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  The Fallen said:
That's the only thing about remakes. It's not a true remake if you have gym leaders in older regions with newer Pokémon.

True, I don't want them to change anything, but I'm just posting things that would make them stronger. But changing the movesets might still make it faithful to the remake.

Okay Wraith. So since this is for old Pokémon, like I suggest before, why not give Whitney a second rollout Miltank? That thing was tough.

:eek: :eek: :eek:

HELL NO! One crazy Miltank was enough... and you ask for another? :eek:

I'm going crazy here O_O

If you lose in a competitive battle you will get frustrated anyway. Challenge + Loss = Frustration. Another Miltank would be tough as rocks.

I'll bet you everyone here will object to a second Miltank. Seriously, one was hard as hell. Why make two to trouble your woes? One is enough >.>


I used Quilava when I played Silver so Miltank wasn't hard at all. But I dislike giving Whitney two since it's her "signature Pokemon"/one she has the closest relationship with. I'd assume Miltank was really easy if you trained Onix and/or Graveler as well.

The Gyms and Elite Four in GSC were too easy. They really need to make the levels of the Pokemon in the Elite Four higher, if anything else.


The gyms were easy, outside of the mentioned killer milktank, though Clair was still a super pain to beat.

That and after defeating her she didnt give you a badge until you completed the Dragon User challenge...

All gyms tend to be easy so long as you know the elements. I usually make it a habit to evolve my starter pokemon before the first gym, and with a lot of the storyline battles leveling isnt a problem.

Minus Sinnoh when I was playing in Diamond. The last gym was quite the level leap and so was the E4, even if you battled everyone.

With the remakes and most likely being able to go to Kanto and battle stronger gyms there, then battle a possible Red and his freakishly strong Pikachu I assume the games to again be a more difficult run. I replayed my old Silver and still had issues with Clair and Whitney, not to mention Blue and his team of powerhouses with no common element.

Still dont have the courage to take out Red though... I can get to him with ease, but I REALLY dont wanna see that Pikachu...


Meh. That Pikachu's pretty easy to beat. Level 81 Pikachu was the weakest in his team. Red's toughest Poke is probably his Snorlax, which my level 23 Gastly beat thanks to his LOL no non-Normal moves aside from Amnesia movepool :P

So what did you think of my proposal of tougher Gym Leaders? Maybe Whitney is overkill X_X

Whitney is pretty easy to beat. All you need is something faster then her entire team and stronger too, and you will sweep the entire thing. Preferably a fighting type.

Erm... Miltank = base speed of 100 with decent defenses and attack.

She was NOT easy to beat for many. I had trouble with her I ended up using up almost all my items. Seriously, Whitney is no pushover.

I guess so, but why not just paralyze it or put it to sleep and destroy her?

Easier said than done. Sleepers CAN miss and those with those accurate moves (Butterfree's Compoundeyes Sleep Powder and Paras's Spore) are both weak to Rock moves (Rollout... and Butterfree dreads that W4).

I guess so, but why not just paralyze it or put it to sleep and destroy her?

Once she gets rollout going for a while with no misses, its a 1HKO and its fast so you need a really fast poke to get her with something and pray for a miss or whatnot.

She usually takes at least 1-2 rematches before I get a badge...

Now I feel like playing my old silver again lol

If you chose Totodile, you'd probably have no problem with her.

Believe me. I HAD problems even WITH Totodile. Now didn't you see what that killer Miltank did to you in Shoddy? Still gonna say Miltank is easy? :D

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