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I have tied both pcedit and ram2sav and followed all the instruction but every time I put my SD card in my laptop after the browser crashes the pcdata nor the ramsav.bin file show up no matter how many times I try. I have the version 1.3 of Pokemon x and the original 3ds I also have a sandisk micro SD card. Does the pcedit and ram2sav not work for x and y?


@kolu: Assuming you are asking this means you live in HK, do you have your 3DS? You could just test it yourself, since if it works it works and if it doesn't, no damage.

@imaboy321: As the first post says, if you have to ask, then it's a safe bet you're in the clear. Basically, for you to have the wrong one would mean you had actively modified your 3DS software so you could do easily run things the system isn't meant to, most commonly for homebrew or piracy.

This method specifically works using the correct and un-modded software of the 3DS.


A few day ago when I tried to PokeGen some Pokemon, I had every Pokemon in my PC boxes turn to bad eggs when I ran the pcin bookmark in the browser. I was certain that I did everything in PKHeX correctly.

Today, when I run the pcout bookmark on the browser, the bottom screen turns green when it crashes, which I know that it's not supposed to turn green. Is there any explanation to why it goes green on the pcout bookmark when it is not supposed to?

After the bottom screen goes green from trying to run the pcout bookmark, I can't run the pcdata.bin in PKHeX. I get an error message (I don't have a screenshot of the message, sorry, but I do remember that it says something like the pcdata.bin file not being supported)

Is there anything that I could do to fix my issues with PKHex, and the pcout, pcin sites in the browser? Any explanations/help is greatly appreciated.


You would likely have answered your questions, which have been asked and answered many times now, if you had just looked through the last several pages of comments before posting. Half the comments for help here are just constant repeats and are even addressed in the OP comment.

First: Go to the PKHeX project thread, make sure you have the newest release, and subscribe to it. That way you will be directly notified whenever an update comes out (why people don't do that in the first place... is because they seem to expect that to be just announced somehow? But, it's not, subscribe to it.)

Then, go double-check the OP post. Despite being sure you've done it right, you've obviously messed up somewhere to get Bad Eggs.

As to the green-screen, there are numerous reports of it working both with and without green-screen crash.

Be sure you DO have latest system update, and are not using a New 3DS (not yet, if ever, supported).

The case of bad eggs is of data being loaded in the game for a Pokemon that does not correctly generate a Pokemon to the extent that is beyond just not being Legal, it is a bad file, ie: Bad Egg.

This should not be able to occur because of PKHeX itself, especially if you stay on the newest release, since it allows only specific data to be edited, and forces certain areas to be filled with at least a default.

  jariesuicune said:
@kolu: Assuming you are asking this means you live in HK, do you have your 3DS? You could just test it yourself, since if it works it works and if it doesn't, no damage.

@imaboy321: As the first post says, if you have to ask, then it's a safe bet you're in the clear. Basically, for you to have the wrong one would mean you had actively modified your 3DS software so you could do easily run things the system isn't meant to, most commonly for homebrew or piracy.

This method specifically works using the correct and un-modded software of the 3DS.

Unfortunately I live in Australia and got an US 3DS ;-;



I'd gladly appreciate if someone can help me. I've done the extracting "pcdata.bin" and the pkhex editing BUT, when I try to inject the file, my browser just does not crash and stays:

Downloading ROP file LoadCode.dat: OK

Setting filename parameter to pcin.bin: OK


It just does not crash so it does not inject the file.

Could someone please help me?

Thank you very much in advance!!


Lengthy quote from Frijolito:

  Reveal hidden contents

Eh.. It's gonna be a longshot, but did you run the sav to pcdata?



I tried out this method but I have a problem . The bit.ly link is blocked in my country . What us does that link do? Could you pls tell me a way to either change my location or pls do something to help me . thank you for sharing it with us


Really, people need to stop posting shortened links for things... the forwarding site itself could be blocked in some countries for all we know (let alone higher potential of it becoming a dead link).

I may also help if you tell us your country. We can't try to actually help you if we don't know what we are dealing with.

Are you sure it's the actual link target site and not maybe just the forwarding link that is blocked? Just to be sure.


Yeah, that seems to be a tough area for this... partially unsurprisingly, I guess. So, Russian domains are no good there. As it is, I don't know any way around this (those kind of blocks aren't easy to get around, or they wouldn't be used), only that it would need to be re-hosted somewhere that would not be blocked. (An easy way to see where a site is coming from, assuming a person uses Firefox: install the add-on Flagfox. It will show a flag of the country that site is hosted in by the server location.)

  Alpha said:
If your rename pcout.bin file to code.bin, you can use loadcode.projectpokemon.org

Then rename the pcin.bin to code.bin when you want to use the other one. The URLs basically tell what filename to load locally.

This worked thanks a lot


So Basically I dont know how to import various pokemon into the game. I want to import Kazowars livingdex which there is a link to at the bottom of the original post. But I dont seem to know how to import more than one pokemon. Will I need to make it into a boxdata.bin? There are just a bunch of pk6 files...


A .pk6 file is a single Pokemon's data file. When you load your Game's save into PKHeX, you insert any .pk6 file where you want it in your PC. Then save it, load it into your game, and done.

Those, I hope, should each be a simple but Legal version of each Pokemon, so you can just load any you want easily and all together.

If it's just to complete your Dex, I'm rather surprised you haven't already done so long ago. Game Freak has made it too easy to do normally now, despite the 700+ species.

Just follow the guide.


Alright, I need some serious help here. So I've followed all the steps thus far. I get to the part where I need to head over to the pcin page, I do that, file is executed, browser crashes (no green screen though), everything seems fine. The moment I load back into Pokemon OR and try to load up my PC boxes, the game freezes and heads back to the 3DS Home Menu.

Also not to mention, if I just stand there in game, without pressing a button, it won't freeze, but the moment I press something it will freeze about 5 seconds afterwards. Any reason why this might be occurring? My 3DS XL is on system ver 9.4 Would really like some help on this. I am so close to getting this to work haha.


I followed all the steps, but after I ran pcin.bin and it crashed back to the main menu, I went into my game and found that every single box was filled with bad eggs! I am using Pokemon Alpha Sapphire and my firmware is 9.2 on a Nintendo 3DS XL.

Thank you very much.

Never mind, figured out the problem. I exported the RamSave by accident.


Also, update your firmware. Though it may not be a direct issue, there have been reports of problems that were fixed only when they updated. Stay up to date (holding back will not help you, as you won't be running the same situation as those who are helping). And then you aren't restricting yourself from the other neat things, such as Nintendo Anime Channel for 3DS (coming up).

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