wraith89 Posted May 20, 2009 Posted May 20, 2009 (edited) When I was a kid (in year 4 when the anime first came out), I admit, I was enamored by the anime and always wanted to watch it. But at some point in my life I stopped watching... I'm not sure why but I think I know the reasons. - Misty's attire bothered me - Misty's attitude bothered me - Brock was funny, but the flirting part turned me off too much when I was little - Ash is an idiot who decides not to evolve his Pokemon - Pokemon that aren't supposed to beat some other Pokemon beats it (example: Misty's Goldeen takes down James's Victreebel, Ash's Bulbasaur single-handedly takes down wild Gengars and Haunters with VINE WHIP, etc...) - The case for anime ubers (see below) Uber # 1 [sprite]025[/sprite] Ash's Pikachu The menace that ruined the show for me. It ALWAYS wins! ALWAYS! Ha ha ha! So that Ground Pokemon Onix is immune to Electricity? I'm afraid not! Thundershock! Boom! Geodude? Pssh... Thundershock. DAI. Rhydon? AIM FOR TEH HORN! DAI BIG RHINO! That Marowak that took down Bulbasaur? Thundershock! It's a OHKO! Marowak becomes emo! Marowak left his trainer! (I'd be upset too if I got defeated by something I SHOULDN'T be defeated by) Seriously? How strong can this thing be? Pokemon the First Movie: a single THUNDERSHOCK takes down Venomoth, Pinsir, and GOLEM! Seriously, this yellow rat is overpowered! Pikachu vs. Raichu: Hey guys that yellow rat won! You know what that means kids: NEVER evolve your Pikachu! Seriously, how lame! Oh yeah, I heard from the 3rd generation anime (I stopped watching after the middle of Johto) that Uberchu took down a Regice. A... GIANT... LEGENDARY... WALL... OF... SPECIAL... DEFENSE... REGICE! Why do you pick on the ice Pokemon you anime producers? But you wanna know this rat's losses? Rudy's Electabuzz rings the bell. Gary's Eevee and Electivire (I hear) is another. And another one I heard... Uberchu lost to this bloke Paul's Elekid. A... STUPID... ELEKID. Really? So that's what causes Pikachu to fall? The slayer of Rhydons and Regice... falls to the ALMIGHTY ELEKID?! I'm sick of this nonsense... really. I think Pikachu's my number 1 reason why I stopped watching this anime. It ALWAYS wins... but won't win against the Electabuzz family for some reason. Yeah, I couldn't resist, but this made me feel MUCH better: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=45Ybhv7mP-4 Take that, yellow rat of the secret uber powers no one can unlock! Uber #2 [sprite]039[/sprite] Destati, er, I mean Jigglypuff Jigglypuff used Sing! EVERYONE FALLS ASLEEP! Jigglypuff is MAD! Jigglypuff used MARKER! IT'S SUPER EFFECTIVE! Aside from that giant Pokemon episode, when has Jigglypuff ever failed? Sing NEVER misses! Uber #3 [sprite]054[/sprite] Misty's Psyduck! Just wait until this stupid thing gets a headache, and what happens? The ultimate attack! CONFUSION!!! Destroys EVERYTHING in sight... I'll bet even Mewtwo wouldn't stand up against it had Psyduck used it on him (but too bad it has never happened... muhahahaha!). Ash almost beat Misty with a Kingler at one point, but then she brings out that Psyduck... and Kingler uses HYPER BEAM! But did Psyduck fall to that? NO! It uses Confusion and bounces back that Hyper Beam destroying that poor king crab. Then what about a dark type? Shouldn't it resist it? Nope. Or at least that's what I heard... how Psyduck's Confusion hurt a Poochyena... X_X This duck's too uber... and in the hands of one of the most annoying characters in the anime... ugh. Uber #4 [sprite]175[/sprite] Misty's Togepi Togepi used Metronome! Need I say more? Uber #5 [sprite]006[/sprite] Ash's Charizard Okay, at least this one makes sense... somewhat. But still, it shouldn't take EVERYTHING down with its HAX0R Flamethrower! It takes down Articuno (poor Ice types! Stop PICKING ON THEM and HUMILIATING THEM!), takes Gary's Blastoise down and loses to a certain fighting chicken. That's retarded. So what caused you to stop watching the anime? Edited June 13, 2009 by wraith89
randomspot555 Posted May 20, 2009 Posted May 20, 2009 wraith89 said: When I was a kid (in year 4 when the anime first came out), I admit, I was enamored by the anime and always wanted to watch it. But at some point in my life I stopped watching... I'm not sure why but I think I know the reasons. Really, while people can make TLDR reasons for this, it's ultimately about growing up. What entertains an 8 year old and an 18 year old are different. It's the same reason why many don't play the games anymore, or why so many wax nostalgia on Gen I and II, while hating III and IV. Quote - Misty's attire bothered me- Misty's attitude bothered me As much as Misty fans will disagree, she is an anime stereotype. The typical tomboy. And it fits that. Quote - Brock was funny, but the flirting part turned me off too much when I was little It's gotten much worse since Kanto/Johto. However, running gags are a staple of kids' television. So it's to be expected. Quote - Ash is an idiot who decides not to evolve his Pokemon But this is just not reaosnable. The anime takes a more "realistic" approach to Pokemon. Many...it seems you are one, think it should work just like the games, where 99% of the time evolution=better. But the anime only has a loose meaning of levels and experience, and evolution isn't something that's automatic, or something that is even necessarily good. It's been mentioned a few times that Pokemon mentally change as well as physically, so it might not be the best for them to evolve right away, if ever, and they shouldn't be forced to. Quote - Pokemon that aren't supposed to beat some other Pokemon beats it (example: Misty's Goldeen takes down James's Victreebel, Ash's Bulbasaur single-handedly takes down wild Gengars and Haunters with VINE WHIP, etc...) Again, same case. The anime and games aren't the same. Quote Uber # 1[sprite]025[/sprite] Ash's Pikachu The menace that ruined the show for me. It ALWAYS wins! ALWAYS! Ha ha ha! So that Ground Pokemon Onix is immune to Electricity? Yeah, this sucked, especially since later episodes do establish that ground is immune. But they've become much more consistant with immunities (Norman won't hit ghost, and vice versa) in the past few years. And really, as a 6-10 year old kid perspective, who cares? They certainly don't. Quote Oh yeah, I heard from the 3rd generation anime (I stopped watching after the middle of Johto) that Uberchu took down a Regice. A... GIANT... LEGENDARY... WALL... OF... SPECIAL... DEFENSE... REGICE! Why do you pick on the ice Pokemon you anime producers? The Regi-trio, unlike many of the legendaries featured on the anime, weren't portrayed as god-like. They were just Pokemon with "legendary" status. Nothing too special. And nothing is too inherently bad as far as ice vs electric. But really, all anime battles are decided on what's needed to advance the story. Experience means nothing as long as it moves the plot along. I still watch the anime beause I know what to expect, a kids' show with a simple plot, and something I can make hilarious GIFs out of. It's gotten much better with D/P, especially since 4kids no longer does the dubbing.
wraith89 Posted May 20, 2009 Author Posted May 20, 2009 I'll agree with you... it IS for kids so it was made that way. But I don't know... something about the anime turned me off. It's as if there wasn't exactly any real danger and the protagonists will always win (which should... but I was expecting more deus ex machina instead of evil electric yellow rodent owning stuff). And really? The Regis aren't considered legendary in the anime? That's really... odd. The poor golems. Their story in the game was so cool. And despite all the strangeness of the first series, Kanto series is my favorite, possibly because of its nostalgia value.
randomspot555 Posted May 20, 2009 Posted May 20, 2009 I'm not saying the regis aren't legendary. They're specifically referred to as such. But the anime often adds a god-like status to them, like complete control of nature or something like that, or very referred to by the citizens of whatever town is near by. The Regi trio didn't have that. They just had the name "Legendary Pokemon".
wraith89 Posted May 20, 2009 Author Posted May 20, 2009 Even enough to be owned by a trainer. I see. So they have no absolute control over nature and all that. It's probably that whole Japanese Shinto thing. You would expect natural creatures to be the kami (god) over certain aspects of nature, not mechanical golems. Interesting.
pokemonfan Posted May 20, 2009 Posted May 20, 2009 It is geared mostly towards a younger age group. Although a little "trouble" for the "heroes" would be nice. I mean they always win! Even if ash loses he comes back and beats them. Even like in the tag battle he won where he should've lost because paul was very uncooperative. Even the movie "Mewtwo strikes back" Mewtwo had everything then all of the love and friendship values kicked in with the magical pokemon tears and all of a sudden one of the coldest pokemon ever is turned peaceful. It just doesn't make sense. I still watch the anime though for the battles. I guess it just leaves something to be desired by the older kids.
wraith89 Posted May 20, 2009 Author Posted May 20, 2009 That Mewtwo movie was my favorite. In fact, I think it's the only Pokemon anime part that I liked. There was a HUGE lesson to be learned in that one. The Japanese version is better though; Mewtwo hated not being created by God or something (while everyone else was), so he was angry.
pokemonfan Posted May 21, 2009 Posted May 21, 2009 Yes but he went about it the wrong way, seeking revenge by destroying the world and then creating a new one with his clones. he sought vengeance. He was willing to do anything to get it. I was so looking forward to an epic legendary battle between mew and mewtwo but there wasn't much. I did think though that it was an ok movie. Mewtwo almost destroyed everything he wished he was, just because he couldn't ever have it. Mewtwo was cold and ruthless and it is horrible what those scientists did. There are somethings man was never meant to tamper with. The movie was ok.
wraith89 Posted May 21, 2009 Author Posted May 21, 2009 It comes to show you both the parties were at fault. It's so complex... I love it Mewtwo has to be the most complex character ever developed in Pokemon history. Most of the other characters are so... shallow.
pokemonfan Posted May 21, 2009 Posted May 21, 2009 I guess...although I bet Ash is pretty messed up on the inside.
wraith89 Posted May 21, 2009 Author Posted May 21, 2009 Nah. They're all shallow. Ash's encounter with Annabelle somewhat proved he is very dense. No one is matching up to Mewtwo in terms of strength in the games (RBY Mewtwo was a killer) and no one is matching up to Mewtwo in terms of complex personality in the anime. Mewtwo is just unique... and you can't deny that
HottSushiz Posted May 21, 2009 Posted May 21, 2009 Well this is what happened that made me stop: Me: Cool! a new Pokemon show. (Pokemon Diamond/Pearl) Tv: end of horrible theme song, and episode title. Tv: (Ash speaks) *Fumbles for remote* *Changes channel*
wraith89 Posted May 21, 2009 Author Posted May 21, 2009 LOL. How is Ash's new voice? I haven't heard him speak in such a long time :-/
Guested Posted May 21, 2009 Posted May 21, 2009 I didn't like the stuff that just didn't make sense according to the game. Dodge it with agility. Pikachu is faster than Raichu. Using Haunter (also poison-type) against Sabrina. I stopped watching shortly after Meowth dumped a bucket of water on an Onix and then scratched it to death(faint).
wraith89 Posted May 21, 2009 Author Posted May 21, 2009 LOL. Maybe that Haunter was higher leveled than Kadabra because that Kadabra just evolved from the prior episode, therefore making it faster. I like how Haunter won though... I always like that cute little ghost over that psychic whatever thingy. But yeah, what I hate is... PIKACHU used DODGEIT! Enemy *insert Pokemon even legendary here*'s attack missed! PIKACHU used THUNDERSHOCK It's super effective! *even if it isn't* PIKACHU passes GO and collects $200! Yeah... that Pikachu made me stop watching it X_X Meowth is smart though, kudos to his character
pokemonfan Posted May 21, 2009 Posted May 21, 2009 Pikachu is kind of annoying with his, undefeatableness. In the first part of the movie "Mewtwo vs Mew" You see Pikachu faint a bunch of ground type pokemon...with thunderbolt!
wraith89 Posted May 21, 2009 Author Posted May 21, 2009 He defeated Venomoth, Pinsir, and GOLEM with Thundershock or something. That annoyed me so much...
Mewtwo Ex Posted May 21, 2009 Posted May 21, 2009 That is so, but it's still better than Diamond and Pearl(to me at least). These new episodes have guides in every single one of them.:mad: Sound kinda annoying. Brock is like a professor all of a sudden. And he is a gym leader from the first season.(he should be smart, but not a rocket scientist.)
wraith89 Posted May 21, 2009 Author Posted May 21, 2009 ... the anime is falling apart. There were many things wrong with the original series, but the original series was awesome because nostalgia is great. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hdduKyAiXBc&feature=channel_page This is great. The guy solarblade00 made 14 episodes so far. They're pretty funny
Nirron Posted May 21, 2009 Posted May 21, 2009 I actually just stopped watching it due to it old shows being shown again and again and no new shows being released in Belgium. Eventually stopped watching, but now I'm back and just watch most of the episodes online I actually liked Jigglypuff but some things in the cartoons just do not make sence how some type is supposed to be weak or stronger against a certain type still gets their ass owned. Like Pikachu destroying rock types and so on..
Mewtwo Ex Posted May 21, 2009 Posted May 21, 2009 wraith89 said: ... the anime is falling apart.There were many things wrong with the original series, but the original series was awesome because nostalgia is great. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hdduKyAiXBc&feature=channel_page This is great. The guy solarblade00 made 14 episodes so far. They're pretty funny ... Nostalgia attack... Good find thou. I get filled with sadness when i watch old Pokemon movies and episodes.
randomspot555 Posted May 21, 2009 Posted May 21, 2009 Nirron said: Like Pikachu destroying rock types and so on.. Rock takes neutral damage to electric. It's ground types that are immune to it.
wraith89 Posted May 21, 2009 Author Posted May 21, 2009 randomspot555 said: Rock takes neutral damage to electric. It's ground types that are immune to it. Funny thing is that Rock/Ground types were SO common that people don't realize which one is the one that's immune. I used to think Aerodactyl was immune to Electric attacks so I trained him at the Power Plant (bad mistake).
pokemonfan Posted May 22, 2009 Posted May 22, 2009 I recently saw the Uberchu beat a quagsire. Although quagsires are not that good they should have the advantage.
wraith89 Posted May 22, 2009 Author Posted May 22, 2009 pokemonfan said: I recently saw the Uberchu beat a quagsire. Although quagsires are not that good they should have the advantage. :mad: Quagsire > Pikachu They REALLY have to stop that Uberchu from beating all the ground types! What's the matter with these producers?!
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