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What is the ID of your game cartridge? The number/letter info on the front of the cartridge, under the "The Pokemon Company Nintendo" label.

Do you have any other Japanese game cartridges? If so, you should test with them as well. If not... really, spending over $300 merely to cheat on a single game is what some people are doing. Switch to full importing and start learning Japanese while you're at it. Heck, you can get your extra language credits for college easily that way too.

If you are trying to do that whole "Transfer English save to Japanese cartridge" method, I wouldn't be surprised if that's the case to begin with. Seriously, not a smart way to do things (modding the data is bad enough).

Since it seems there are some people that are having this problem, I guess we should start with trying to find out if there is any variance in the cartridges.

Also, it could be possible that for some reason you are in a blacklist area for their server (as in, you get the base program, but they won't support use). I have no idea if this really could be the case, but I wouldn't believe it impossible either.

Also, MAKE SURE you are trying this without the modified Cyber Editor (with a fresh JP install, let it update, and don't replace anything.). The modified Editor just makes it easier to access the save file with PKHeX; you want to make sure it's even going to work first.


There has been a crucial update on CyberGaget save editor on Sep 2. After i was forced to update it, the modified version of save editor (the eng one) does not seem to work anymore. Normally the operations would pause and you could do your changes on PKHex, but it goes straight back to the save instead now and operations did not pause.

Will a new modified version of CyberGaget save editor be available?


I too am also having the same problem as cy0129. The modified version of cyber gadget is totally useless now since it keeps telling me there's a "crucial update" even though I already updated it. Will there be a newer version of this mod?

  Kaphotics said:
You can continue to use the Code Generator portion of PKHeX to inject one thing at a time :)

Sorry to ask but I managed to Code Generate 2 segments and now I have no idea how to inject it onto Cybergadget. I'm guessing it involves editing the code in Advanced mode?


found the solution to use the old version, just disable internet when you start the program, and then re-enable internet and everything works as before, with the new version destroys the save main of PKHEX.


Under the Pokemon company it shows LNA-CTR-EK2-JPN. it seems it is japanese, i have also many times tried to reinstall it in japanese but still not workin. how many manufactures are there anyway in japan, the manufactures i have it from is ( A CERO ) i would say.


If anyone wants to use the original Japanese program with the codes before the updated modified version is available, just right click on your game and click the first of the two options, then right click any of the codes already there and add the name and code and then implement it. You can do two Pokemon at a time (in slot 1 and 2 of box 1) but no more, or the code will be too long.


^_^; CERO is the Japanese rating company (A for Everyone, Z for 18+).

Yeah, the cartridge ID is right (you did leave out a "J" though).

And you've made sure you have done a fresh install of Cyber (uninstall first), then had it update on it's own, then try to access the Pokemon codes through the program without using either modified program?

  KombatKing said:
is the CyberGadget Save Bank different than the CyberGadget Save Editor 2?

From what I have read the only difference is that Cyber Gadget 2 come up an updated software, which you can update manually. Correct me if Im wrong.

  KombatKing said:
is the CyberGadget Save Bank different than the CyberGadget Save Editor 2?

Save Bank stores saves, I think you can share them too. Save Editor allows you to apply cheats and edit your save file.

  KombatKing said:
I see,

Is the Save Bank Dongle not the same with the Save Editor Dongle?

As I get the following message "cannot use save editor from the save bank's card reader"

Essentially, they are, but it detects whether you're using the right one or not.


Hi! I'm getting an error when opening 3DsSaveEditor and it says "Unable to load Jit Compiler: (mscorjit.dll): file may be missing or corrup. Please check or rerun setup."


Will the cyber save be compatible again with Pkhex? Everytime i try to go advance mode or back up my game and error occurs.

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