wraith89 Posted July 17, 2009 Posted July 17, 2009 The Fallen said: Pretty much all the new unecessary ones. I.E. Lickylicky, Rhyperior, Magmortar, Electivire, Yanmega. They're just making Pokemon to make them now. I don't know if they're unnecessary. Lickitung wasn't amazing... and Yanma really need an evolution. Electabuzz and Magmar did too, but their evolution distribution is... REALLY unfair. Electivire gets Motor Drive... Magmortar still has that lame Flame Body Rhydon to Rhyperior... was almost unnecessary... But the most unnecessary evo was probably Dusclops to Dusknoir. I'm starting to not like Scizor. They're EVERYWHERE in the competitive metagame!
Midnight Posted July 17, 2009 Posted July 17, 2009 Electrike. It just irritates me. >_> Also, not to get off topic, but... Reveal hidden contents Quote 1. Well it is completely annoying in super smash bros. Seriously! They took out the psychic master and made everyone's favorite yellow rat more powerful. Falco, Marth, Lucas, R.O.B., Zelda and Pit are great ways to deal with Pikachu. I'd also say Meta Knight, but you know... >_>
chycorita Posted July 17, 2009 Posted July 17, 2009 Geodude, Zubat, Rattata, Pidgey, Bidoof, Bibareal, Miltank(It broke my smeargle record it was 39){Poke RAdar}
Ria Posted July 17, 2009 Posted July 17, 2009 -takes out the Platinum Pokedex- Lets see... Turtwig line Bidoof line Shieldon line Burmy Skuntank Bronzong And Yanmega
hotpinkmunchlax Posted July 17, 2009 Posted July 17, 2009 Mango said: I dislike Delibird and Tyrogue, as well as all of the baby pokemon excluding Munchlax. Shiftry, Nuzleaf and Seedot are pretty ugly as well, so I'm not a fan. Loudred and Exploud and many forth generation Pokémon have been continuing the trend of ugly Pokémon that I don't care for. Good I was about to go crazy munchlax on you lol. Anyway I really do not like is..... Yup thats right i do not like arceus because we never get a legal oppurtunity to get the pokemon of many types. It is unfair. but anyway a pokemon obtainable in game i dont like is You can not make it through a cave without seeing one of these winged freaks. ~hotpinkmunchlax P.S. No offense to people who like those pokemon
wraith89 Posted July 17, 2009 Posted July 17, 2009 Zubat is the Zergling of this game... only it doesn't do it right because Zerglings travel in packs while Zubat attacks you one at a time... Now the Pokemon I'm starting to hate is not her fault, but is HAX's fault... Reveal hidden contents [sprite]427[/sprite] What about this little Buneary? Well... Shogun sent out Mew2! [sprite]389[/sprite] level 42 Ace Trainer Olivia sent out Buneary! [sprite]427[/sprite] level 38 Hail continues to fall! [sprite]427[/sprite] used Dizzy Punch! [sprite]389[/sprite] is confused! [sprite]389[/sprite] is confused! It hurt itself in its confusion! Hail continues to fall! [sprite]427[/sprite] is struck by hail! [sprite]389[/sprite] is struck by hail! [sprite]427[/sprite] used Dizzy Punch! [sprite]389[/sprite] is confused! It hurt itself in its confusion! [sprite]427[/sprite] is struck by hail! [sprite]389[/sprite] is struck by hail! [sprite]427[/sprite] used Dizzy Punch! [sprite]389[/sprite] is confused! It hurt itself in its confusion! [sprite]427[/sprite] is struck by hail! [sprite]389[/sprite] is struck by hail! ([sprite]389[/sprite] is at the red zone) Shogun used Moomoo Milk! [sprite]389[/sprite] regained health! (+ 100 HP) [sprite]427[/sprite] used Quick Attack! [sprite]427[/sprite] used Dizzy Punch! [sprite]389[/sprite] is confused! It hurt itself in its confusion! [sprite]427[/sprite] is struck by hail! [sprite]389[/sprite] is struck by hail! [sprite]427[/sprite] used Dizzy Punch! [sprite]389[/sprite] is confused! It hurt itself in its confusion! [sprite]427[/sprite] is struck by hail! [sprite]389[/sprite] is struck by hail! [sprite]427[/sprite] used Dizzy Punch! Torterra has 5 HP left! [sprite]389[/sprite] is confused no more! [sprite]389[/sprite] used Razor Leaf! [sprite]427[/sprite] dodged the attack! ^ You can only imagine how pissed off I was when that happened [sprite]427[/sprite] is struck by hail! [sprite]389[/sprite] is struck by hail! [sprite]389[/sprite] fainted! That's me and my terrible luck... and that made me hate poor Buneary... when I love bunnies...
darkrai No. 1 Posted July 25, 2009 Posted July 25, 2009 pokemonfan said: I noticed there wasn't a thread for this but there was for favorites...come on everyone has to dislike at least one pokemon. One pokemon you just cant stand. Maybe it is the one that always beats your fave, it looks weird, or it could be the biggest pain you've ever known. Whatever it is post it here!Rules -obvious site rules -post your least favorite pokemon -post why -try not to offend people because remember your least liked could be their entire world My least favorite would have to be... Reveal hidden contents PIKACHU! Why? 1. Well it is completely annoying in super smash bros. Seriously! They took out the psychic master and made everyone's favorite yellow rat more powerful. 2. Watch an anime episode and you'll get it. That pikachu is annoying. I've seen it defeat rhydon and golem were the bigger grounds and even seen it hold its own against entei. The thing's on steroids! Alright so what pokemon can you not stand? i just hate graveler because every 5 seconds in p/d/pi am against a graveler!:frown::frown:
COBHC Posted August 11, 2009 Posted August 11, 2009 i dislike bidoof geodude cleafable weedle starly oh man there are a lot
Deep Blue Posted August 15, 2009 Posted August 15, 2009 Dugtrio in RBY. They appear in diglets cave and murder your entire team before you can make a move. And yet I would never attempt to flee because I kept thinking "It's a level 29 dugtrio! You have to catch it!"
Troy II Posted August 15, 2009 Posted August 15, 2009 Probably my least favorite Pokemon ever is Bidoof/Bibarel, I see no use for it >.> Favorite Pokemon is a tie between Drifblim and Surfing/Flying Pikachu.
Version2 Posted August 19, 2009 Posted August 19, 2009 Geodude. I hate it. I hate everything about it. I hate everything related to it. WHY MUST THEY FLOOD EVERY GAME!!!!! At least my good old Swamperts take care of them
JustinoCappuccino Posted August 20, 2009 Posted August 20, 2009 I absolutely DESPISE luvdisc. in my sapphire it used water pulse and got me confused, then it used attract, so i couldn't attack most of the time. it killed my strongest pokemon just like that!
SilentFox Posted August 20, 2009 Posted August 20, 2009 One poke only .... that is jigglypuff .... that is all >_> I hate sing .... so much
Greencat Posted August 21, 2009 Posted August 21, 2009 No offense, but I think the 4th Generation ruined some of the coolest Pokemon. For my list of least liked Pokemon: Electrivire: What is this thing? It's so ugly! Rhypherior: What a poor design. It hardly looks like Rhydon. You might as well just make is a separate Pokemon and keep Rhydon cool. Weavile: It just looks so weird with the taller feathers. Sneasle's single feather and slim-self looks like it could swipe you and cut you up. Porygon-Z: Not so bad, but it could've been better regarding it's eyes. Gallade: Where's it's elbow again? Yanmega: Oh my gosh! How ugly is this thing? Probopass: <No Comment> Dusknoir: What a poor design! It's such a dramatic difference from Dusclops that you might as well make it new separate Pokemon. Gliscor: Another dramatic difference from Gliger. Tangagrowth: What the heck is this? It just looks like an oversized Tangala to me. Magnezone: Poor design and such a dramatic jump from Magneton. Just make it a new Pokemon and leave Magneton alone. Lickilicky: <No Comment> In my opinion, the designs for the previous three generations were way better! Especially 1st and 3rd.
Toffeuy Posted August 21, 2009 Posted August 21, 2009 Weavile and Electivire in my Opinion is still okay. Gallade doesn't need an elbow, it's a pokemon after all not a human. But I have to agree that Tangrowth, Lickilicky and Probopass was pretty unnecessary and useless of it's looks T_T
Ellie Posted August 21, 2009 Posted August 21, 2009 I dislike Giratina since Yankeesrule likes it lol. I also dislike Mudkip because of the "i herd u liek Mudkipz", Bidoof because it looks dumb, and Lucario and Lopunny because they are over done and sooo many people like to make them the center of their furry-fic...
Greencat Posted August 21, 2009 Posted August 21, 2009 Toffeuy said: Weavile and Electivire in my Opinion is still okay. Gallade doesn't need an elbow, it's a pokemon after all not a human.But I have to agree that Tangrowth, Lickilicky and Probopass was pretty unnecessary and useless of it's looks T_T I think it needs it's elbow fixed. Regardless if it's a Pokemon. Otherwise, let's just remove the fins on the all the Water Pokemon or the wings of the Flying Pokemon.
Varna Posted August 21, 2009 Posted August 21, 2009 Greencat said: No offense, but I think the 4th Generation ruined some of the coolest Pokemon. For my list of least liked Pokemon:Electrivire: What is this thing? It's so ugly! Rhypherior: What a poor design. It hardly looks like Rhydon. You might as well just make is a separate Pokemon and keep Rhydon cool. Weavile: It just looks so weird with the taller feathers. Sneasle's single feather and slim-self looks like it could swipe you and cut you up. Porygon-Z: Not so bad, but it could've been better regarding it's eyes. Gallade: Where's it's elbow again? Yanmega: Oh my gosh! How ugly is this thing? Probopass: <No Comment> Dusknoir: What a poor design! It's such a dramatic difference from Dusclops that you might as well make it new separate Pokemon. Gliscor: Another dramatic difference from Gliger. Tangagrowth: What the heck is this? It just looks like an oversized Tangala to me. Magnezone: Poor design and such a dramatic jump from Magneton. Just make it a new Pokemon and leave Magneton alone. Lickilicky: <No Comment> In my opinion, the designs for the previous three generations were way better! Especially 1st and 3rd. Did you forget Magmortar, or is that one of the few that look okay to you? I agree with you on quite a few of those, though. It's likely that's because I didn't fancy a lot of those Pokémon to begin with, but whatever. Oh, but on the Gallade thing - the rest of its evolution tree doesn't really have distinguishable elbows either. If you want to know something really annoying about its design, just look at its waist... what the hell?
KyoMcFizzle Posted August 21, 2009 Posted August 21, 2009 Kelly said: I dislike Giratina since Yankeesrule likes it lol.I also dislike Mudkip because of the "i herd u liek Mudkipz", Bidoof because it looks dumb, and Lucario and Lopunny because they are over done and sooo many people like to make them the center of their furry-fic... It's really sad because it's all true. I should know, being a furry and all.... Those poor, poor pokemon... At any rate, I have to agree with the Probopass thing. It's the second stereotype pokemon I've seen. First their's Jynx, and now the Jew Pokemon Probopass. Honestly Nintendo. If you're trying to say something, just say it.
Ellie Posted August 22, 2009 Posted August 22, 2009 Furries....why do they follow... I am surprised I didn't see this one too often. Magikarp. Useless.
Greencat Posted August 23, 2009 Posted August 23, 2009 Varna said: Did you forget Magmortar, or is that one of the few that look okay to you? I agree with you on quite a few of those, though. It's likely that's because I didn't fancy a lot of those Pokémon to begin with, but whatever. Oh, but on the Gallade thing - the rest of its evolution tree doesn't really have distinguishable elbows either. If you want to know something really annoying about its design, just look at its waist... what the hell? Oh yeah, him too. It seems like all the ugly evolutions are great in battle, but are very very ugly--IMO.
Mewtwo Ex Posted August 23, 2009 Posted August 23, 2009 Well tough = Ugly It does not bother me if they are ugly as long as they are not really made for children. I like Magmortar. But Ryperior is not my favorite last evolution.
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