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I think the Anime is almost forced to redo G/S simply because of lack of things to cover. They've already stretched D/P almost to the limit as far as money and anime screen time, and unless they figure something new, they're going to lose some popularity.



If everybody remembers in GEN 3 Pokemon: Battle Frontier they traveled back to Kanto for the Battle Frontier, in GEN 3 they remade Red and Blue which is in Kanto.

Because they're remaking Gold and Silver in GEN 4 which is in Johto maybe they'll go back to Johto for the Battle frontier


Or they're planning on making up a new route, like they did on the orange islands. And isn't it so that the manga follows the games (or the other way around) and the anime doesn't ?

  Mewtwo Ex said:
Where the Orange islands in any game?

No, the Orange Islands are only in the anime and the Electric Tales of Pikachu manga. But for all essential purposes, they're basically the Battle Frontier before there was one.

I agree with the consensus that the anime will probably go to the Battle Frontier in Johto, which I believe has been mentioned before as having one.

But I wouldn't expect many Kanto/Johto callbacks. There were very few Kanto references while traveling in season 9. And the Johto season kind of sucked anyway, so I'd prefer that it'd be referenced as little as possible.


Wasn't the Johto era the most popular though xD Wasn't there like three seasons just for Johto? I know it was like three years and they were STILL in Johto. I remember turning on the TV and saying, OMG they are still there?!


Pokemon isn't one Anime series though, it's 3, there's Pocket Monsters, Pocket Monsters Advanced Generation and Pocket Monsters Diamond & Pearl, only in the butchered American dubs do they refer to them as seasons. And yeah, Original Series Pokemon is the longest because of all the time spent in Johto.>.>


Ah Ok. I never watched pokemon after they went to the Orange Islands because I was mad they changed the opening theme. *I was a fickle child xD* I prefer watching all my anime subbed, and at the time I had limited access to it so I gave up. I am now rewatching the series in Japanese as we speak. *HG/SS has me that jazzed xD*

Finding the subbed episodes is a pain though haha.

  InuYouki said:
Wasn't the Johto era the most popular though

Popularity doesn't really translate into quality. Johto (and Kanto, too, as many like to forget) had tons of filler episodes, regional Pokemon weren't used that much, and they had to plot-device out the Kanto starters because Ash wouldn't use the Johto starters otherwise.

Wasn't there like three seasons just for Johto?

There's generally 3 seasons/years for each main region+1 season for a "filler" arc (Orange Islands, Battle Frontier in Kanto, and the speculated Battle Frontier in Johto). Kanto was in "one" american season, but it encompassed like 80 episodes.

  Draconic_Renegade said:
Pokemon isn't one Anime series though, it's 3, there's Pocket Monsters, Pocket Monsters Advanced Generation and Pocket Monsters Diamond & Pearl, only in the butchered American dubs do they refer to them as seasons. And yeah, Original Series Pokemon is the longest because of all the time spent in Johto.>.>

That has nothing to do with "butchered American dubs" , that's simply how the US does television, in seasons.

Either way, it's semantics. Just because the Japanese have them as 3 different shows, they are 3 different shows that feature many of the main and supporting characters and share the same continuity. It's really the same show.

  randomspot555 said:
Popularity doesn't really translate into quality. Johto (and Kanto, too, as many like to forget) had tons of filler episodes, regional Pokemon weren't used that much, and they had to plot-device out the Kanto starters because Ash wouldn't use the Johto starters otherwise.

There's generally 3 seasons/years for each main region+1 season for a "filler" arc (Orange Islands, Battle Frontier in Kanto, and the speculated Battle Frontier in Johto). Kanto was in "one" american season, but it encompassed like 80 episodes.

That has nothing to do with "butchered American dubs" , that's simply how the US does television, in seasons.

Either way, it's semantics. Just because the Japanese have them as 3 different shows, they are 3 different shows that feature many of the main and supporting characters and share the same continuity. It's really the same show.

I guess it's 'cause I started with the Japanese version, but I really hate the American dub.>.> And yeah I know that's how they do TV, but Pokemon wasn't American, but whatever, they only really just stopped butchering Anime over here anyway.>.>

  Greencat said:
Possible. If they do, I hope they see the Mom again. They haven't seen her in a long time. Maybe the 12th movie gets them to go back to the Jhoto Region. :)

Oh, my gosh. It is spelled JOHTO! Please get it right! :P

Well I would love to see Ash do the Johto Battle Frontier and Dawn could go compete in contests.

  • 1 month later...

May went there for contests, so maybe Dawn will to? Then we gotta wonder what Ash will get into since he has all the badges from Johto...

Johto was pretty good for an anime, and I'm personally am getting sick of seeing Dawn fail around, every inch of Sinnoh being discovered, and loads of filler episodes. I think Sinnoh is so far the longest one, or at least the one in the US since Ash still doesnt have all the badges (yet in Kanto he got one at least every 5 episodes). Again, I'm sick of seeing Sinnoh on the Anime. I'd like them to move on, or at least see someone show the smack down to Cynthia and her hacked Garchomp (Took an ice attack from Paul's Weavile like it was nothing. I call BS).

Going back to Johto or reveiling new legends we still dont know (Ok, I really get it. Dialga and Palkia are supah powerful and god like, moving on I still dont know what Mew is or its purpose outside of being freakishly cute). I dont think we saw much of Entei outside the movie, though Suicune and Raiku got anime appearances (Well, Raiku was a special set of episodes used as filler).

As for the battle fronteir there better be new symbols and such since Ash already did that sort of thing. I'm suprised Ash didnt say "Well frick on a stick Paul, I beat Brandon a while back so eat me!". Unless he did in the Jap Anime since us here in the US waaay behind.

I hope Cartoon Network does some sort of 'here's a ton of new pokemon episodes in one day to catch us up closer to japan so we dont start running a year behind!"


Oh sorry, I thought it was the other way around. :P

Well, they could go visit and find out team rocket is up to trouble and have to tavel through the routes and help out Gym Leaders along the way till they get too Goldenrod. Then they could take a vacation and visit the rest of Johto. ;)


Hm, maybe they will finally bring up the GS ball again. When Ash got it, nothing really happened with it, he gave it to Kurt. But maybe Kurt can call Oak to tell Ash that something weird is happening with the ball, then Ash ventures back to Johto and finds Jirachi in the shrine!

Hm, maybe they will finally bring up the GS ball again. When Ash got it, nothing really happened with it, he gave it to Kurt. But maybe Kurt can call Oak to tell Ash that something weird is happening with the ball, then Ash ventures back to Johto and finds Jirachi in the shrine!

The GS Ball was meant to contain Celebi, but it was later held for a movie, so it just became a bad plot device.

I honestly don't think there will be much related to HG/SS. My gut tells me "Battle Frontier/Sinnoh E4 arc that is located in Johto", similar to how the Emerald Battle Frontier was in Kanto back in Gen III.


Since they couldn't do anything with it, maybe they could fix it now. Maybe they will just do something else with the GS ball. Of course it will still be related to Celebi, but this will give them an excuse to venture back to Johto. Sounds like a good plot.

  • 1 month later...

maybe ash could decide he wants to see ho-oh again after he seen it in the very first episode so he returns to johto then finds all his badges have gone out of date or somthing and has to get all the johto badges again

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