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PKHeX Legacy Discussion

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  BattleLegend said:
I wonder if like for the next update of PKHeX should have another move for Hoopa besides Hyperspace Hole. Shadow Strike. Even though it's a made up/creative Ghost Type move

PKHeX is a save editor, not a rom editor. I see what you are doing. One ridiculous post for every page.


First off, I just want to say thanks for creating this software. It's awesome! Second, I have a question regarding the Battle Maison. I know PKHeX allows you to get the monuments and set whatever streak you want, but I was curious if it was at all possible to remove the restrictions on legendary and event pokemon allowed to enter? The last time I remember a code like that existing was in the gen 4 games through action replay. Thanks again!

  awesometeemo said:
PKHeX is a save editor, not a rom editor. I see what you are doing. One ridiculous post for every page.
I know but. It's just that the hype for all these new PKHeX updates. And by the way. I'm not trying to rush for the new releases or anything. It's just that I have keep renewing the PKHeX editor every time Kaph updates. Even though I don't have a JP cart or the CGSE just yet

That may be, if you don't have something that actually helps or a real question, there's really no point in knowingly wasting space with meaningless comments. The update will come when it does, and that's it.

That said, it would be nice if we had any kind of estimated timeframe for when that will be, to help calm the mob...?

  jariesuicune said:
That may be, if you don't have something that actually helps or a real question, there's really no point in knowingly wasting space with meaningless comments. The update will come when it does, and that's it.

That said, it would be nice if we had any kind of estimated timeframe for when that will be, to help calm the mob...?

Yes. That'll be perfect if we could actually have the exact timeframe. But I agree with you as well


I'm sorry if this was asked before, but will this ever be available for the US or European version of X and Y? I don't understand why this program is only for the Japanese Version?

And is this like PokeSav or PokeGen?

  Sodarok said:
I'm sorry if this was asked before, but will this ever be available for the US or European version of X and Y? I don't understand why this program is only for the Japanese Version?

And is this like PokeSav or PokeGen?

The only decryption/signing/encryption service available to the public is a Japanese hardware tool which only supports Japanese (region locked) games. PKHeX is a save editor, not a crypto program (which is impossible for a portable exe).



Thank you, but will it be available for the other regions as well in the next time or is this impossible? What do you mean with "to the public"? On Youtube, I saw a video in which a hacker used it but the language of the game was English.

I understand that it's a save editor but practically, you can generate Pokemon at your will with this, right?


For those of you wanting a 'new update'; there haven't been any significant changes to warrant the release of one. No new features (in terms of editing, not usage) have been identified, primarily because PKHeX already does so much. I'd much rather use my time for other tools (relative to 3DS ROM editing, which is possible).

  Sodarok said:
Thank you, but will it be available for the other regions as well in the next time or is this impossible? What do you mean with "to the public"? On Youtube, I saw a video in which a hacker used it but the language of the game was English.

I understand that it's a save editor but practically, you can generate Pokemon at your will with this, right?

The game language can be set to any language, but the CARTRIDGE itself (manufactured region) matters.

Cyber Save Editor only supports Japanese cartridges (the company's decision); PKHeX supports editing of their decrypted save files, of which they accept and encrypt for you... so long as you're using a Japanese cartridge.

PKHeX edits essentially everything in the save file, including Pokemon.


I can see that. I can't think of much that it doesn't already do!

However, there is still the problem with various edits resulting in a "Corrupt Save" error, mostly with editing certain Trainer-related data, editing Event Flags, and (at least sometimes?) Wonder Card data (though those were identified as being caused by Cyber's Editor, at least to some extent?), as well as not having full control over the Outfit selections/removal yet.

Hm, on that thought, is it possible to add the effects that are normally only set temporarily in Trainer Promo videos? I don't think you'd see much difference even if so, but just came to mind so I'm asking.


PKHeX does scan for block corruption but not out of range corruption. As long as users don't go overboard with edits, it shouldn't happen.

It's impossible for me to easily support stuff as I do not own the games and cannot test save edits myself; so things have to be documented well enough before being implemented.

You can add the promo video effects by changing the last 4 things in the appearance textboxes.


Ah, I see. That does make it difficult.

I'll need to see if maybe some of those problems were fixed in the last update and I just didn't check...

What about the other clothes options? Could you list which is which? Also, I notice one is grayed out and can't be changed... why? (I was really looking forward to total control on outfits...)


Then, do you already know which one affects which item, tops, bottoms, shoes? If so, could you explain which is which? Not trying to be a hassle, it's just that's why I've been asking about it in the first place, other than Hair Color and Hat they aren't labeled... and it's taking a while to test them all. (I ended up totally invisible! It was kinda cool, a floating hat...)


I do not own X/Y or a 3DS, nor do I own Cyber Save Editor. All of the things I add are based off of the research of others (who I usually advise on what/how to look).

If the community wanted it displayed in index numbers instead of bytes, they'd have to figure out what byte sets what, just like every other feature. They would then have to report back with a feature request and the necessary info on how to implement it.

Since I do not know what bytes set what, PKHeX just displays the raw bytes and the rest is left to the user.


Anyone knows how to set the PSS Icon as the Pokemon Center ?

  Reveal hidden contents

Im using the Multiplayer Sprite. Maybe i need to try to increase number by number.

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