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Because it's inconvenient. When you're editing one Pokemon, sure, NARC is the best way to go. But when you're changing 500 Pokemon...

Edit: Kazo's trainer editor worked great, but it's slower. What I did was extract the NARC from the ROM that I used Zero's trainer editor on, and edit those narcs with Kazo's, and inserted them into a fresh rom.

Edited by Exaskryz

I think he meant that opening the NARC file in the Wild Pokemon Editor instead of the game. Also why is it that extracting and reinserting NARC seems like its never been talked about in the help options?

When you edit using Wild Pokemon Editor you can just use the same Rom you used for every other edit you've done. Just extract the NARC from that one and edit it and then Reinsert it right into the Rom you extracted it from. I utilize at least 5-6 different editors for my ongoing hack and haven't ran into any problems aside from the above where Pinwheel Forest didn't show up... I redid it all using the NARC files and not just the quick and easy Rom File and had absolutely no problems. I've even dabbled in the HEX and had no problems there either. When you are changing 500 pokemon yes you use the NARC there is a single NARC file for the movesets... there is a single NARC file for the moves... there is a single NARC file for the effects of said moves... there is a single NARC file for the Wild Locations... there is a single NARC file for Stationary encounters and Event encounters... Most programs tell you which NARC you need to use for said program.

I just don't see why Andibad's statement was inconvenient. Wild Pokemon Editor doesn't change single pokemon... it just changes where you find pokemon... Meaning yes a Single NARC file is fine. He did not mean to open the NARC File in a Hex Editor... he meant use the NARC file for the Wild Pokemon Editor...


hm maybe my statement is unclear right? okay...

  1. Used ROM for editing...
    actually is not recommend for edit a wild pokemon or another, why? because just for now some tools is based on hex offset not using a function to read ROM. but don't worry about code for read ROM nds is avaiable on C#, java or ect language on the net.
    So for this method just single usage only, be aware on second usage, it will broke your ROM. if you want edit a mod rom, i just recommend used narc method is more easy and not break your ROM.
  2. Used NARC for editing
    I mean in here, extract specific narc file from ROM NDS and open on this (specific) program. is more quickly and more safe than ROM editing why? because you can extract many narc from ROM or copy that narc for backup. other narc is was editable with this (specific) tools. if you break that narc, is not break you ROM. you still can replace with a backup one. narc file is have table data for some file inside that narc. same as statement 1, for now tools is used offset for matching location for editing not used a method to read archive narc file. it will break you narc too.
  3. Manual editing using HEX editor
    is was figure out last year so you no need re-research because is 100% done. wild pokemon data is have 16 byte header for controlling every area. search on this forum for more detail. i recommend extract narc file into more smaller file for more easy to figure out what structure wild pokemon BW data.

  • 1 month later...
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  • 1 month later...
  k1d said:
I doubt it, but do you think that this would work for Black and White 2?

It doesn't seem to. I tried opening up a Black 2 ROM, and the program didn't recognize it as valid for use.

  • 5 weeks later...

Hi, I edited all the routes but when I played a new game, none of the changes I made were reflected.... So I exported the text file and tried to load it on a clean room, but got the error message "Index was out of range" :(

Any help?

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