coldteeth Posted January 8, 2010 Posted January 8, 2010 first and only was a golden magikarp in emerald. i had no idea what it was, so i evolved it and thought my game was special or glitched or glitched or something when gyarados was red. i was pumped when i found out
F1restar64 Posted January 9, 2010 Posted January 9, 2010 I had a shiny girafarig in sapphire safari game playing on my DS ... I captured it, but then accidentally knocked the game cartridge BEFORE I SAVED so that it stuffed up. I turned it off then back on, and it was gone.
rocklee clone Posted January 9, 2010 Posted January 9, 2010 the first was red gyarados in my gold version....meganium, poisonpowder.....bad combination against a pokemon you see only once, and i didnt save before and was platying all day. the second one was inside a cave at the beginning of my ruby version....a shiny aron. i thought it was latios transformed into an aron (because i didnt know shiny pokemon existed), so i ran away....afraid it would kill my whole team the third one was a buizel i believe....but since it was in my platinum rom and i could use ar to catch any shiny pokemon i decided to let it live
Major Logan Posted January 28, 2010 Posted January 28, 2010 My first "seen" shiny was a green Teddiursa back on Silver but it fled. My first "caught" shiny, believe it or not, was a Dratini and I evolved it into a green Dragonite.
xlconwaylx Posted January 28, 2010 Posted January 28, 2010 Mine would have to be a Shiny Wurmple "Sorry if spelt wrong" found in Ruby, Sadly I had no Pokeballs at all since I just started the game, So I had no other choice but to kill it.
Mikey Posted January 28, 2010 Posted January 28, 2010 Shiny Trapinch in Emerald, followed by a Spearow in Firered the following day (I got extremely lucky).
amh7912 Posted January 28, 2010 Posted January 28, 2010 xlconwaylx said: Mine would have to be a Shiny Wurmple "Sorry if spelt wrong" found in Ruby,Sadly I had no Pokeballs at all since I just started the game, So I had no other choice but to kill it. You're trying to torture me aren't you? They should make a shiny wurmple give away for emerald.
Tay Posted January 28, 2010 Posted January 28, 2010 (edited) Shiny Pidgey in LeafGreen, named her Pidge and evolved her / traded her to Pearl. Then I chained a shiny Shinx on Diamond and evolved him to Luxray. They're both on My Pokemon Ranch now ^^ Oh! And about 2 months ago I SR'd for a shiny Giratina in Platinum, and I'm planning to SR for a shiny starter in SoulSilver when it comes to the US. Right now I'm training for the Indigo Plateau in HeartGold and I just started a new game on Ruby after reading this thread through and hoping to get lucky! Edit: Just hatched a Shiny Horsea in my Crystal ROM. The only cheat I used was making the emulator run at super speed, everything else was legal! Edited January 28, 2010 by Tay Update
YairGOW Posted January 31, 2010 Posted January 31, 2010 I found two shinies today(Also, my only shinies in Platinum, lol)!!! Whilst searching for Munchlax, I found a shiny Burmy in a Honey Tree!! And whilst walking through Victory Road, I found myself a shiny Steelix!!!
amh7912 Posted January 31, 2010 Posted January 31, 2010 That reminds me, I tried hatchin a shiny steelix with awesome moves that someone posted the codes to, but it was only shiny while hatching. It was pretty good, but as I don't care for hacks i didn't save.
RosenrotGott Posted February 8, 2010 Posted February 8, 2010 My first was an Eevee. I got it while I was breeding, and that was one of the best days of my life. I evolved it into Espeon and used it in-game. I miss that thing like crazy... Shiny Espeon looks like an alien.
Simple Art Posted February 8, 2010 Posted February 8, 2010 my very first shiny (excluding the red gyarados) was a exeggcute. i was getting tired after playing sliver for 8 or 9 hours straight without rest of any kind and out of wearyness i stood there staring at a tree for about 30 mins before i finally headbutt it and an exeggute fell out. i was about to kill it (still dazed by lack of sleep) when all of a sudden it started to sparkle. i was like "WHAT THE F*CK!" i thought i was a glicth but i remembered my red gyarados and captured it, it tryed to run away early on but i used mean loo on it and took my time. a flawless capture } but then the new games (ruby and sapphire) came out and u couldnt bring older games over so i lost him
RosenrotGott Posted February 8, 2010 Posted February 8, 2010 It's a shame. I really don't hear much about Exeggcute or its evolution anymore. It'd be cool to have it as a shiny, seeing as barely anyone actually takes the time to get one.
GG. Posted February 8, 2010 Posted February 8, 2010 Well in emerald i got shiny groudon n shiny kyogre IN Firered it was eevee in leafgreen it was a poliwag In platinum i has Shiny red gyradoss
lucky13 Posted February 8, 2010 Posted February 8, 2010 a whismur in my cousin game ... of course i keep it
sakura_lisel Posted February 10, 2010 Posted February 10, 2010 My very first legit shiny pokemon was a Yanma that I caught many years ago in the old Gold/Silver/Crystal games. I was walking around one of grass routes and got attacked by it, and I managed to catch it on my first try.
Revolver_Ocelot Posted February 10, 2010 Posted February 10, 2010 My first shiny was a Bidoof I got from chaining [icon]399[/icon]
tkdtju Posted February 12, 2010 Posted February 12, 2010 I have actually found 2 shinies both in my emerald version, the first one was a shiny golbat that I lost when I started the game over then when I went up against rayquaza that was shiny I nearly crapped my pants when I saw that, it is now in my platinum and is at level 100. thats why my avatar is a shiny Rayquaza its my fav shiny
GradiusicGRIDLOK Posted February 18, 2010 Posted February 18, 2010 Mine was a Female Floatzel in Platinum. But after i caught that, the following day a shiny roselia came and i caught it, then after, the next day a shiny rhyhorn came.....and I accidently killed it with a critical hit A potential shiny rhyperior.... after that the rest of my shiny i encounter are pokeradared
GamePlaya3159 Posted February 19, 2010 Posted February 19, 2010 My first was a shiny Paras in Silver. I wasn't even looking for it and it was the first Paras I ever found. I found it while playing through Silver for the first time. I still have it too!
tkdtju Posted February 19, 2010 Posted February 19, 2010 GradiusicGRIDLOK said: after that the rest of my shiny i encounter are pokeradared You almost make it soud as if you come across shinies all the time
pokemonrulz Posted February 19, 2010 Posted February 19, 2010 My first shiny was a psyduck encounterd in the safari zone of sapphire. I found a shiny befor, but that was on my brothers gold,(shiny sentret) so that wasn't really MY first shiny.
HikariDanmaku Posted February 20, 2010 Posted February 20, 2010 I remember i got my first shiny pokemon in Crystal when i was little. I had and egg in the Daycare and i forgot what it was, so I decided to hatch it, and out came a shiny Meowth. I didn't realize how it was different at first, but then I learned about shinies
Kuroi-kun Posted February 21, 2010 Posted February 21, 2010 damio said: It's "hear" not "here".Learn some English please. I know that people like having their prized pokemon legit (NTR, i still want that mew ) But i also know how hard it can be for some pokemon (i still want that damn mew ) It's LEGIT if you HATCH the pokemon using a AR w/ shiny code so you hatch Shiny eggs, I've done this to get tons of shiny pokemon that I put up on the GTS
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