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  pokemonfan said:
My least favorite would have to be...
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Ha that made me LOL. His Pikachu is like level 500 after all it's been through. Pikachu is fun to use in Super Smash Bros Brawl though.

Least favorite pokemon, probably bidoof and bibarel. The things are everywhere!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hmm, I dunno; I don't dislike any PKMN... I do dislike that in each Gen. they make a Pikachu-esque PKMN, though. Gen. II we got a Marill (and Pichu, of course); Gen. III we got the Plusle and Minum combo; in Gen. IV Pachirisu; and so far Chiramii seems to be the Pikachu of Gen. V.


Zubat. They're everywhere, if you can't run away from them, they confuse you, they look ugly, learned no good attacks, and they're just... annoying. Although crobat is one of my favorite pokemon.

  pokemaster1237 said:
bidoof zubat Tentacool and diglett

Zubat = Easy Speed EV Training

Tentacool = Easy Sp. Defence training

That's the way I see it so I don't get angry at them xD

My new hated pokemon has to be [hgsssprite]215[/hgsssprite].

Because I did enjoy sneasle I decided to make one part of my team on crystal. It knows Screech/Quick Attack/Faint attack/ Ice punch.

In all the hullaballoo of training it I completely forgot about the Special/physical differences back then ¬¬

  Tbird said:
Zubat = Easy Speed EV Training

Tentacool = Easy Sp. Defence training

That's the way I see it so I don't get angry at them xD

My new hated pokemon has to be [hgsssprite]215[/hgsssprite].

Because I did enjoy sneasle I decided to make one part of my team on crystal. It knows Screech/Quick Attack/Faint attack/ Ice punch.

In all the hullaballoo of training it I completely forgot about the Special/physical differences back then ¬¬

B-B-But i-it evolves into uber cool Weavile


I greatly dislike Tentacool and Tentacruel.



The reason being that when i need to go to an island or travel through water at all, they get me like every other step...

They're just anti-productive.


i don't like voltorbs they are just a ball with eyes and so annoying all they do is use explosion and kill all my pokemon

  red707 said:
i don't like voltorbs they are just a ball with eyes and so annoying all they do is use explosion and kill all my pokemon

Lol I don't like Voltorb either

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I feel ya. Going back to the old days just for a little nostalgia can be a hassle what with the many changes done--you have to basically "unlearn" everything just for the ride.


Infernape. It's the perfect pokémon for every seven-year-old. I hate it just as much as Blaziken.

Bibarel is so ugly it makes me want to puke. Same goes for Carnivine or however it's spelled. They must've been on drugs when they made those two.


I also hate Arceus, Giratina and mostly all übers that's easily obtainable or common. Arceus is common in the way every kid nowadays can use AR or smiliar, and what pokémon do they want? Of course the most overpowered motherf-er alive - Arceus.

  • 3 weeks later...

I have a hatred towards Breloom. Every single one has Spore, Sub, Focus Punch, and Seed Bomb. No originality. :/

Also Para-Flinch Togekiss. :D

  • 2 weeks later...

I absolutely hate tentacool. when I was going all over sinnoh to get misprit, I kept having to use surf, and EVERY TWO MOVES one would attack. even if I used repels. it took so much longer than I wanted.

other pokemon I hate: bidoof, wooper, wurmple, most bug pokemon, most ghost pokemon, MILOTIC(one pwnt me in ruby..three times in a row.), the entire pikachu evolution line, goldeen, tentacruel, gyrados, dialga, shroomish, breloom, spinda, cascoon, zubat, golbat, crobat, girafarig, and most of all, the entire marill evolution chain.



I never in my life liked Meowth....

* Meowth's annoying when it talks.

* Jessie and James Meowth dosen't even attack. It just sits there....

P.S: I only dislike the anime Meowth, the game one's okay....

  Bedazzled said:
I absolutely hate tentacool. when I was going all over sinnoh to get misprit, I kept having to use surf, and EVERY TWO MOVES one would attack. even if I used repels. it took so much longer than I wanted.

hmm, it's best to catch roaming pokemon in jubilife as you switch routes immediately so you can lure roaming pokemon near to you. this trick is very useful in Platinum as there are 5 roaming pokemon there.

anyway back to topic. magikarp and feebas are already excused for this topic. i really hate nosepass and probopass. disregarding what they do strategically. when i first so nosepass in sapphire i really thought it's nose looked like a real one and not the anime like. and worst of all it grew fluffy nose hair when it evolved. they look freaky.

and as for ubers. Jirachi. i hate him. he's a disgrace. it levitates but it's not it's ability so it gets a hard hit on earthquake. and it's doom desire is slow and weak. one time, i battled my cousins jirachi and i used articuno. and so to try it's power i let DD hit my articuno. though articuno has high S.Df it still should have received lethal damage from DD. but it only had very tiny damage. i mean jirachi should have done more because of same type attack.


AHH NOSEPASS. @.@ I forgot about those things. i refuse to catch one to complete my pokedex in ruby.

anywho, I have diamond. and I already got mesprit and azleaf and once I stop accidently killing uxie I'll be done with legendaries. :3 I'mma trade azleaf and uxie though..and probably dialga. 3 psychic legendaries is wayyyy too many and my dragonair is better in battle than dialga. and it's adorable 8D

  • 1 month later...

It has to be... MAGIKARP!!! Gosh I hate those things since the red and blue days... when I accidentaly bought one from a shady guy before Mt. Moon... it took forever to evolve and well I´m not a gyrados fan either... so there it is ...

  • 1 year later...
Posted (edited)

rotom because I do not understand how a pokemon at that strength can have legendary status and it turns into appliances does it do your chores too?

Edited by Kyuremfan
forgot to add reason

ratat is a common one but my two for gen 5 is stunk fish and grubish a trash bag really? what next a toilet paper pokemon? and i wonder how many people did magikarp im just 2 lazy 2 read :)

  • 3 months later...

Kingler! Why? I was on my last battle to the Tower Tycoon on pokemon HG with Electivire, Roserade, and Magmortar when I had to face a Kingler. My Electivire was up so I used Thunderpunch and that stupid Kingler had a berry that weakened my attack it survived and used crab hammer, got a critical hit and K.O. my Electivire. Go Roserade, Kingler is miraculously faster and uses Guillotine and HITS!!! It then crab hammered my Magmortar into oblivion and I was defeated!!! I'm still mad at Kingler and always will be. Kingler is my LEAST favourite pokemon.

  • 3 months later...

Bidoof, Zubat, Golbat, Budew, Geodude, Sunflora, Pignite, Dunsparce, Luvdisc, Grotle, Budew, TENTACOOL, Burmy, Shellos, Gastrodon, Chingling, Patrat, Watchog, Pansage, Pansear, Panpour, Simipour, Tympole, Stunfisk, and Keldeo. Reason because ew.

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