Alpha Posted January 26, 2015 Posted January 26, 2015 jariesuicune said: Also, I've been wondering if there's any known reason why it doesn't work on New3DS? I have both an old and New, so I just continue to use Cyber Editor myself, but still have to be curious as to the reason. Different memory locations to bootstrap the code into. I'll work on porting it over eventually, but there are still higher priority tasks.
jariesuicune Posted January 26, 2015 Posted January 26, 2015 Ah, I figured it was like that. Fortunately, the New3DS is still mainly in Japan, so it's still going to be a while until that becomes a notable issue. Still, wow that this works! >_< Sure hope it gives incentive to include a better (if any?) legal check to online battles, not just trades... That would be nice. Also, I've got to wonder... does this method have any potential application for other 3DSgames/applications?
wraith89 Posted January 26, 2015 Posted January 26, 2015 I am a little bit late to this party, but no matter how much I try, I think this exploit has no effect in a Korean 3DS, which I am an unfortunate owner of. So if anyone else uses one too and could double check for me that would be great. I am suspecting this though because our latest firmware does not even include themes and other updates other nationalities have received, so there may be a difference here on how the firmware works. It says the version is 9.3 but is mostly outdated compared to other regions.
Krusiv Posted January 26, 2015 Posted January 26, 2015 Can anyone help me with this Clefable real quick? I was able to put it into my copy of X but Battle Spot says something is wrong with it. I think it has to do with the 'Met' section. I tried to sync it up to Leaf Green so 'Soft-Boiled' would be a valid move. I was able to gen two other Pokes without issues. I appreciate the help and thank you for your time.
jariesuicune Posted January 26, 2015 Posted January 26, 2015 This is not the place for asking for fixing your mistakes in Pokemon creation. There are other threads/groups for that, please go there. (Also, to give you a heads-up, most likely you set your IV's all to 31. Instant near-impossible, since Gen III/IV Pokemon IV are tied to their PID and have many restrictions, making a 31x6 Pokemon nearly impossible and will fail Legal Checks most likely. Also, you have to make sure you fill ALL data out both completely and for sure; ignoring data that seems unimportant can easily cause your problem. Origin data with Transfer involved also can be tough.)
Shinichikun Posted January 26, 2015 Posted January 26, 2015 umm, by any chance, does this mess up the save file? i'm having trouble trying to do this because i'm afraid that it might mess up my save file, and that i have no other means of backing up/restoring my save file. if anyone can confirm this it would be greatly appreciated )
Dyshonest Posted January 26, 2015 Posted January 26, 2015 Shinichikun said: umm, by any chance, does this mess up the save file? i'm having trouble trying to do this because i'm afraid that it might mess up my save file, and that i have no other means of backing up/restoring my save file.if anyone can confirm this it would be greatly appreciated ) Nope. Best part of this is if you did mess up and spawn a Bad Egg, you can just cut the game off because nothing saved.
Shinichikun Posted January 26, 2015 Posted January 26, 2015 i guess that kinda makes me feel more confident but what if perhaps i gen a pokemon which is "not legal" e.g. a sturdy shedinja. would it corrupt my save file in the long run?
SpiffySansCause Posted January 26, 2015 Posted January 26, 2015 Shinichikun said: i guess that kinda makes me feel more confident but what if perhaps i gen a pokemon which is "not legal" e.g. a sturdy shedinja. would it corrupt my save file in the long run? Nope. Arceus doesn't use Judgment on hacked save files.
Shinichikun Posted January 26, 2015 Posted January 26, 2015 really? i hope it really doesnt i'm just so paranoid haha. thanks guys!
jariesuicune Posted January 26, 2015 Posted January 26, 2015 Bad Eggs, impossible Pokemon (ie: blatant hack) and such will not corrupt (or whatever other weird paranoia fuel) your save. They never have. Past events of that are from improper use of AR codes/ bad/false codes, which altered data in the wrong areas in wrong ways and merely blamed such from ignorance. The rest of those claims are lies to fuel the fire. Even if there were somehow any in past games that somehow did, that will not be the case here. If you simply use the method as it is meant to, then even the worst edited Pokemon will cause no more problem other than being wrong. Unless maybe you were to succeed at inserting a file NOT made by PKHeX and was really data that was not a Pokemon file. But I seriously have to consider someone who did that to be rather stupid, as that goes from ignorance to intentional foolishness (if you can't learn to hack right, don't hack in the first place; otherwise you certainly do deserve the consequences of what you shouldn't be doing in the first place). Just follow the instructions to the letter and actually do your research in how to Gen correctly, and you won't risk any weird problems in the first place. Or learn to breed. To be honest, in many cases, it would really be easier, believe it or not.
Noobcybot Posted January 26, 2015 Posted January 26, 2015 Hoopa event !!? When i have hoopa in my party and i go to the pokemarkt there is no event why not ?
SunWukong Posted January 26, 2015 Posted January 26, 2015 Noobcybot said: Hoopa event !!?When i have hoopa in my party and i go to the pokemarkt there is no event why not ? I've only gotten the event to work when I receive Hoopa as a wonder card, try the wonder card injection....or try adding him to your pokedex by transfering him to the pokebank and then back to your game, I haven't tried that with injected Hoopa yet.
Noobcybot Posted January 26, 2015 Posted January 26, 2015 ok thx but where can i find the wonder card injection? sorry im new on this site.
Sartris Posted January 26, 2015 Posted January 26, 2015 (edited) Reisyukaku said: Ok try this guys. (for those that want tid/sid)Just make sure that the first mon in your PC is actually yours, and then when you get that debug file, drag it onto the batch file in here. Question: How do I put my own pokemon in the first slot if I have to run the exploit to create injectiondebug.bin (and presumably overwrite my original pokemon)? Running the program after a successful injection gives a TID that doesn't match any of my carts or the TID of the inejected pokemon. I also tried loading injectiondebug.bin in PKHeX as instructed in the OP but was told it was an invalid file. turned out I didn't have the most current version of PKHeX, but when I load the bin, it comes up as essentially blank (just like when you start the program normally) UPDATE: I figured it out. 1) make sure you have one of your own pokemon in box 1 (i misread the original directions) 2) run the exploit 3) load injectionbug.bin in PKHeX 4) Turn on TOOLS --> TOGGLE BOX INTERFACE 5) Right click --> view on your pokemon to view it. Have a pokemon in the box from each of your gen VI carts to speed up the process. Edited January 26, 2015 by Sartris
mathwiz86 Posted January 26, 2015 Posted January 26, 2015 @SciresM I finally got this to work on my 2DS. Thanks a lot. I also traded away my Raichu on Wonder Trade, and it went through fine. Haven't tested out Pokemon Bank because I don't have it. Could you check out my secretid?!j5oigDYQ!IJYHewhhybBk2ZsY7dFV6UyIDA2L_nZc1K9Qp_5urm0
MrAzn Posted January 26, 2015 Posted January 26, 2015 So, I've managed to get this work and have injected quite a few pokemon; however, there appears to be a problem with trying to go through battle spot/trading/GTS. I thought I made them legit, but I guess not? I believe I may have messed up with the PID. When saving the pokemon to the ekx file, do you have to generate the PID yourself by clicking the button or will the application do that for you upon saving? I ended up clicking to generate at PID. I remember with PokeGen, you were supposed to leave it alone and it would automatically create a matching PID. Is this the same case here? Also, I am having issues trying to get my SID. Any help would be much appreciated.
wraith89 Posted January 26, 2015 Posted January 26, 2015 Please use the Legality Section for your legality inquiries. This is not the place to ask for this.
MrAzn Posted January 26, 2015 Posted January 26, 2015 wraith89 said: Please use the Legality Section for your legality inquiries. This is not the place to ask for this. Fair enough. Could I also get a little help with the SID bit, though? I see on the first page that I only need to open the generated injectiondebug.bin file in PKHeX. I've tried it, but I'm a little lost after that. I assumed I would just need to move over to the TID/SID section, but those boxes are filled with the defaults (12345/54321). Am I missing something here? EDIT: Jk, i think i figured it out. I just need to make sure I have an originally owned pokemon in my first few boxes and open the box interface in PKHeX, correct?
DrakJay Posted January 26, 2015 Posted January 26, 2015 MrAzn said: Fair enough. Could I also get a little help with the SID bit, though? I see on the first page that I only need to open the generated injectiondebug.bin file in PKHeX. I've tried it, but I'm a little lost after that. I assumed I would just need to move over to the TID/SID section, but those boxes are filled with the defaults (12345/54321). Am I missing something here? EDIT: Jk, i think i figured it out. I just need to make sure I have an originally owned pokemon in my first few boxes and open the box interface in PKHeX, correct? Yup, that's what worked for me. However, last night i got the sample Hoopa working, my own Staraptor, and Sleepy's sample Jirachi. Now I'm trying to do a Clawitzer for my brother, and as many others in this topic have expressed, i get one of the harmless unhatchable eggs.
Guild_Master Posted January 26, 2015 Posted January 26, 2015 I did this with Hoopa and it worked fine. But when i made my own pokemon and saved it has a .ekx file into my SDcard, when i went in game and put in my browser when i went in my box and it was a egg and in PKhex i made sure it wasnt a egg. Please help?
jariesuicune Posted January 26, 2015 Posted January 26, 2015 A Bad Egg means you messed up somewhere. Or somehow just didn't notice and hit the "As an Egg" option.
momkoto Posted January 26, 2015 Posted January 26, 2015 Hey peeps~ So, I made a bunch of shiney eevees to get their evolutions (I love shiny sylveon), but when I attempted to evolve the ones that needed stones my 3ds simply froze and took several minutes to turn off. I thought it was a one time only thing but I tried twice more and got the same results. Anyone else having trouble evolving their pokémon? Anyone tried leveling them up yet? Or breeding?
Churubou Posted January 26, 2015 Posted January 26, 2015 Uhm, what happens when you intialize save data from the settings in the browser? (because I can't seem to get pokemons into my pc box even after clearing out my cookies and history. And I'm kind of scared of losing my stuff on my SD Card and 3DS)
Dycedarg Posted January 26, 2015 Posted January 26, 2015 Churubou said: Uhm, what happens when you intialize save data from the settings in the browser? (because I can't seem to get pokemons into my pc box even after clearing out my cookies and history. And I'm kind of scared of losing my stuff on my SD Card and 3DS) The internet browser will be reset to its original settings. I'm pretty sure no other files will be erased, though to be sure, keep a backup of your whole SD card as well.
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