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Everything posted by cy0129

  1. i keep getting "error while downloading the decrypted save", is the server still down?
  2. The cybergadget program is forced to update, can we get another mod program that has the operational pause function? Thx!
  3. Recently i kept getting "Error while downloading the decrypted save" while processing the save data of advanced mode. It worked just fine before, but it kept getting errors now. How can i fix this? Please help...
  4. There has been a crucial update on CyberGaget save editor on Sep 2. After i was forced to update it, the modified version of save editor (the eng one) does not seem to work anymore. Normally the operations would pause and you could do your changes on PKHex, but it goes straight back to the save instead now and operations did not pause. Will a new modified version of CyberGaget save editor be available?
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