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first and only was a golden magikarp in emerald. i had no idea what it was, so i evolved it and thought my game was special or glitched or glitched or something when gyarados was red. i was pumped when i found out

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I had a shiny girafarig in sapphire safari game playing on my DS ... I captured it, but then accidentally knocked the game cartridge BEFORE I SAVED so that it stuffed up. I turned it off then back on, and it was gone.


the first was red gyarados in my gold version....meganium, poisonpowder.....bad combination against a pokemon you see only once, and i didnt save before and was platying all day.

the second one was inside a cave at the beginning of my ruby version....a shiny aron. i thought it was latios transformed into an aron (because i didnt know shiny pokemon existed), so i ran away....afraid it would kill my whole team

the third one was a buizel i believe....but since it was in my platinum rom and i could use ar to catch any shiny pokemon i decided to let it live

  • 3 weeks later...

Mine would have to be a Shiny Wurmple "Sorry if spelt wrong" found in Ruby,

Sadly I had no Pokeballs at all since I just started the game, So I had no other choice but to kill it.

  xlconwaylx said:
Mine would have to be a Shiny Wurmple "Sorry if spelt wrong" found in Ruby,

Sadly I had no Pokeballs at all since I just started the game, So I had no other choice but to kill it.

You're trying to torture me aren't you? They should make a shiny wurmple give away for emerald.

Posted (edited)

Shiny Pidgey in LeafGreen, named her Pidge and evolved her / traded her to Pearl. Then I chained a shiny Shinx on Diamond and evolved him to Luxray. They're both on My Pokemon Ranch now ^^

Oh! And about 2 months ago I SR'd for a shiny Giratina in Platinum, and I'm planning to SR for a shiny starter in SoulSilver when it comes to the US. Right now I'm training for the Indigo Plateau in HeartGold and I just started a new game on Ruby after reading this thread through and hoping to get lucky!

Edit: Just hatched a Shiny Horsea in my Crystal ROM. The only cheat I used was making the emulator run at super speed, everything else was legal!

Edited by Tay

I found two shinies today(Also, my only shinies in Platinum, lol)!!!

Whilst searching for Munchlax, I found a shiny Burmy in a Honey Tree!!

And whilst walking through Victory Road, I found myself a shiny Steelix!!!



That reminds me, I tried hatchin a shiny steelix with awesome moves that someone posted the codes to, but it was only shiny while hatching. It was pretty good, but as I don't care for hacks i didn't save.


My first was an Eevee. I got it while I was breeding, and that was one of the best days of my life. I evolved it into Espeon and used it in-game. I miss that thing like crazy... Shiny Espeon looks like an alien. :P


my very first shiny (excluding the red gyarados) was a exeggcute. i was getting tired after playing sliver for 8 or 9 hours straight without rest of any kind and out of wearyness i stood there staring at a tree for about 30 mins before i finally headbutt it and an exeggute fell out. i was about to kill it (still dazed by lack of sleep) when all of a sudden it started to sparkle. i was like "WHAT THE F*CK!" i thought i was a glicth but i remembered my red gyarados and captured it, it tryed to run away early on but i used mean loo on it and took my time. a flawless capture }:) but then the new games (ruby and sapphire) came out and u couldnt bring older games over so i lost him :(


It's a shame. I really don't hear much about Exeggcute or its evolution anymore. It'd be cool to have it as a shiny, seeing as barely anyone actually takes the time to get one. :P


Well in emerald i got shiny groudon n shiny kyogre

IN Firered it was eevee

in leafgreen it was a poliwag

In platinum i has Shiny red gyradoss


My very first legit shiny pokemon was a Yanma that I caught many years ago in the old Gold/Silver/Crystal games. I was walking around one of grass routes and got attacked by it, and I managed to catch it on my first try. :D


I have actually found 2 shinies both in my emerald version, the first one was a shiny golbat that I lost when I started the game over then when I went up against rayquaza that was shiny I nearly crapped my pants when I saw that, it is now in my platinum and is at level 100. thats why my avatar is a shiny Rayquaza its my fav shiny


Mine was a Female Floatzel in Platinum.

But after i caught that, the following day a shiny roselia came and i caught it,

then after, the next day a shiny rhyhorn came.....and I accidently killed it with a critical hit -_- A potential shiny rhyperior....

after that the rest of my shiny i encounter are pokeradared


My first was a shiny Paras in Silver. I wasn't even looking for it and it was the first Paras I ever found. I found it while playing through Silver for the first time. I still have it too!

  GradiusicGRIDLOK said:

after that the rest of my shiny i encounter are pokeradared

You almost make it soud as if you come across shinies all the time


My first shiny was a psyduck encounterd in the safari zone of sapphire. I found a shiny befor, but that was on my brothers gold,(shiny sentret) so that wasn't really MY first shiny.


I remember i got my first shiny pokemon in Crystal when i was little. I had and egg in the Daycare and i forgot what it was, so I decided to hatch it, and out came a shiny Meowth. I didn't realize how it was different at first, but then I learned about shinies xD

  damio said:
It's "hear" not "here".

Learn some English please.

I know that people like having their prized pokemon legit (NTR, i still want that mew :D)

But i also know how hard it can be for some pokemon (i still want that damn mew :D)

It's LEGIT if you HATCH the pokemon using a AR w/ shiny code so you hatch Shiny eggs, I've done this to get tons of shiny pokemon that I put up on the GTS

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