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I think everyone should take a look at this.

DanteKoriyu recently posted a youtube link to an account of a guy who spent some time at Pokemon Festa this weekend. I was looking at his other videos and he had one of the Senior group Tournament finals on May 4th in Tokyo. But... I have never seen this before.

Two strange things:

The trainer characters are the DS mode characters, but the players are using wiimotes for controllers, not DS... ???

It REALLY looks like the trainers are wearing their Platinum outfits! Were those programmed into PBR? It came out way before Platinum did....

Has anyone ever seen this before??


Aww i really want to see that video. But for some reason since i went to China I'm unable to visit some sites.

Didn't i read somewhere that PBR got updated since Platinum, so it has the ability to connect to the Wii? or was that something different.

  Toffeuy said:
Yeah, i've seen Scizors using Bullet Punch on PBR before. Scizor couldn't learn Bullet Punch in DP, only Platinum.

You can store your teams in your Wiimote can't you? I thought I read that somewhere, similar to the Miis. If you do that, do you keep the DS Trainer when using your Pokemon in VS mode?

PBR has always worked with Platinum, I just dunno why the video suddenly shows the trainer's actual platinum clothes though. Makes me wonder if Giratina, Shaymin, and Rotom would have their alternate forms in that video, if used, cause Diamond was 100% in his Platinum clothes, and I thought those who looked into said there was no data for the alternate forms or trainer clothes?

First, Platinum works fine with PBR, so of course you would see BP Scizors once it came out. Guested knows the game works with it, just curious to the visual changes for the most part. So...yeah, bringing up Scizor was really...not that helpful. lol

My Pokemon Ranch got a Platinum update, which I am STILL waiting for. -.- Apparently Nintendo is acting like the product doesn't exist and when asked about the Japanese update, they say there is no plans to update their product. -.-

  HottSushiz said:
Aww i really want to see that video. But for some reason since i went to China I'm unable to visit some sites.

Didn't i read somewhere that PBR got updated since Platinum, so it has the ability to connect to the Wii? or was that something different.

China blocks some sites because when I was there I couldn't go on the old forums (those were the current ones then).

I didn't know they updated the game I will have to try that to see what they use for spirits.


Maybe the update (if there was one) was only for the toruney (youtube link) and maybe it'll come out in the future for PBR. Ahh, one can only hope for the update.


ok, i updated my wii and i went on PBR, and connected 2 DSLs one with platinum and one w/ pearl. when i started playing, they were the same characters. not the one from platinum and the one from pearl.

  RJFLA said:
ok, i updated my wii and i went on PBR, and connected 2 DSLs one with platinum and one w/ pearl. when i started playing, they were the same characters. not the one from platinum and the one from pearl.

Thanks. That's pretty much as expected. It confirms that a private, updated version is being used for the tournaments. Why they would bother doing this, I don't know. My speculation is no speculation at all, I don't think we'll be seeing a PBR sequel/update.


Well i guess. I don't know how they would update it in any case the best chance is to sell another disc and update in a way i cannot think of at the moment. The other possible thing is to have them sell a new game - PBR2. I find it more likely to have two battle revolutions than a newer version of the current one.

  Poryhack said:
Thanks. That's pretty much as expected. It confirms that a private, updated version is being used for the tournaments. Why they would bother doing this, I don't know. My speculation is no speculation at all, I don't think we'll be seeing a PBR sequel/update.

Yeah, I think I mentioned this in IRC, but here's what I think.

It's clear they have MADE a new character model (I assume the female one as well) and it was used in Japan and the US. So, perhaps they are working on a sequel and just implemented the new character model into a private version of the first PBR for the tournaments since they were Platinum only.

I suspect they'd release a new Wii Pokemon game sometime after the release of HGSS (... it has happened every generation).


No prob Pory. If they were making a PBR2 it would come out maybe the end of this year or next year. It's not likely though. A PBR update update on the other hand would've come out when Platinum was released.


Like Guested said, I wouldn't rule out a Pokemon Battle Revolution 2, or PBR GS.

Its not like its that much more work for them. They obviously have almost all of the models for everything finished. With the private tournament version, I'm sure both the male and female trainer as well as the new forms for Rotom, Giratina, and Shaymin are done too (which would imply Griseous Orb being added in as well). The only thing left to do would be add in any new Pokemon forms besides the Jagged Ear Pichu and maybe items that HGSS may introduce, as well as the male and female trainer models. Other than that they could technically use the same colosseum masters if they want. I don't see too much effort going into a sequel with how little was really done with the original.


You're right. It wouldn't take a lot of work, but I HOPE they'd put more effort into it. There were some good improvements in xD over Colosseum, but I'd really like to see something more like the improvements between Stadium 2 and Stadium 1. Being able to choose from a good list of Battle stages would be nice. There just seemed to be so few in xD and PBR. Maybe the ones in Stadium 2 had more diversity, I dunno.


An "update" isn't possible as far as I know.

A remake certainly is... My opinion is that PBR doesn't warrant a remake, but that doesn't stop them; Guested did bring up a good point.

IMO PBR is nothing but a fancy accessory so you can watch your pokemon battle in 3D. Unless they add something of substance to the single-player experience I won't be buying it. Colosseum and xD had probably the best single-player of any pokemon game, and they completely cut that out for PBR...


Well yes it did mess up because of it lacking a Storyline. I knew that it was going to be a Battle based game not adventure, but as much as i love battling, that game did not meet to my expectations overall. I really for that the next disc game for the Wii is an adventure type...


I still hope for the day that we receive a good and official MMORPG for Pokemon. Just give me a massive world to explore similar to the handhelds, only fully 3D like the Gamecube games and use a similar battle system to what they have used from Stadium to PBR. I know it will never happen within the realm of Nintendo, but I can dream right?

I normally don't like MMORPGs, but that I'd buy that.

  Poryhack said:
An "update" isn't possible as far as I know.

A remake certainly is... My opinion is that PBR doesn't warrant a remake, but that doesn't stop them; Guested did bring up a good point.

IMO PBR is nothing but a fancy accessory so you can watch your pokemon battle in 3D. Unless they add something of substance to the single-player experience I won't be buying it. Colosseum and xD had probably the best single-player of any pokemon game, and they completely cut that out for PBR...

Thats true they did cut out a story line for PBR. PBR would've been better with ur character from d/p/pt and all ur pokemon in ur party and boxes on the game and have an adventure from that.

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