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  Tonza said:
I'm trading Mewtwonite X for a Mewtwonite Y. I'll throw in a shiny Dwebble as a bonus (adamant nature).

FC: 1650 - 1204 - 7453

Are you for serious bro. :(

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I want a mewtwonite Y, while I have pokemon X. I've already trained up my mewtwo, but would anyone like to trade dud pokemon holding mewtwonites? :3


I'm in the middle of a battle resturaunt thing, but my friend code is 2638-0632-0425 and my name's Julia. c:

I'll attach it to an eevee (breeding frenzy) if that's ok?

What's your code? c:


I need a hawlucha or ditto from a non US reigon! I'd like do use the mesuda method to get a shiny hawlucha and i don't have anything. I have a lot of pokemon to give, PM me if interested!


Technically I asked first and I still don't seem to have one. :/

Still looking for a Mewtwonite Y for my Mewtwonite X on a shiny Luvdisc.


Looking for any HiddenAbility spit backs with decent IVs. But i'm mainly looking for a Marvel Scale Dragonair or Dratini, female if at all possible. Im willing to offer Protean Froakies, Gibles, Deinos, Kangaskhans spit backs or Battle Maison items.


Hey guys, I'm looking for any Pokémon coming from PokéBank (NOT a hatched one from X/Y, I don't want the pentagon!).

I'm giving a Torchic.

And I'm still looking for someone to help me transfert my Ditto from White to Y.


Hey guys I'm looking for a level 1 shiny charmander!!! Will trade a level 100 shiny Charizard AND a level 100 Gardevior!!! The charmander must have never been used!!! Get to me as soon as possible!!!!!!


Looking for Mewtwonite Y for my Mewtwonite X.

Or looking for a Charizardite Y. Message me if you want to trade.

Ill also throw in a shiny Luvdisc holding the stone when we trade.


I trade my female shiney Lampent LVL 30.

I search a male shiney Gastly/Haunter/Gengar called "Ectofoutro" who knows Perish Song.

Contact me in private. ;)

  Ghosts21 said:
Hey guys I'm looking for a level 1 shiny charmander!!! Will trade a level 100 shiny Charizard AND a level 100 Gardevior!!! The charmander must have never been used!!! Get to me as soon as possible!!!!!!

I have a level 1 shiny charmander if you're still interested.


LF the vivillons that are not crossed, Monsoon & Archipielago



Sun, Savanna, Polar, Elegant, High Plains & Modern Patter

Also I'm looking for the Mega stone fro Manetric, but IDK how mucht it will worth tho


Can anyone help me evolve a few pokemon?

2 porygons

1 feebas

I'll throw in an bold nature Arceus and Manaphy as i have no need for them anymore

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