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Competitive Pokémon Role Guide

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That's why I thought it preferable to be a sub-group, since although it's a Pokemon role, it's not a major one. It's your preference, but I thought it'd be nice for new players to recognize them, regardless of their mention.

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Here is a little information about Stealth Rock:

Using called SR for short, Stealth Rock is a unique one turn set entry hazard move which damages a Poke as it switches in depending on how weak it is to Rock.

Here is a damage chart:

50% - x4 Weak

25% - x2 Weak

12% - Neutral

6% - x2 Resistance

3% - x4 Resistance

Stealth Rock is an easy one-turn set up move which can countered by blocking it's usage, such as from Taunt or sleeping. Rapid Spin hitting the opposing opponent is the only way to get rid of the rocks after it is set up.

Stealth Rock is one of the most important moves in all meta games.

Strongly recommended on all sorts of teams, for it greatly supposes in finishing off teams.

In OU it helps take down some of the top tier Pokes; Salamence, Gyarados, and Zapdos are all greatly hindered by Stealth Rock.

There is many subjects in which I could expand related to this move, but I find that a short information guide on the popular Stealth Rock users of OU to be the most important at this time.

Aerodactly, Azelf, Bronzong, Gliscor, Heatran, Hippowdon, Infernape, Jirachi, Metagross, Swampert and Tyranitar are the most common users in OU.

Aerodactly(lead) Aerodactly is the fastest Stealth Rock user of Stealth Rock in OU. It's great speed pared with Taunt allows it to block your opponents from setting up, while setting up your own afterward. Aerodactly really has it's limits of usage, but can still be usable and can be annoying to deal with.

Azelf(lead) Almost all Azelfs are now leads containing Stealth Rock. Azelf is a great user of this move because of it's great speed and useful moves such as Grass Knot, Flamethrower and Explosion to make it a semi-wall breaker and semi-sweeper.

Azelf also has Taunt which comes in handy to block slower Pokes from setting up things like entry hazards and using sleep moves. After all of this it can Explode, which does severe damage to all pokes aside from Ghosts which is immune to it.

Bronzong- Bronzongs bulk and resistances almost always guarantees that it can set up rocks. Either it can switch into more defensive pokes to set up stealth rock and switch out, or it can counter some threats and set up later. Varying on it's move sets, it somewhat counters threats such as Gyarados, Salamence, Jirachi, Metagross, Latias and Gengar. The reason why Bronzong is rarely used is because it is slower and less powerful then its "cousin" Metagross. It is also walled by Heatran, Rotom, Skarmory, and Forretress, who easily set up on it.

Gliscor- Most of the ones that carry Stealth Rock are leads. Gliscor has a probability to counter a lot the popular pokes such as Heatran, Tyranitar, Rotom, and Luacrio who often switch from it.

Heatran(Lead) Holding a Shucca Berry and having enough bulk to survive even STAB Ground attacks from non offensive pokes, and Explosion, Heatran is a usable Stealth Rock user.It's great Special Attack and STAB Fire also make it a semi-wall breaker. An example of a situation: it can survive a Life Orb Surf from Latias, or a Life Orb Earthquake from Salamence (With Shucca Berry) and KO them both with Explosion.

Hippowdon(Lead) Usually used in stall, Hippowdons great physical defense pared with a 50% healing move and a phasing move makes Hippowdon a very popular user of Stealth Rock in sandstorm stall teams.

It also counters Lucario and Tyranitar, but is overpowered by sky-based pokes (sky being treated as levitaters or being a Flying type) like Latias, Rotom, Gyarados,Taunt Gliscor and Skamory.

Infernape(Lead) Not something I would recommend for Infernapes offensive talents, but still popular as a lead. Fake Out helps it to break Focus Sash and it supposidly beats Aerodactly, Azelf and Roserade. The biggest draw back of this set is that Salamence, Latias, and Gyarados completly set up on it.

Jirachi(Lead) Almost all Jirachi leads carry Iron Head, U-turn, Trick and Stealth Rock, while weilding Choice Scarf as an item. Somewhat of a waist for Jirachi as it not only is walled by Steels and Waters(the most common types in OU) However it does manage to cripple maost of the defensive leads, and can still be used to hax an oponent to death.

Metagross(Lead) Metagross sets up Stealth Rock while still being able to take hits and cause great damage. Bullet Punch helps KO things using Focus Sash, and makes it more of an anti lead. Metagross also has the greatest Explosion of the game! Unlike some other users of Explosion, Metagross even manages to KO some steel types.

Swampert- Popular as a lead. With it's great bulk on both defensive spectrum and only weakness of Grass, Swampert is perhaps the most popular Stealth Rock user of the standard meta game. It is almost garanteed to set up Stealth Rocks, because it usually is only 3-5HKOed by both defensive and offensive pokes(excluding being hit by a Grass-ype move) Swampert can be a counter to Tyranitar, Metagross, Jirachi, and Jolteon.However bulky Swampert is, it's draw back is that it only manages to 3-5 most things itself. Often being bait for Suicune, Forretress and Skarmory.

Tyranitar- Tyranitars great Special Defense from it's self started Sandstorm boost, along with it's naturally bulky HP and Defense makes Tyranitar a good candidate for setting up rocks. It's STAB Dark moves helps it counter Latias and Rotom, as well as wall Zapdos, Jolteon and some other special attackers. Tyranitar is still a victim of status moves and can carry Rest if needed.

This guide will be edited over time. Any suggestions or questions that you have I will respond to.

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I think it's important to stress that on so-called suicide leads (basically only Aerodactyl and Azelf), their ONLY purpose is to lay down Stealth Rock. If they're able to do anything else, consider it a bonus.

So lets first analyze Aerodactyl (Shogun, feel free to use whatever I write to edit into your guide, but please credit me for whatever I contribute).

Aerodactyl's base speed is 130. He is outsped by Ninjask and Electrode. He is tied with Crobat, Jolteon, and other Aerodactyls.

Ninjask actually doesn't pose a problem to Aerodactyl at all. Aerodactyl resists Bug type attacks, and that's all lead Ninjask will carry, if it carries anything on it at all. This is one of the few instances where you should ALWAYS use Taunt before Stealth Rock. If Ninjask Protects on Turn 1, the worst that can happen is they'll pass +1 speed to someone. If they substitute or stat up in some way, then they won't be able to do ANYTHING. Then go ahead and use Stealth Rock.

Using Stealth Rock first pretty much guarantees that Ninjask can pass +2 speed and +2 Attack to someone. Don't risk. Taunt it first and then use Stealth Rock.

Electrode is a problem because it has access to Taunt and is faster than Aerodactyl. If you have a counter, probably someone who can absorb an Explosion, then switch out. Even though Aerodactyl might be able to beat Electrode one on one, you don't want Aerodactyl at 1 HP when you're trying to get him back into the game. Electrode also has access to Rain Dance, so it might be a sign that Kingdra and friends are coming. That being said, it is rarely used in the OU game.

Jolteon is very rarely used as a starter because it can't do much set up, as leads tend to do. It can't even Taunt. Stealth Rock first, and hope you get the speed tie when you try to Earthquake it on turn 1.

Crobat and other Aerodactyl can cause some problems. The regular two attacks for lead Aero are Earthquake and Rock Slide/Stone Edge. However, I've been carrying Rock Tomb on mine. With 90% accuracy, it'll lower your opponent's speed by one stage. This provides a handy 2HKO on Aerodactyl. Crobat is a bit bulkier than Aerodactyl and has access to Hypnosis, so it might be wise to switch out to a counter so you can bring Aerodactyl in later.

Trick-Scarf users (not Jirachi): Just go ahead and take the Trick. You weren't expecting to live long enough anyway.

Scarf Jirachi: This guy is annoying, isn't he? Now everyone just assumes it'll be Scarf Jirachi even if the lead is Body Slam Stealth Rock Jirachi. What I personally do is try Stealth Rock first. If I flinch, switch to a bulky water to resist Iron Head. Switch back to Aerodactyl and then set up SR.

Now, I could go on and go down the rest of the leads such as Anti-Lead Fake Out users, Draco Meteor-Extreme Speed Dragonite, etc... but just remember: Aerodactyl's main goal is to set up Stealth Rock. Anything besides that is a bonus. The Pokemon outlined above (besides Jolteon and Ninjask) may actually stop Aerodactyl from doing that, which is why they're the threats to watch out for.

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I'll add some things to that list.

Metagross: Metagross has great attack and natural bulk, which allows it to take hits and bash things. Metagross can easily lay down Stealth Rock, taking on average about 40-45% from neutral STAB moves, and is able to survive even boosted Earthquakes from strong Ground types.

As a lead, Metagross can do many cool things, depending on what moves and item Metagross has. Metagross has Meteor Mash and Bullet Punch takes down things like Aerodactly, Azelf and Roserade (assuming that you're using a Lum Berry) With Occa Berry Metagross beats Infernape, and non Shucca Berry Heatrans with Earthquake. Occa Berry and it's great durability with 252 HP means that it should survive any non Choice Banded/Choice Specs super effective move and severly damage anything that isn't Ghost or Rock/Steel. It's faster then Swampert and Hippowdon and easily survives Earthquakes and thus can lay down rocks and Explode. (Most people predict Explosion, so do not hesitate to use it)

Here is some info on Uber leads.

Deoxys-S: I feel as if I'm not exaggerating, but this thing seems to be used as a lead in 90% of Uber teams... The reason for Deoxys-s being so popular as a lead is because it is the fastest Pokemon (even faster then most +speed Choice Scarf users) and great supportive moves. Taunt, Stealth Rock, and Spikes means that it can Taunt anything slower to block them from setting up, lay down Stealth Rock and maybe lay down a couple of Spikes. This thing causes so many problems that any Uber team needs to be prepared for this thing. Any strong move with a priority tends to beat with the best results.

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