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Games: Arceus Officially Revealed on Pokemon.com

Posted on Aug 3rd, 2009 04:44 PM by The Fallen

<p><img src="http://projectpokemon.org/images/493Arceus.png" title="Arceus - The Alpha Pokémon" alt="Arceus - The Alpha Pokémon" border="0" align="right" />What have we here!?! A new Pokémon? Not quite... <a href="http://pokemon.com" target="blank">Pokémon.com</a> has "officially" revealed the 493rd Pokémon, Arceus, the Alpha Pokémon. Here is what Pokémon.com had to say about Arceus:<br /><br /><em>"The Pokémon Arceus has been discovered! Little is known about the Normal-type Pokémon, but it’s been confirmed that the rare Pokémon is number 493 in the National Pokédex. And what other mysteries surround this Pokémon?<br /><br />Arceus is heading to Pokémon™ Diamond, Pearl, and Pokémon Platinum version games, but like Shaymin and Darkrai, Arceus is a Pokémon that won’t appear during normal gameplay. We’ll have more details soon on how you can get Arceus into your game.<br /><br />In addition to Pokémon Pearl, Diamond, and Pokémon Platinum version, Arceus will make an appearance in the next Pokémon movie, as well as in a future Pokémon Trading Card Game expansion!<br /><br />Check back often for more coverage on the newly discovered Pokémon, Arceus!"</em><br /><br /><strong><a href="pokemon.com" target="blank">? Source</a></strong>

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Wont be as bad as the time it took the orginal to roll around Stateside.

Spare a thought for us Europeans though, who have to wait an extra 6 months for it (most likely, bar imports). Who knew translating American to British would take so long?

That's not a poke at anyone, just noticing the obvious fact the only clear differences between the reigons on Platinum are the text in game, the small notice on boot up and the slot machines and yet it takes 6 months to get it to Britain...

  NewsBot said:
We’ll have more details soon on how you can get Arceus into your game.

More information? Nintendo already revealed info on the Arceus being distributed in the movies. And it has already been released now. Was it really necessary for pokemon.com to have the statement? Could there be an alternate way of obtaining it soon? o.0

  InuYouki said:
Maybe they will be a even for the Flute? That is the only thing I can think of.

Highly doubtful.

It's most likely going to be like the Eigakan Arceus, but given away at Toys R Us when the DVD goes on sale.

  Guested said:
Highly doubtful.

It's most likely going to be like the Eigakan Arceus, but given away at Toys R Us when the DVD goes on sale.

Yeah, USA is no way going to release the Azure Flute before Japan. Or maybe USA is going to lead the event this time? (VERY-low chance of so). Guested is probably right, probably in a store when you buy the CD or maybe even via Wi-Fi.

  Toffeuy said:
More information? Nintendo already revealed info on the Arceus being distributed in the movies. And it has already been released now. Was it really necessary for pokemon.com to have the statement? Could there be an alternate way of obtaining it soon? o.0

They are assuming that you have no other source than pokemon.com and that you aren't a hacker.


I guess the reason of Arceus being revealed around 3 weeks later after the Japanese disrto must be because of every single kid who has D/P/Pt and Wi-Fi wanted it so badly and NoA decided to let the cat out of the bag. Considering on Pokemon USA's method of releasing events, i´d say the around 3-5 months after the Member's Card distro is over. So it may be available around the holiday season.

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