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Who is the top fox?  

66 members have voted

  1. 1. Who is the top fox?

    • Vaporeon
    • Jolteon
    • Flareon
    • Espeon
    • Umbreon
    • Leafeon
    • Glaceon
    • Unevolved Eevee

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I think we all know whos gonna win this poll, but who is your fave?

Mine fave has got to be glaceon, even though hes not all that useful, he still looks cool (bad pun intended)

Posted (edited)

Oh... but I simply love ALL of them! Just look at them... they're all cute and so... adorable! ^^


But if I were to pick one, I'd say [sprite]134[/sprite]... why?

Well, I had a Vaporeon from my old Blue version... and water has always been my favorite type. Incidentally, she's the best of the 7 in competitive battling (although some will argue Jolteon ties with Vaporeon, but that's only in simulators where anyone can get the desired Hidden Power they want while Vaporeon has the stats to pull off its support role even without Hidden Power)...

And I also like Glaceon naturally... because it's Ice and I love Ice Pokemon :/

Oh yes... Flareon deserves some love too... <3

Edited by wraith89
Posted (edited)

Wow, this was difficult. >.<

As for my favorite, I'd have to say Espeon. It has always had a certain look that was so appealing to me and it could "EspyJump" :3 I've also used one ever since G/S.

[sprite]196[/sprite] [shinysprite]196[/shinysprite]

The shiny form isn't too impressive though. Lime green >.>

But of course, it was a close race. If there were only an "I like them all" choice :P

Edited by ParaDoX65

I love Jolteon, not because it's in the same tier, or how useful it is in battle. Just because of it's speed. It's one of the fastest Pokemon, and Jolteon was probably my favorite Pokemon before the other generations.


Look at his whittle face!


oooh look at Espeon taking an early lead.

Vaporeon smells like fail mixed with sux :bidoof: feel free to slate me for this comment.

joke, i like him really [shinysprite]134[/shinysprite] the purple shiny sux a bit [sprite]134[/sprite]


Wow, this is quite a poll. Anyways my favorite would have to be vaporeon because it was the 1st eeveelution I trained and its a water type. I'm surprised wraith didn't make a big long list of all the eeveelutions stating their abilities, stats, best uses in battle and stuff like that.

  pokemonfan said:
Wow, this is quite a poll. Anyways my favorite would have to be vaporeon because it was the 1st eeveelution I trained and its a water type. I'm surprised wraith didn't make a big long list of all the eeveelutions stating their abilities, stats, best uses in battle and stuff like that.

This isn't my poll... and no one requested it :/

They'd just call me a blabberer if I did that.

Also why isn't there an "All" or "None" option? I wanted to vote for all :(


i think espeon and umbreon are winning because everyones got johto fever with the anticipation of the upcoming titles.


Well that just evened it up. I say vaporeon because it's so useful in the game. I've found it's the best water type I can find easily in the main game and it doesn't need a huge time investment to make it good. Jolteon is up there, though...


I'm a big fan of Flareon.

Back in the RBY days, I think I was the only one I knew who chose it.

I've got a little Flareon figure sitting on my desk, along with some other Eevee goods from that Eevee Collection event they had at the Pokemon Center (that Eevee giveaway is probably my favorite DS event yet).

Flareon has never really been a Pokemon that's all that good in competitive battling, but I'm playing with the idea of using it in HGSS since you get an Eevee from Bill. Or maybe trading over an Eevee Collection Eevee so it'll be in the Cherish Ball ;)

  Guested said:
I'm a big fan of Flareon.

Back in the RBY days, I think I was the only one I knew who chose it.

I've got a little Flareon figure sitting on my desk, along with some other Eevee goods from that Eevee Collection event they had at the Pokemon Center (that Eevee giveaway is probably my favorite DS event yet).

Flareon has never really been a Pokemon that's all that good in competitive battling, but I'm playing with the idea of using it in HGSS since you get an Eevee from Bill. Or maybe trading over an Eevee Collection Eevee so it'll be in the Cherish Ball ;)

Finally someone picks Flareon!

Yeah, in my new Platinum file, I decided to make my Eevee into a Flareon. So far, she's been doing great and has been one of my most valuable Pokemon to use, even defeating Volkner's Jolteon one on one.

  wraith89 said:
...even defeating Volkner's Jolteon one on one.


I like how the Eeveelutions show up in Platinum :)

But yeah, Flareon isn't SO bad. Really high attack, pretty high special attack and special defense... it's just that low defense and the prominence of moves like Earthquake that just make it really dangerous to use.

Also, I'm pretty sure the Eevee Collection nature was a minus Def one, so... I'm gonna have to be careful.


Well, the funny thing is, Flareon, while considered the weakest of the Eeveelutions thanks to its limited movepool and typing, it is able to take down most of the other Eeveelutions one on one (Jolteon's got nothing against Flareon, really...). I've even managed to outstall Vaporeon with Flareon... but Flareon won't ever beat the Specs version though. It is underappreciated... and if Gamefreak would have given it something like Flare Blitz to take advantage of its wicked 130 base Attack (why Lava Plume???)... maybe it could have been a lot more useful. Just maybe. Oh, and it was able to learn Zap Cannon back in GSC but it can't do that anymore. Back when Shadow Ball was physical, Flareon was a great Psychic slayer thanks to that 130 Attack and 110 SpDef (the ghosts had very low attack power).


go umbreon, i swear, when i started this thread i assumed it would turn into the "i love vaporeon thread" glad to see that it hasnt.

for no reason here are the guys in question.

[sprite]133[/sprite] [sprite]134[/sprite] [sprite]135[/sprite] [sprite]136[/sprite] [sprite]196[/sprite] [sprite]197[/sprite] [sprite]470[/sprite] [sprite]471[/sprite]

---------- Post added at 09:42 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:40 PM ----------

and why not... lets see them shiny

[shinysprite]133[/shinysprite] [shinysprite]134[/shinysprite] [shinysprite]135[/shinysprite] [shinysprite]136[/shinysprite] [shinysprite]196[/shinysprite] [shinysprite]197[/shinysprite] [shinysprite]470[/shinysprite] [shinysprite]471[/shinysprite]


I thought it'd be an Umbreon fanboy thread because everyone I know seems to like Umbreon :|

And for the record, I picked Vaporeon...

I like shiny Flareon... it looks so similar to Eevee. In fact, Flareon looks the most similar to Eevee out of all the Eeveelutions.


yeah i never noticed that, it does look like the normal evolution for eevee, im gonna dub that imaginary poke eevolveon :bidoof:

[sprite]133[/sprite] [shinysprite]136[/shinysprite]

yeah it really does.

and dont you all agree that shiny glaceon looks even more ice like, [sprite]471[/sprite] [shinysprite]471[/shinysprite] does to me, thats it, when ive finished leveling all my pokes up to arceus (most likely in SS) im gonna bung 2 of the eeveelutions in the day care and wait for a shiny before taking them out. im guessing it will most likely take about 10,000 eggs


I've always loved all of them. I always teach the eeveelutions shadow ball :) If i had to choose one though it would be Jolteon [sprite]135[/sprite] Back in FR i had Jolteon and Vaporeon. They are the 2 strongest pokemon i have, Vaporeon at lv. 80 and Jolteon at lv. 76 (i think, btw no rare candies were used). I use Flareon in FR too and its good. I like using the eeveelutions and i like how they put them in the pokedex on Platinum before u beat the game. I haven't evolved my eevee yet in Platinum, idk why but i think i'm gunna breed it so i can make all the eeveelutions. Eevee is the only pokemon that can evolve 7 times. I do use all the eeveelutions, just haven't used them in Platinum yet. Now if they made a ghost eeveelution, that'd be sick.


I have always liked everyone of them:

Jolteon for its Speed.

Flareon for its Attact.

Vaporeon for its HP

Espeopn for its SP.Attack

Umbreon for its Defence

Leafeon for its Attack

Glaceon for its SP.Attack

I do not like much the last two. But the other five are my favorite and i could not possibly choose from them.


Actually Mewtwo, Leafeon has the most defense of the Eeveelutions (people forget about that and head straight to its attack power because unlike Flareon it gets a decent STAB attack). Also, Umbreon has the most special defense of the Eeveelutions (although it doesn't quite matter since both of its defenses are remarkably high).


Well i pointed these stats based on my opinion and experiences. And regarding Umbreon, i posted for its defense because my Umbreon had always higher Defense than SP.Defense. As for Leafeon mine has a high offense, but it has an even higher defensive status. Not looking at any PokeDex i assume that Leafeon has still higher Attack than Defense.

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