from 0x00 to 0x24FF.

Team structure:

0x000:		Unknown, seems to always be 0x0001 for all teams
0x002:		OT name from the save that registered the team (6 bytes)
0x008:		OT ID# from the save that registered the team (2 bytes) (+ 0x50 terminator?)
0x00B-0x012 Unknown (padding?)
0x013:		Number of pokémon in the team (1-6)
0x014		Pokémon slot #1*
0x041		Pokémon slot #2*
0x06E		Pokémon slot #3*
0x09B		Pokémon slot #4*
0x0C8		Pokémon slot #5*
0x0F5		Pokémon slot #6*
0x122 		Register team 1 "POKE" footer
0x126 		Register team 1 checksum

* Pokémon struct is 45 bytes, same structure as n64 boxes, see below for reference

N64 Boxes

0x2500     First Box block
0x2513     Number of pokémon in n64 box 1
0x2514     First pokémon in n64 box 1
0x2A5A     Footer "POKE" (0x504F4B45)
0x2A5E	   Checksum (additive UByte 8 bit checksum for the whole block, 0x2500-0x25A5D)

All boxes share the same structure, they are 0x560 bytes long (1376).
I still need to locate the offsets for the other boxes. Also, there seems to be backup blocks for each box in case it gets corrupted.
Each pokémon is 45 bytes long (00 to 0x20 is the same structure as GameBoy, then comes Nickname and OT as this game doesn't use pokémon lists apparently):

0x00    Index number of the Species	1 byte
0x01    Current HP			2 bytes
0x03    Level                		1 byte
0x04    Status condition      		1 byte
0x05    Type 1                		1 byte
0x06    Type 2                		1 byte
0x07    Catch rate/Held item        	1 byte
0x08    Index number of move 1        	1 byte
0x09    Index number of move 2        	1 byte
0x0A    Index number of move 3       	1 byte
0x0B    Index number of move 4        	1 byte
0x0C    Original Trainer ID number    	2 bytes
0x0E    Experience points        	3 bytes
0x11    HP EV data            		2 bytes
0x13    Attack EV data            	2 bytes
0x15    Defense EV data            	2 bytes
0x17    Speed EV data            	2 bytes
0x19    Special EV data            	2 bytes
0x1B    IV data                		2 bytes
0x1D    Move 1's PP values        	1 byte
0x1E    Move 2's PP values        	1 byte
0x1F    Move 3's PP values        	1 byte
0x20    Move 4's PP values        	1 byte
0x21    Nickname            		6 bytes
0x27    OT                		6 bytes

Note: Nickname and OT seem to be stored in the same character encoding as the gameboy games, but the game seems to change some invalid characters to 7F when transfering. Pokémon in the rom, such as trainer pokémon use a different character encoding.

So if the DVs are random, I assume this means STADIUM 'mons can turn out shiny when transferred to G7? :P

That with Gen. I's simplistic pkm structure, sounds like I don't really need to bother with Stadium, can just create my own set of STADIUM events and they'll be legal.


Stadium 1 and 2 (international) has a LCRNG, I don't think it has the recently discovered limitations like the gameboy games, but keep in mind that STADIUM pokémon are gifted with a different catch rate so they have the Normal Box or Gorgeous Box items, so they were thinking in gen 2 when they coded the game, so it may be possible that some restriction is in place to prevent shiny DVs.
It seems Pocket Monsters Stadium (gonna call that the original jap stadium 1) doesn't have gift pokémon (I didn't find anything regarding those).

Some months ago I posted n64 savegames with each of the gift pokémon, so they can be easily received to a GB savegame with the proper emulator setup. They work with any language version, but propper RE would be the best to see if they can be shiny.

By the way, I've been working on a jpk1 exporter for the Pocket Monsters Stadium rom, I might turn it into a full editor at a later point. I just need to get the character encoding map, which might be a little difficult as I'm mostly try and error with the UCS encoding as reference and I don't have a clue about how to try finding the actual full encoding in the rom (probably dumping the full font textures would help, but I already tried and each character has its own texture and I'm not really into rom hacking to try finding them all to see which characters the game supports).

  • 3 years later...
Posted (edited)

Hope this will help anyone who is trying to figure out info for Pokemon that are registered in their cartridges. I couldn't find any extractor/save editor for this game, so I looked through the save data itself and used @suloku's post on Pokemon Stadium Zero registered teams as a base. My game is English version 1.1, but I assume it is the same for 1.0 and 1.2. Also, registered teams for the different modes are all over the place. Will post their pointers at the end.

Stadium 1 V1.1 (ENG)

Registered Teams

Team structure:

0x000:		Unknown, seems to always be 0x0001 for all teams
0x001:		OT name from the save that registered the team (7 bytes). 0x50 terminator and padding (0x00) until 0x00C.
		This probably starts at 0x002 (6 bytes) for Japanese games. 
0x00C:		OT ID# from the save that registered the team (2 bytes) (0x00 padding after?)
0x00F:		Number of pokémon in the team (1-6) (1 byte)	
0x010:		Pokémon slot #1*
0x047:		Pokémon slot #2*
0x07E:		Pokémon slot #3*
0x0B5:		Pokémon slot #4*
0x0EC:		Pokémon slot #5*
0x123:		Pokémon slot #6*
0x15A:		Register team 1 "POKE" footer (4 bytes)
0x15E: 		Register team 1 checksum (2 bytes)

* Pokémon structure is 55 bytes, (00 to 0x20 is the same structure as GameBoy, then comes Nickname and OT at 7 bytes and 
  4 terminator/padding each):

0x00    Index number of the Species	1 byte
0x01    Current HP			2 bytes
0x03    Level                		1 byte
0x04    Status condition      		1 byte
0x05    Type 1                		1 byte
0x06    Type 2                		1 byte
0x07    Catch rate/Held item        	1 byte
0x08    Index number of move 1        	1 byte
0x09    Index number of move 2        	1 byte
0x0A    Index number of move 3       	1 byte
0x0B    Index number of move 4        	1 byte
0x0C    Original Trainer ID number    	2 bytes
0x0E    Experience points        	3 bytes
0x11    HP EV data            		2 bytes
0x13    Attack EV data            	2 bytes
0x15    Defense EV data            	2 bytes
0x17    Speed EV data            	2 bytes
0x19    Special EV data            	2 bytes
0x1B    IV data                		2 bytes
0x1D    Move 1's PP values        	1 byte
0x1E    Move 2's PP values        	1 byte
0x1F    Move 3's PP values        	1 byte
0x20    Move 4's PP values        	1 byte
0x21    Nickname            		10 bytes + 0x50 terminator to make total of 11. If name is shorter, 0x00 padding is used.
0x2C    OT                		7 bytes + 0x50 terminator + 3 byte padding of 0x00 for total of 11. 
					If name is shorter, 0x00 padding is used.

Registered Team Pointers:

	Anything Goes	Poke Cup	Petit Cup	Pika Cup	Prime Cup	Gym Leader Castle	Vs. Mewtwo
01	0x000		0x2940		0x4000		0x4DC0		0x5B80		0x6940			0x8000
02	0x160		0x2AA0		0x4160		0x4F20		0x5CE0		0x6AA0			0x8160
03	0x2C0		0x2C00		0x42C0		0x5080		0x5E40		0x6C00			0x82C0
04	0x420		0x2D60		0x4420		0x51E0		0x5FA0		0x6D60			0x8420
05	0x580		0x2EC0		0x4580		0x5340		0x6100		0x6EC0			0x8580
06	0x6E0		0x3020		0x46E0		0x54A0		0x6260		0x7020			0x86E0
07	0x840		0x3180		0x4840		0x5600		0x63C0		0x7180			0x8840
08	0x9A0		0x32E0		0x49A0		0x5760		0x6520		0x72E0			0x89A0
09	0xB00		0x3440		0x4B00		0x58C0		0x6680		0x7440			0x8B00
10	0xC60		0x35A0		0x4C60		0x5A20		0x67E0		0x75A0			0x8C60

If you are unable to find a registered team in the mentioned locations, try adding a 1 after the x, which might be where backups are located. 
For example, all of my registered Vs. Mewtwo teams were in 0x18000 on my main file instead of 0x8000 on my test file.

Also of note: 0xDC0 to 0x2930 are blank. These Registered Teams are after Free Battle, and before Poke Cup, so these are likely used 
for the extra two cups that the Japanese version of this game has: Nintendo Cup '98 and Nintendo Cup '99 (the latter has four divisions 
like the Poke Cup, but Poke Cup's rules match Nintendo Cup '97). Because of this change, these spaces will likely always be blank in 
international versions of the game.

Most of the info is already shown to you when you view a Registered Pokemon's info, so the main things you'll want are: ID Number, EVs, IVs, each move's PP values, and OT. You might also want Catch rate/held item (if you plan on bringing them to Gen 2).

For PP, you'll need to convert it to binary (if it isn't at 0 PP Ups used), then see the value of the upper bits to see how many were used. Use this chart to figure out the OT: https://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Character_encoding_in_Generation_I#English

Edited by ShadowMario3
Info on Japanese Cups
  • Like 1
Posted (edited)

Here is the info for the Japanese version of Pokemon Stadium (called Pocket Monsters Stadium 2 over there). Save structure is pretty much the same as:


Stadium 1 (JPN) [Pocket Monsters Stadium 2]

Registered Teams

Team structure:

0x000:		Unknown, seems to always be 0x0001 for all teams (2 bytes)
0x002:		OT name from the save that registered the team (6 bytes). 0x50 terminator and padding (0x00) until 0x007.
0x008:		OT ID# from the save that registered the team (2 bytes) (0x00 padding after?)
0x00B:		Number of pokémon in the team (1-6) (1 byte)	
0x00C:		Pokémon slot #1*
0x039:		Pokémon slot #2*
0x066:		Pokémon slot #3*
0x093:		Pokémon slot #4*
0x0C0:		Pokémon slot #5*
0x0ED:		Pokémon slot #6*
0x11A:		Register team 1 "POKE" footer (4 bytes)
0x11E: 		Register team 1 checksum (2 bytes)

* Pokémon structure is 45 bytes, (00 to 0x20 is the same structure as GameBoy, then comes Nickname and OT at 6 bytes each:

0x00    Index number of the Species	1 byte
0x01    Current HP			2 bytes
0x03    Level                		1 byte
0x04    Status condition      		1 byte
0x05    Type 1                		1 byte
0x06    Type 2                		1 byte
0x07    Catch rate/Held item        	1 byte
0x08    Index number of move 1        	1 byte
0x09    Index number of move 2        	1 byte
0x0A    Index number of move 3       	1 byte
0x0B    Index number of move 4        	1 byte
0x0C    Original Trainer ID number    	2 bytes
0x0E    Experience points        	3 bytes
0x11    HP EV data            		2 bytes
0x13    Attack EV data            	2 bytes
0x15    Defense EV data            	2 bytes
0x17    Speed EV data            	2 bytes
0x19    Special EV data            	2 bytes
0x1B    IV data                		2 bytes
0x1D    Move 1's PP values        	1 byte
0x1E    Move 2's PP values        	1 byte
0x1F    Move 3's PP values        	1 byte
0x20    Move 4's PP values        	1 byte
0x21    Nickname            		6 bytes, 0x50 terminator used to indicate end of name, 0x00 padding used if name is short.
0x2C    OT                		6 bytes, 0x50 terminator used to indicate end of name, 0x00 padding used if name is short.

Registered Team Pointers:

	Anything Goes	Nintendo Cup '97	Nintendo Cup '98	Nintendo Cup '99	Petit Cup	Pika Cup		
01	0x0		0xD80			0x1B00			0x2880			0x4000		0x4D80				
02	0x120		0xEA0			0x1C20			0x29A0			0x4120		0x4EA0				
03	0x240		0xFC0			0x1D40			0x2AC0			0x4240		0x4FC0				
04	0x360		0x10E0			0x1E60			0x2BE0			0x4360		0x50E0				
05	0x480		0x1200			0x1F80			0x2D00			0x4480		0x5200				
06	0x5A0		0x1320			0x20A0			0x2E20			0x45A0		0x5320				
07	0x6C0		0x1440			0x21C0			0x2F40			0x46C0		0x5440				
08	0x7E0		0x1560			0x22E0			0x3060			0x47E0		0x5560				
09	0x900		0x1680			0x2400			0x3180			0x4900		0x5680				
10	0xA20		0x17A0			0x2520			0x32A0			0x4A20		0x57A0				
11	0xB40		0x18C0			0x2640			0x33C0			0x4B40		0x58C0				
12	0xC60		0x19E0			0x2760			0x34E0			0x4C60		0x59E0				

  	Prime Cup	Gym Leader Castle	Vs. Mewtwo
01	0x5B00		0x6880			0x8000
02	0x5C20		0x69A0			0x8120
03	0x5D40		0x6AC0			0x8240
04	0x5E60		0x6BE0			0x8360
05	0x5F80		0x6D00			0x8480
06	0x60A0		0x6E20			0x85A0
07	0x61C0		0x6F40			0x86C0
08	0x62E0		0x7060			0x87E0
09	0x6400		0x7180			0x8900
10	0x6520		0x72A0			0x8A20
11	0x6640		0x73C0			0x8B40
12	0x6760		0x74E0			0x8C60

Just like Stadium, it seems the backups are stored in 0x1---, so if you can't find a team in the mentioned pointers, try finding them there. For example, Vs. Mewtwo teams might be in 0x18000 instead of 0x8000.

Use this chart to figure out the OT: https://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Character_encoding_in_Generation_I#Japanese

Edited by ShadowMario3
Fixed a pointer
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  • 2 years later...

So I been struggling with this Stadium 2 file, everytime I load it on Pkhex, it's boxes are stated to be empty, and some boxes are completely red and are numbered 999999, but I know there's another way to properly open it and get the files that are on there. 

  • 5 months later...

I am so sorry to bump this very old thread, but I was hoping someone could help me out with this. I'm trying to reconstitute my original Blastoise from blue version. I had registered it on a team in Pokemon Stadium back in the day. Using the memory editor on my Gameshark I was able to find it (I think). But I need help translating the hex so that I can plug everything into PKHex. Attached photos below - feel free to let me know if I'm way off base with this. 





  • 10 months later...

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