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@The_RickyAll (and any others): In the easy terms: If you have kept your 3DS up to date and have not modded your 3DS sotware (for homebrew/piracy/etc), then you're fine.

That's why the description was basically "If you don't know what this is, then you're likely fine.", since if you modded, you should know so, and if not, you either wouldn't have obviously and/or know you hadn't done so, having not done so.

Really, you should always update anyways, despite what all the paranoid cheaters say. There will either be something that comes along to get around it safely, or Nintendo will finally issue an ultimatum that forces you to have to update and block cheating completely. As the latter is unlikely, just update.

To anyone: In the case of PKHeX's version, you really should subscribe to that thread. That way you will be instantly notified of any updates, since that's practically the only time a post will occur on that thread.


@jariesuicune: I do always update, i just didn't wanted to erase my only possibility of extending to 6th gen my 6IV 31 collection of legendaries, i'm quite noob on the matter and noobs tend to be afraid to do bullshit. I used to RNG abuse them. Now i can only edit them. Not as fun, but it gets the job done.

Thank you for your answer.

  Moonlander said:
I have the latest version of Pokemon X and PKHeX ,but when ever try to export my pc data the file doesn't show on my SD card even though it doesn't in indicate its not working when I put in the URL. I have tired both pcedit and RAM2sav and I just downloaded them today. My 3ds is isn't the latest model so I know that isn't the problem. What should I do?

Did you clear browser settings?

Posted (edited)

I get through to step 14 just fine, no issues that I'm aware of since I've done the same with the original injector, PC editor etc. But after injecting the save, the game freezes if I open the PC. The X menu also comes up blank, and for some reason my game progress was reset in some way (I walked outside Battle Maison to see the entrance scene again).

Looks like at least one other person has had their game freeze while opening the PC, so I'm not alone.

It's getting late so I can't mess about anymore, but tomorrow I'll try injecting an unedited save to see if there's something wrong with my method. If I'm screwing something up in the editing process, I'm not quite sure how - the only thing I've done is to inject a few pokemon into Box 1, all legal hacks of course.

EDIT: tried importing a clean save, no issues there. So I guess I'm back to square one...

Edited by aussieman000
  Kaphotics said:
read the OP


This requires you use a 3ds on system nand 9.0-9.5. You CANNOT use any other firmware, nor a new nintendo 3ds, nor a 3ds on 9.x emunand.

honestly i once tried to use this method on 2ds v7.xxx (pokemon Omega Ruby) and it works..


Hello! Made an account just to say thanks a lot for this! :D

Also would it be possible to maybe edit ESVs using this tool? Thanks again and more power!

  ktribal said:
Hello! Made an account just to say thanks a lot for this! :D

Also would it be possible to maybe edit ESVs using this tool? Thanks again and more power!

You mean Egg Shiny Value? You can manipulating the Egg's PID with PKHex, if i remember correctly. I might be wrong, I'm quite new to this, just like you. PKHeX is similar to the old Pokégen. With it you can open the file that will be generated with this tool.


Here it is.


Hi I'm having some issues with exporting my sav in pokemon X I keep getting this error


I'm currently running version 2-1 of PkHex as well as system firmware 9.2 On a physical copy of Pokemon X

Further, none of my boxes are showing any data.

I will note this is a new file that has just made it to the first pokemon center in the game.


What are you trying to do when that error message comes up? From that image, it looks like you were trying to edit your Trainer Data and tried to save a value that couldn't work and it crashed... (even if you weren't, I'd suggest not touching Trainer Data anyway. A bunch of it can't actually be changed (really, it'll re-set it in-game) and there's hardly any point in changing it, other than unlocking all costumes in X/Y. Some may cause clashes with other data, since Region data isn't an optional setting... I wouldn't want to test it)

So long as you are using the most recent PKHeX and 9.5 3DS software, and maybe have your game updated too (Pokemon games have patches as well), then you shouldn't have any problems other than computer-side. With those, you may want to make sure you don't have something that may interfere with PKHeX and it's operations.

Edit: Another way to put it: if you don't stay up to date, you make for MORE potential variables of things that can go wrong, since the majority of people will be testing and checking things using the newest version. Not updating in hopes of it being easier to cheat isn't really a good excuse not to update, especially if you want more useful help.


I see I will update my game and system to 9.5/ 1.3 respectively. I can't even open trainer data, and none of my pokemon in my box show up.

I was just trying to view my TID and SID in order to determine TSV


^_^; TSV doesn't really matter when you're cheating, since you can just tell it: BE SHINY and it will be. It's not like knowing it really helps much with normal breeding anyways, since you'd have to find someone else who happens to have the correct ID to do it... yeah, just make it as already Shiny.

As to that problem, are you saying that it crashes when you simply try to open the Trainer Data in the program? Or is it at other times? It may matter to know what specifically is happening.


After updating the problem was fixed :D! For the record though the error was happening when I hit the trainer data button in the program.

I know I could just gen as many shinies as I wanted but I like helping people get legitimate pokes so I was just tryin to find my TSV since I don't have a powersaves.


^_^ Glad it worked! Most likely you were running things just too far back. (Yep. Despite what people usually say about not updating to keep using an exploit, I've come to think that the actually good ones last through updates one way or another, so it's best to just update and not mod the software.)

Ah, I see. Fortunately, just look at a Pokemon you got in-game, since it's OT/misc page has that info (it's saved into each Pokemon's data). Then input it here: http://tomatoland.org/dada/pkmn/sv/

Though, it seems that's only accurate to X/Y, according to them (though I'd expect it should be the same formula for OR/AS...)


I figured out my problem. For some reason (probably lack of sleep) I was exporting my edited save file using File->Save As, giving me a save file that only contained data for the one mon that appeared in the tabs. This would understandably result in a game freeze upon opening the PC, nothing appearing in the menu, and cutscenes playing out again. So to anyone else having that problem, there's your solution - make sure you export your edited save using the "Export SAV" button under the "SAV" tab.

Also, thought I should mention a small problem that I had yesterday: PKHeX was giving me the "unsupported file type/size" error when I tried opening a .bin file that had been renamed to that of the version title. I got it working by changing the name back to "ramsav.bin". So unless there's something I'm missing, it might be worth adding a reminder to the instructions that filenames need to be unchanged in order to work with both rsavin.bin and PKHeX.


Hello, I tried to import a friend's save file (we both own French versions of OR), but somehow I can't have it working.

When I go back to my game after importing the save, I still am playing the old save file. However if I enter a building I get a black screen. I tried having both our characters saving in the same spot of the same zone but result is still the same.

If I save the game and reload it, I get a black screen when trying to start playing on my save.

I'm not asking for help or anything here (I didn't care about my old save file), but I'd like to understand where I screwed up. My save already was heavily hacked, so I don't know why using another game's save file is different.

PS: We both lost our saves in the process (as we cannot launch a save file, we could not inject the backup). We tried again with each other's new save file, which was made just after we got the pokedex. Result still was the same. I don't have the save files right now in my computer but I can get them if necessary.

PS2: when I get a black screen, no button works anymore except long pressing power button (hard reset). I cannot get to the 3ds menu.

(I apologize for the long post)


Quote from supercarotte:

  Reveal hidden contents

Save sharing was never possible with the exception of between rom versions of the game both running on a gateway. This is due to encryptions, which are not rewritten when importing a ramsav.

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