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Changelog for version 3:



◘ (Kaarosu) The Pokéshifter is working again.

◘ (Kaarosu) A few Pokémon names have been updated.

◘ (Kaarosu) New ability descriptions are now translated.

◘ (Kaar / Velo) Some in-battle dialogs are now in english.

◘ (Kaar / Velo) Huge update for the 0016.txt file.

◘ (NSSVelocity) The bug in learning moves.

◘ (NSSVelocity) The Toxic Orb crash.

◘ (NSSVelocity) TM / HM descriptions are now all english.

◘ (NSSVelocity) The Hall of Fame PC has been translated.

◘ (NSSVelocity) Geonet has scripting fixed.

◘ (NSSVelocity) Huge formatting update on the moves descriptions.

◘ (tincancrab) The Vs. Recorder GUI has been updated.

◘ (tincancrab) The Pokédex entries are now updated or fixed.

◘ (ruin / Rykin) Messages in-battle when you lose.

◘ (ruin / Rykin) The town descriptions have been updated.

◘ (terravoltage) Pokémon Forms are now (mostly) in english.

◘ (Rykin / terra) Even more bulletin boards are now in english.

◘ (Rykin122) A "Bag" update has been done.

◘ (Rykin122) Out of line errors when making a word.

◘ (Rykin122) "Shikona" is now known as "Cynthia".

◘ (Rykin122) Changed "PKMN Trainer" into "Pokemon Trainer".

◘ (Rykin122) Some PC formatting and a term officialized.

◘ (Various) The GTS now has English countries.

◘ (Various) Several Moves have been renamed. [1]


◘ (NSSVelocity) The "Yen" sign is now "$".

◘ (NSSVelocity) Saving game messages.

◘ (ruinairas) The Team Plasma event in the second town.

◘ (Rykin122) The Pokémon Center Wi-Fi Options.

◘ (Rykin122) The double "Welcome!" message in Pokémon Mart.

◘ (Rykin122) Sazanami Town, Kagome Town & Village Bridge.

◘ (Rykin122) The battle with Cynthia is now in english.

◘ (Rykin122) Some dialogs from the Elite Four.

◘ (Rykin122) The in-game HM use dialogs have been updated.

◘ (Rykin122) "[Player] received [item]" messages.

◘ (Rykin122) Elevator floors in Hiun City.

◘ (Soneek) Different signs in Hiun City.

◘ (Soneek) Parts of the Battle Subway (Raimon City).

◘ (Soneek) Hall of fame induction.

◘ (Soneek) Spirat tower translation.

◘ (Soneek) Name rater tekst translation.

◘ (Soneek) Many routes now have english signs.

◘ (Soneek) Misc. Rest-houses (in between routes).

◘ (Soneek) Victory Road badge checkers update.

◘ (Various) Pokémon Gym signs.

◘ (Various) The first town (Kotono Town).

◘ (Various) Different parts of Shippou City.


◘ Script Editing: NSSVelocity

◘ Quality Control: Rykin122, NSSVelocity & Zenshi.

◘ Story Translation: Ruinairas, Rykin122, Soneek, Velocity, others.

◘ Story Grammar: Zenshi, Shadow-witch, Soneek, others.


Little by Little => Bit by Bit

Lightning Strike => Thunder Strike

Swords Mystery => Mystery Sword

EDIT: 80th post yayz



[ATTACH]5692[/ATTACH] is in my game

and also these are a few corrections needed for v3/v4 (0054)as they go out of item screen

Lightning Cassette -> Zap Cassette

Ancient Bronze Coin -> Ancient Cu Coin

Ancient Silver Coin -> Ancient Ag Coin

Ancient Gold Coin ->Ancient Au Coin or something

Rykin, Implement them in v3 if there is enough time ok?

  loganjew said:
hey i was on the website and it suddenly stopped working

just wondering why the site is down?

did you take it down or something

The server is down because (...) keep changing the script and keep (...) save them.

That's why I've posted the full changelog here on the thread so you all can watch them.

And, that's the good and official version, not tempered with at all. Only I can edit it here.

Shortly said, why go to a not-trustable site while you can view the trustable version here :)

  terravoltage said:
[ATTACH]5692[/ATTACH] is in my game

and also these are a few corrections needed for v3/v4 (0054)as they go out of item screen

Lightning Cassette -> Zap Cassette

Ancient Bronze Coin -> Ancient Cu Coin

Ancient Silver Coin -> Ancient Ag Coin

Ancient Gold Coin ->Ancient Au Coin or something

Rykin, Implement them in v3 if there is enough time ok?

There isn't I guess.

But, you can change "Ancient" in "Old" that will fix the off-line going already and it's better the shortning the "Gold" "Silver" and "Broze".


yo team, just thought i'd post some mistakes ive found.

not sure ive they've been brought up before, but oh well im not reading 145 pages to find out....!!

very start of the game, where you receive your first PKMN, the spelling of receive is wrong in the first sentence, but then correct in the second..!!

and since V2, when you purchase items from the shop /pkmart.....your current '£' doesn't display a total (money earned), it displays what ever you click on...... ie: click in items to but a potion and it'll display '£items',

hope thats easy enough to understand....take a look and you'll see


  fishykipper said:
yo team, just thought i'd post some mistakes ive found.

not sure ive they've been brought up before, but oh well im not reading 145 pages to find out....!!

very start of the game, where you receive your first PKMN, the spelling of receive is wrong in the first sentence, but then correct in the second..!!

and since V2, when you purchase items from the shop /pkmart.....your current '£' doesn't display a total (money earned), it displays what ever you click on...... ie: click in items to but a potion and it'll display '£items',

hope thats easy enough to understand....take a look and you'll see


Both of those problems are fixed in Version 3.

Please read the changelog before you post problems.

  terravoltage said:
[ATTACH]5692[/ATTACH] is in my game

and also these are a few corrections needed for v3/v4 (0054)as they go out of item screen

Lightning Cassette -> Zap Cassette

Ancient Bronze Coin -> Ancient Cu Coin

Ancient Silver Coin -> Ancient Ag Coin

Ancient Gold Coin ->Ancient Au Coin or something

Rykin, Implement them in v3 if there is enough time ok?

View the change at: http://github.com/Rykin122/Pokemon-Black-White-Translation-Files/raw/master/0000/0054.txt

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