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I figured it out! It took me 8 tries to get it back onto my cart (it worked after I turned wifi off on the DS) so if it fails, try again! :3


... seems like i've on every step an issue why doesnt wont this "pcdata to savefile" working it dont even want to start?

  jm-plata said:
Dont work with AS, i got a pcdata.bin 211KB that can't be opened in PKHex (Im using 9.4 FW old 3DS)

Read. The. OP.

It says open savefile not the .bin

  Cali said:
Read. The. OP.

It says open savefile not the .bin

In the tuto said:

  KazoWAR said:


  Reveal hidden contents

Source Code

pcin.c http://pastebin.com/bnYrT2kR

pcout.c http://pastebin.com/ZLgbyQxq


Created an account just to say thank you. I got it to work after a few tries of loading pcin, but I couldnt be happier.

  Dyshonest said:
Anyone have a save prepared with all 718 Pokemon?

Also, this. Does anyone have a savefile we could use, loaded with Pokemon so I can fill this dex? It would mean a lot. If not, can someone show me the way to go about doing that? Going one at a time in PKHex will take all day. Theres gotta be a way to import all of them at once...?

  KazoWAR said:
yea this is a little bit differnt that the one uploaded like 12 hours ago.

you need to get a new update for PKHeX

Im using the version that got updated when OR/AS came out and it works fine for me except the re-inject snafu which I overcame.


Hey guys,

Whenever I download the file (pcedit.zip in the OP) and open the zip, I don't get the pcdata.bin file. I only get pcin.bin, pcout.bin, and readme.txt. I tried disabling my wireless and doing all the steps in the post, but I still can't end up with a pcdata.bin file. Is that file supposed to be there when you unzip the file, or are we supposed to get it some other way?

  spyexxx said:
Hey guys,

Whenever I download the file (pcedit.zip in the OP) and open the zip, I don't get the pcdata.bin file. I only get pcin.bin, pcout.bin, and readme.txt. I tried disabling my wireless and doing all the steps in the post, but I still can't end up with a pcdata.bin file. Is that file supposed to be there when you unzip the file, or are we supposed to get it some other way?

it gets made on your 3ds sd card when you run the pcout.bin by visiting http://bit.ly/1yRUulB in your browser. your FW version needs to be from 9.0 to 9.4. you can not use emunand.


Oh! No wonder. I thought it's something that was supposed to come with the zip. Also, when you say we're supposed to run it in our browser, you mean the 3DS's browser, correct? Thanks!

  spyexxx said:
Oh! No wonder. I thought it's something that was supposed to come with the zip. Also, when you say we're supposed to run it in our browser, you mean the 3DS's browser, correct? Thanks!

yes, check out the how to use spoiler

  KazoWAR said:
yes, check out the how to use spoiler

Final question: should we delete injectiondebug.bin, code.bin, and pokemon.ekx (from when I was trying to inject a pokemon) from our SD card before we copy pcin.bin and pcout.bin? Or can we keep them all there and still try to run this method?


Hi guys, I'm stuck at Step 8. My PKHeX program is saying that the pcdata.bin file is unsupported. Any help? I attached an image that shows what I'm seeing. [ATTACH=CONFIG]12010[/ATTACH]

  hmoobtustub said:
Hi guys, I'm stuck at Step 8. My PKHeX program is saying that the pcdata.bin file is unsupported. Any help? I attached an image that shows what I'm seeing. [ATTACH=CONFIG]12010[/ATTACH]

You dont drag the pcdata.bin to PKHeX, you run pcdata to savefile (which is a batch file aka command prompt execution) and then drag the file named savefile into PKHeX. To get it back into the pcdata.bin file, run the savefile to pcdata batch file after all the edits then go back to the pcin website.

  |M| said:
You dont drag the pcdata.bin to PKHeX, you run pcdata to savefile (which is a batch file aka command prompt execution) and then drag the file named savefile into PKHeX. To get it back into the pcdata.bin file, run the savefile to pcdata batch file after all the edits then go back to the pcin website.

Apologies. I got lost when you mentioned command prompt execution. Would you be so kind to explain how to run pcdata to savefile and vice-versa?

  hmoobtustub said:
Apologies. I got lost when you mentioned command prompt execution. Would you be so kind to explain how to run pcdata to savefile and vice-versa?

Do you see a file named pcdata to savefile in your folder?

  |M| said:
Do you see a file named pcdata to savefile in your folder?

I do not. All I see are the following files: pcdata.bin, pcin.bin & pcout.bin. Here's the picture [ATTACH=CONFIG]12011[/ATTACH]

  hmoobtustub said:
I do not. All I see are the following files: pcdata.bin, pcin.bin & pcout.bin. Here's the picture [ATTACH=CONFIG]12011[/ATTACH]

Are you using his first upload or his newest? I have his first upload. That might be the difference. BTW cannot see the picture.

  |M| said:
Are you using his first upload or his newest? I have his first upload. That might be the difference. BTW cannot see the picture.

You're referring to PKHeX right? I am using the newest one (01-25-15).

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