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Posted (edited)

If you have a suggestion/correction/update for any of the translation files, please post here. Since all of the translations are present with the release of beta 25, it'd be preferable to only post corrections to individual lines, rather than uploading a whole file.

There are untranslated lines in just about every language at the moment, so updates are appreciated.

Note: Translations are not done by me, therefore I can't guarantee their accuracy.

Edited by Codr

hi codr,

I can do a Portuguese translation for PokéGen if you want.

I just need to copy one of the language files and translate it right? like:

"Menu_File=File" is translated "Menu_File=Ficheiro" or "Menu_File_Load=Load" is translated "Menu_File_Load=Carregar".

Waiting for awser,



  • 3 months later...
  • 1 month later...
  MasterOfHack-Fu said:
I can change things to Italian,Spanish,German, and pretty much any language, as long as i have time.

I don't think he is talking about going into Google Translator or something of the sort and doing it that way...

  • 2 weeks later...

For those that have translated, or are capable of translating, keep in mind that when I change tooltips or other things, I have no accurate means of translating those myself in order to properly update all the languages. Therefore I simply overwrite other languages' strings with English changes until someone gets around to updating it for me. Keep an eye out for such changes with each program update. Thanks!

  • 1 month later...

Surely there's something that translates as "find", and can be modified to make sense as "PID finder". The goal should be to get as close to an exact meaning as English as possible. "Viseur"? I'm just using Google's translator, which probably isn't producing something particularly sensible.


I know what you mean but french is a very difficult language and words doesn't always mean what it seems ! Finder in english is clean but in french, we don't say "trouveur" the exact translation of the word find ! It's not neat ! This is why I have proposed those terms: générateur, créateur or découvreur de PID ! But tell me something: how does it work ? I mean how does it find that PID ? By calculation (hence calculateur) or what ? I suck in programation so...if you could help me to figured out how the thing work, I could more easily find the good word !

For now, the best word I guess would be Créateur de PID since découvreur suit more for a person, not a program...if you see what I mean !

So let me know and I"ll try my best !

PS: I just used for the first time your Mystery Gift options, and it work so easily ! On little big piece of software fit all the pokefan needs ! YESSS !!! Thank you so much, my friend !


Everything on computers is done by calculation. In that sense, yes, that's accurate. However, "find" is more suited to what the program does. There are a limited number of available PIDs based on the criteria provided.

I wasn't aware that French was significantly different in that regard. Is something more along the lines of "searcher" capable of being used?

Edit: There are also more abbreviated things that shouldn't be. Specifically in the Mystery Gift text.

Posted (edited)

Yes searcher means découvreur but...as I told you, it's more for a human being ! Chercheur is the same ! What about Investigateur de PID ?

Sorry for the abbreviated strings, I haven't seen them in "action" ! Correcting right now ! But there are some string too long to fit on the windows and I have no choice ! Like "IDs de C.Miracle utilisés"...


lang_French v304..zip


lang_French v304..zipFetching info...

Edited by Drakul

Ok, I'll just leave it to you to decide then. As for "Used Wonder Card IDs" not fitting... that's only in the code generator. You should let me worry about the things that don't fit and just use the full text, never abbreviated unless it's supposed to be.


Aye, aye Sir !

Will do ! First thing when I get up...but for now, my friend, it's my eyes that don't fit in the right place or as we french says, je n'ai plus les yeux en face des trous !

So good night and see you soon, mon ami !




I've corrected all abreviated string ! I hope so !

lang_French_v3.04.zipFetching info...


Thanks. At the risk of annoying you, you still have "Used Wonder Card IDs" shortened to not include "Wonder". It should be the full string. I'd do it myself, but I'm not sure if I can just insert it in and have it make sense still.


Rebonjour Codr !

So I went all thru the french file and tried to erase all the abreviated terms ! I corrected the string Used Wonder Card IDs and some other things ! Now it's up to you to make some of those strings to fit the program windows ! As for the PID Finder, I suppose that Créateur de PID is a good one until we find a better translation !

For now, I'm dealing with an odd issue: my pc run on Vista and when I right click on the program to make a shortcut in start menu, PokeGen is launched in english without the use of the language file, no possibilities to change the language used, all options are grayed out ! I can't find why and how to fix that !

Thank you and see you !




lang_French_v3.04.zipFetching info...


Ok, I don't have any complaints this time. (I know, surprising, isn't it?) There are definitely some issues brought up with the way the program is handling resizing though. That's not your concern. Thanks for taking the time to fix the things I pointed out and doing the whole thing to begin with.

As for the issue you're having, that means the language files aren't in the "working directory" of the program when it starts. Shortcuts specify the directory manually. It's the "Start in" line in the shortcut properties. It should refer to the directory that the language files are in. If it's the same directory as the exe, you can leave it blank.

  • 1 month later...

I want help, I want translate the Pokésav, I've started with HG SS and i Want Chack the Italian Pokégen (I don't use Google translator, i'm native;) )

  Ohkami 777 said:
I translated PokéGen into Japanese.

Well, uh, there's already a mostly-complete Japanese translation, but I'll use yours to fill in the untranslated parts.

Edit: Updated and made public. There was actually a lot more untranslated than I thought in Guested's version. Thanks.

  • 2 weeks later...
  Delta Blast Burn said:
The origin country is still untranslated, it still lists the countries in english.

EDIT: Japanese language selected.

I know, but thanks. I've just been lazy about changing it.

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