omega666 Posted October 9, 2010 Posted October 9, 2010 so will Ruinairas patch be compatible with V3? if so, in which order does one have to patch?
NSSVelocity Posted October 9, 2010 Posted October 9, 2010 omega666 said: so will Ruinairas patch be compatible with V3?if so, in which order does one have to patch? v3 will contain all of Ruin's update up to the release of v3.
Me2Hack Posted October 9, 2010 Posted October 9, 2010 Rykin122 said: Whao it seems that I did all east side of the game I did like sazanami town, katome town, village bridge Well not all of it, but a lot of it Anyway what I'm posting for is the following: I need some help on checking on grammar errors Links of what I need to be checked are: - (Village Bridge text) - (Kagome Town text) I edited a few grammar and spelling errors. 271(There are still same Japanese words in it though. =O : Reveal hidden contents no data no data no data no data no data no data no data no data no data no data no data I just like the huge bridge!\xfffeIt is so... Beautiful! no data Hmmm... Why is water blue...\xfffeAnd why is the sky also blue...\xf000븀\x0000You can't answer those questions... no data I just like this wonderful\xfffecalm river here...! no data Tambo: What a nice melody... Tambo: こころに しみいるは\xfffeさみしい ねいろ\xf000븁\x0000フトコロに しみるは\xfffeつめてぇ よかぜ ってね Tambo: Pff... Pfff....\xfffeTududu... Dutududu! Tambo: Hey, why are you\xfffedistracting me...?\xf000븁\x0000I was all into my melody...\xfffeBut...\xf000븁\x0000If you don't like it, I'll stop...\xfffeNot everyone likes that melody... Son: Hey bro! Listen!\xfffeDon't you like my ukulele?\xf000븀\x0000I thought so! Son: しってるさ おれの サウンドは\xfffeこの とかい(まち)には にあわねえ\xf000븁\x0000だけど おれは……\xfffeじぶんの じんせい(スタイル)を\xf000븀\x0000かえる ことは できないのさ Son: こいつは\xfffeだいじな ともだち(あいぼう)さ\xf000븁\x0000おれの なみだ(かなしみ)を\xfffeすべて しってるのさ Son: きみ……\xfffeいい ひかり(め)を もってる\xf000븁\x0000おれたちの きぼう(ゆめ)を\xfffeかわりに かなえて くれるかい\xf000븁\x0000つかめよ! えいこう(せかい)を! Gutchi: This melody is nice... Gutchi: Hey!\xf000븁\x0000Why did you do that?\xfffeIf you do that I can't sing!\xf000븁\x0000And no singing means no melody! Gutchi: Pftchak pftchack! Gutchi: You realy have to quit!\xfffeJust... Don't do it okay?\xf000븁\x0000Or don't you want to hear my\xfffemelody...?\xf000븀\x0000Then stop! Rei: おじさん……\xfffeうたが いきがい なのよね\xf000븁\x0000おじさんの たましい\xfffeきいて くれる? Rei: ハれ? もういくの?\xf000븁\x0000おじさんは いつでも\xfffeここに いるからね Rei: やっぱり おじさんの\xfffeうたが ききたいのか! そうか! Rei: おじさんの うたは……\xf000븁\x0000きらい かい? Hey there!\xf000븁\x0000Thank you for coming!\xfffeBut, let's start!\xf000븁\x0000 Well done!\xfffeYou were too strong for me...\xf000븁\x0000Hey! Can you help me? Would\xfffeyou help me bring food to everyone? Well done!\xfffeYou were too strong for me...\xf000븁\x0000Hey! Can you help me? Would\xfffeyou help me bring food to everyone? Hey! Can you help me? Would\xfffeyou help me bring food to everyone? Well that's okay!\xfffeEnjoy your stay! Realy?! Thank you!\xf000븁\x0000Well then, do you understand everything? Okay, I'll explain...\xfffeYou go ask what they want to eat.\xf000븁\x0000I mean every person here\xfffewho wants to eat something.\xf000븁\x000When you asked everyone\xfffeone, you'll report to me!\xf000븁\x0000 I'm sorry to be rough, but if\xfffeyou make a mistake...\xf000븁\x0000Well... You won't be helping...\xf000븁\x0000 Try to be nice and all!\xfffeSmiling will help too!\xf000븁\x0000 Try to be nice and all!\xfffeSmiling will help too! What does table \xf000Ȁ\x0001\x0000\xfffewant for a sandwich? Okay okay!\xfffeI'll make the sandwiches!\xf000븁\x0000 There you are!\xfffeNow bring them to the right table! ちゅうもんを とっていない \xfffeおきゃくさんが いるじゃない\xf000븀\x0000ぜんいんから きいてね! Well...\xfffeHow did everything go?\xf000븁\x0000かんぺきね! おきゃくさんも\xfffeまんぞく しているみたい\xf000븁\x0000 Well...\xfffeHow did everything go?\xf000븁\x0000Aaah... You did it wrong...\xfffeThat's just a shame...\xf000븁\x0000 これは おれいよ\xfffeすごく がんばっていたわね!\xf000븁\x0000 Well... I didn't expect you to do\xfffeit good, but this is... Well... やめるの? わかったわ\xfffeいそがしくないから だいじょうぶよ あらら そっちは こうえんの そとよ\xfffeウエートレスの しごとを やめるの? あらら そっちは こうえんの そとよ\xfffeウエーターの しごとを やめるの? I would like a \xf000ĉ\x0001\x0000\xfffesandwich, please!\xf000븁\x0000 Let me show you that I like\xfffePokémon realy realy realy much! もぐもぐ おいしい!\xfffeぼくの ポケモンも よろこんでいるよ Aaah nice a sandwit...\xf000븁\x0000What...?\xfffeThis is not the right sandwich! What I'd like to eat...\xfffeA \xf000ĉ\x0001\x0000 I'd like a sandwich!\xf000븁\x0000 ぼくの ポケモン \xfffeぼくに にて たくさん たべるんだ Well, did everything go OK?\xfffeこの しゅんかんが いちばん すき! Well, did everything go OK?\xfffeThis is not what I ordered... Hey! Could you bring me a\xfffe\xf000ĉ\x0001\x0000 sandwich please?\xf000븁\x0000 ひとも たべられる きのみのりょうり\xfffeりょうりにんの うでの みせどころね Hmmm...?\xf000븁\x0000……この あじっ! まさか\xfffeこの レベルに であえるなんて Hmmm...?\xf000븁\x0000This is not what I ordered...\xfffeToo bad... Yummi yum yum! A \xf000ĉ\x0001\x0000\xfffesandwich please!\xf000븁\x0000 ポケモンと いっしょに \xfffeたべられるなんて しあわせだよー はむはむ あーん\xfffeしあわせー Yay sand...\xfffeOw wait this is not the right one! Yuumyui! Poo pot pot! Picka! Kraka kaka! クラボのみ キーのみ モモンのみ カゴのみ この おきゃくさんに \xf000ĉ\x0001\x0000の\xfffeサンドイッチを わたしますか? Village Bridge The Picknick Field\xfffeWhere people sit down and rest. 445: Reveal hidden contents Kagome Town\xfffeThe nice and perfect village. Kagome Town...\xf000븁\x0000The city where all people are\xfffeonly outside when it is day...\xf000븁\x0000It is said that the people are\xfffestill scared of the monster who\xf000븀\x0000came down together with the meteor. Hello, did you maybe come for\xfffea little bit information about the\xf000븀\x0000history of Kagome Town?\xf000븁\x0000I will be pleased to tell you\xfffesomething about the history. Long ago, there was a meteor\xfffefalling down to earth.\xf000븁\x0000The people living here were all\xfffescared that the meteor would hit here!\xf000븀\x0000But it didn't...\xf000븁\x0000But what it did, is it toke a\xfffevery scary monster to the earth...\xf000븀\x0000We still believe in it now...\xf000븁\x0000We are still scared of the monster.\xfffeThat is exactly why we stay inside\xf000븀\x0000our houses at night...\xf000븀\x0000Just because of that monster...\xf000븀\x0000Pfew... I'm a bit scared of it too.\xf000븁\x0000It is a blessing that the monster\xfffeonly comes to our town at nights...\xf000븀\x0000What would happen if it came at day?\xf000븁\x0000Well... I don't realy know the awnser to\xfffethat. But I guess the town would've\xf000븀\x0000been very different then...\xf000븁\x0000 ... ... ... ... ...\xfffeThere is a riddle made of this\xf000븀\x0000old story...\xf000븁\x0000But...\xf000븁\x0000I don't remember it anymore...\xfffeIt's just a shame I don't remember\xf000븀\x0000the old riddle no more...\xf000븁\x0000Well... Thank you for listening.\xfffeI like to keep the story living, no\xf000븀\x0000matter what happens. If I\xf000븀\x0000don't, the story won't be remembered! Well, too bad...\xfffeMaybe some other time? I'm scared of the monster...\xfffeI mean, it only appears at nights!\xf000븀\x0000That is just... Scary!\xf000븀\x0000That's why my mom tells me to\xf000븀\x0000always be inside at nights! Wow... What a beautiful town...\xfffeI just like the old-fashioned towns.\xf000븁\x0000You know? The town with the\xfffeamazing storys and old looks! Hmmm...\xfffeYeah, I realy like that story.\xf000븀\x0000I don't know why, but I like\xf000븀\x0000that story! Just... Like it! What am I doing here?\xfffeI'm just thinking of my husband...\xf000븀\x0000He disappeared all of a sudden... Hey there!\xfffeDid you listen to the town elder?\xf000븁\x0000She has a beautiful but scary\xfffestory to tell you! Check it out! Gugu! Gugu! ... ... ... ... ...\xfffeWhere are you looking at?
Rykin122 Posted October 9, 2010 Posted October 9, 2010 I have some pics for you, but only if you want to see them Check the attaches!
JRoGue Posted October 9, 2010 Posted October 9, 2010 Here's the edit for Village Bridge Text: Most of the edits had to do with the misspelling of the word Sandwich... no data no data no data no data no data no data no data no data no data no data no data I just like the huge bridge! \xfffeIt is so... Beautiful! no data Hmmm... Why is water blue...\xfffeAnd why is the sky also blue...\xf000븀\x0000You can't answer those questions... no data I just like this wonderful\xfffecalm river here...! no data Tambo: What a nice melody... Tambo: こころに しみいるは\xfffeさみしい ねいろ\xf000븁\x0000フトコロに しみるは\xfffeつめてぇ よかぜ ってね Tambo: Pff... Pfff....\xfffeTududu... Dutududu! Tambo: Hey, why do you\xfffedistract me...?\xf000븁\x0000I was all into my melody...\xfffeBut...\xf000븁\x0000If you don't like it, I'll stop...\xfffeNot everyone like that melody... Son: Hey bro! Listen! \xfffeDon't you like my ukulele? \xf000븀\x0000I thought so! Son: しってるさ おれの サウンドは\xfffeこの とかい(まち)には にあわねえ\xf000븁\x0000だけど おれは……\xfffeじぶんの じんせい(スタイル)を\xf000븀\x0000かえる ことは できないのさ Son: こいつは\xfffeだいじな ともだち(あいぼう)さ\xf000븁\x0000おれの なみだ(かなしみ)を\xfffeすべて しってるのさ Son: きみ……\xfffeいい ひかり(め)を もってる\xf000븁\x0000おれたちの きぼう(ゆめ)を\xfffeかわりに かなえて くれるかい\xf000븁\x0000つかめよ! えいこう(せかい)を! Gutchi: This melody is nice... Gutchi: Hey! \xf000븁\x0000Why did you do that? \xfffeIf you do that I can't sing! \xf000븁\x0000And no singing means no melody! Gutchi: Pftchak pftchack! Gutchi: You really have to quit! \xfffeJust... Don't do it okay? \xf000븁\x0000Or don't you want to hear my\xfffemelody...?\xf000븀\x0000Then stop! Rei: おじさん……\xfffeうたが いきがい なのよね\xf000븁\x0000おじさんの たましい\xfffeきいて くれる? Rei: ハれ? もういくの?\xf000븁\x0000おじさんは いつでも\xfffeここに いるからね Rei: やっぱり おじさんの\xfffeうたが ききたいのか! そうか! Rei: おじさんの うたは……\xf000븁\x0000きらい かい? Hey there! \xf000븁\x0000Thank you for coming! \xfffeBut, let's start! \xf000븁\x0000 Well done! \xfffeYou were too strong for me...\xf000븁\x0000Hey! Can you help me? Would\xfffeyou help me bring food to everyone? Well done! \xfffeYou were too strong for me...\xf000븁\x0000Hey! Can you help me? Would\xfffeyou help me bring food to everyone? Hey! Can you help me? Would\xfffeyou help me bring food to everyone? Well that's okay! \xfffeEnjoy your stay here! Really?! Thank you! \xf000븁\x0000Well then, do you understand everything? Okay, I'll explain...\xfffeYou go ask what they want to eat.\xf000븁\x0000I mean every person here\xfffewho wants to eat something.\xf000븁\x000When you asked everyone\xfffeone, you'll report to me!\xf000븁\x0000 I'm sorry to be rough, but if\xfffeyou make a mistake...\xf000븁\x0000Well... You won't be helping...\xf000븁\x0000 Try to be nice and all! \xfffeSmiling will help too! \xf000븁\x0000 Try to be nice and all! \xfffeSmiling will help too! What does table \xf000Ȁ\x0001\x0000\xfffewant for a sandwich? Okay okay! \xfffeI'll make the sandwiches! \xf000븁\x0000 There you are! \xfffeNow bring them to the right table! ちゅうもんを とっていない \xfffeおきゃくさんが いるじゃない\xf000븀\x0000ぜんいんから きいてね! Well...\xfffeHow did everything go? \xf000븁\x0000かんぺきね! おきゃくさんも\xfffeまんぞく しているみたい\xf000븁\x0000 Well...\xfffeHow did everything go? \xf000븁\x0000Aaah... You did it wrong...\xfffeThat's just a shame...\xf000븁\x0000 これは おれいよ\xfffeすごく がんばっていたわね!\xf000븁\x0000 Well... I didn't expect you to do\xfffeit good, but this is... Well... やめるの? わかったわ\xfffeいそがしくないから だいじょうぶよ あらら そっちは こうえんの そとよ\xfffeウエートレスの しごとを やめるの? あらら そっちは こうえんの そとよ\xfffeウエーターの しごとを やめるの? I would like a \xf000ĉ\x0001\x0000\xfffesandwich, please! \xf000븁\x0000 Let me show you that I like\xfffePokémon really really really much! もぐもぐ おいしい!\xfffeぼくの ポケモンも よろこんでいるよ Aaah nice a sandwich...\xf000븁\x0000What...?\xfffeThis is not the right sandwich! What I'd like to eat...\xfffeA \xf000ĉ\x0001\x0000 sandwich I'd like! \xf000븁\x0000 ぼくの ポケモン \xfffeぼくに にて たくさん たべるんだ Well, did everything go OK? \xfffeこの しゅんかんが いちばん すき! Well, did everything go OK? \xfffeThis is not what I ordered... Hey! Could you bring me a\xfffe\xf000ĉ\x0001\x0000 sandwich please? \xf000븁\x0000 ひとも たべられる きのみのりょうり\xfffeりょうりにんの うでの みせどころね Hmmm...?\xf000븁\x0000……この あじっ! まさか\xfffeこの レベルに であえるなんて Hmmm...?\xf000븁\x0000This is not what I ordered...\xfffeToo bad... Yummy yum yum! A \xf000ĉ\x0001\x0000\xfffesandwich please! \xf000븁\x0000 ポケモンと いっしょに \xfffeたべられるなんて しあわせだよー はむはむ あーん\xfffeしあわせー Yea sand...\xfffeOw wait this is not the right one! Yuumyui! Poo pot pot! Picka! Kraka kaka! クラボのみ キーのみ モモンのみ カゴのみ この おきゃくさんに \xf000ĉ\x0001\x0000の\xfffeサンドイッチを わたしますか? Village Bridge The Picnic Field\xfffeWhere people sit down and rest.
Rykin122 Posted October 9, 2010 Posted October 9, 2010 Me2Hack said: I edited a few grammar and spelling errors.271(There are still same Japanese words in it though. =O : Reveal hidden contents no data no data no data no data no data no data no data no data no data no data no data I just like the huge bridge!\xfffeIt is so... Beautiful! no data Hmmm... Why is water blue...\xfffeAnd why is the sky also blue...\xf000븀\x0000You can't answer those questions... no data I just like this wonderful\xfffecalm river here...! no data Tambo: What a nice melody... Tambo: こころに しみいるは\xfffeさみしい ねいろ\xf000븁\x0000フトコロに しみるは\xfffeつめてぇ よかぜ ってね Tambo: Pff... Pfff....\xfffeTududu... Dutududu! Tambo: Hey, why are you\xfffedistracting me...?\xf000븁\x0000I was all into my melody...\xfffeBut...\xf000븁\x0000If you don't like it, I'll stop...\xfffeNot everyone likes that melody... Son: Hey bro! Listen!\xfffeDon't you like my ukulele?\xf000븀\x0000I thought so! Son: しってるさ おれの サウンドは\xfffeこの とかい(まち)には にあわねえ\xf000븁\x0000だけど おれは……\xfffeじぶんの じんせい(スタイル)を\xf000븀\x0000かえる ことは できないのさ Son: こいつは\xfffeだいじな ともだち(あいぼう)さ\xf000븁\x0000おれの なみだ(かなしみ)を\xfffeすべて しってるのさ Son: きみ……\xfffeいい ひかり(め)を もってる\xf000븁\x0000おれたちの きぼう(ゆめ)を\xfffeかわりに かなえて くれるかい\xf000븁\x0000つかめよ! えいこう(せかい)を! Gutchi: This melody is nice... Gutchi: Hey!\xf000븁\x0000Why did you do that?\xfffeIf you do that I can't sing!\xf000븁\x0000And no singing means no melody! Gutchi: Pftchak pftchack! Gutchi: You realy have to quit!\xfffeJust... Don't do it okay?\xf000븁\x0000Or don't you want to hear my\xfffemelody...?\xf000븀\x0000Then stop! Rei: おじさん……\xfffeうたが いきがい なのよね\xf000븁\x0000おじさんの たましい\xfffeきいて くれる? Rei: ハれ? もういくの?\xf000븁\x0000おじさんは いつでも\xfffeここに いるからね Rei: やっぱり おじさんの\xfffeうたが ききたいのか! そうか! Rei: おじさんの うたは……\xf000븁\x0000きらい かい? Hey there!\xf000븁\x0000Thank you for coming!\xfffeBut, let's start!\xf000븁\x0000 Well done!\xfffeYou were too strong for me...\xf000븁\x0000Hey! Can you help me? Would\xfffeyou help me bring food to everyone? Well done!\xfffeYou were too strong for me...\xf000븁\x0000Hey! Can you help me? Would\xfffeyou help me bring food to everyone? Hey! Can you help me? Would\xfffeyou help me bring food to everyone? Well that's okay!\xfffeEnjoy your stay! Realy?! Thank you!\xf000븁\x0000Well then, do you understand everything? Okay, I'll explain...\xfffeYou go ask what they want to eat.\xf000븁\x0000I mean every person here\xfffewho wants to eat something.\xf000븁\x000When you asked everyone\xfffeone, you'll report to me!\xf000븁\x0000 I'm sorry to be rough, but if\xfffeyou make a mistake...\xf000븁\x0000Well... You won't be helping...\xf000븁\x0000 Try to be nice and all!\xfffeSmiling will help too!\xf000븁\x0000 Try to be nice and all!\xfffeSmiling will help too! What does table \xf000Ȁ\x0001\x0000\xfffewant for a sandwich? Okay okay!\xfffeI'll make the sandwiches!\xf000븁\x0000 There you are!\xfffeNow bring them to the right table! ちゅうもんを とっていない \xfffeおきゃくさんが いるじゃない\xf000븀\x0000ぜんいんから きいてね! Well...\xfffeHow did everything go?\xf000븁\x0000かんぺきね! おきゃくさんも\xfffeまんぞく しているみたい\xf000븁\x0000 Well...\xfffeHow did everything go?\xf000븁\x0000Aaah... You did it wrong...\xfffeThat's just a shame...\xf000븁\x0000 これは おれいよ\xfffeすごく がんばっていたわね!\xf000븁\x0000 Well... I didn't expect you to do\xfffeit good, but this is... Well... やめるの? わかったわ\xfffeいそがしくないから だいじょうぶよ あらら そっちは こうえんの そとよ\xfffeウエートレスの しごとを やめるの? あらら そっちは こうえんの そとよ\xfffeウエーターの しごとを やめるの? I would like a \xf000ĉ\x0001\x0000\xfffesandwich, please!\xf000븁\x0000 Let me show you that I like\xfffePokémon realy realy realy much! もぐもぐ おいしい!\xfffeぼくの ポケモンも よろこんでいるよ Aaah nice a sandwit...\xf000븁\x0000What...?\xfffeThis is not the right sandwich! What I'd like to eat...\xfffeA \xf000ĉ\x0001\x0000 I'd like a sandwich!\xf000븁\x0000 ぼくの ポケモン \xfffeぼくに にて たくさん たべるんだ Well, did everything go OK?\xfffeこの しゅんかんが いちばん すき! Well, did everything go OK?\xfffeThis is not what I ordered... Hey! Could you bring me a\xfffe\xf000ĉ\x0001\x0000 sandwich please?\xf000븁\x0000 ひとも たべられる きのみのりょうり\xfffeりょうりにんの うでの みせどころね Hmmm...?\xf000븁\x0000……この あじっ! まさか\xfffeこの レベルに であえるなんて Hmmm...?\xf000븁\x0000This is not what I ordered...\xfffeToo bad... Yummi yum yum! A \xf000ĉ\x0001\x0000\xfffesandwich please!\xf000븁\x0000 ポケモンと いっしょに \xfffeたべられるなんて しあわせだよー はむはむ あーん\xfffeしあわせー Yay sand...\xfffeOw wait this is not the right one! Yuumyui! Poo pot pot! Picka! Kraka kaka! クラボのみ キーのみ モモンのみ カゴのみ この おきゃくさんに \xf000ĉ\x0001\x0000の\xfffeサンドイッチを わたしますか? Village Bridge The Picknick Field\xfffeWhere people sit down and rest. 445: Reveal hidden contents Kagome Town\xfffeThe nice and perfect village. Kagome Town...\xf000븁\x0000The city where all people are\xfffeonly outside when it is day...\xf000븁\x0000It is said that the people are\xfffestill scared of the monster who\xf000븀\x0000came down together with the meteor. Hello, did you maybe come for\xfffea little bit information about the\xf000븀\x0000history of Kagome Town?\xf000븁\x0000I will be pleased to tell you\xfffesomething about the history. Long ago, there was a meteor\xfffefalling down to earth.\xf000븁\x0000The people living here were all\xfffescared that the meteor would hit here!\xf000븀\x0000But it didn't...\xf000븁\x0000But what it did, is it toke a\xfffevery scary monster to the earth...\xf000븀\x0000We still believe in it now...\xf000븁\x0000We are still scared of the monster.\xfffeThat is exactly why we stay inside\xf000븀\x0000our houses at night...\xf000븀\x0000Just because of that monster...\xf000븀\x0000Pfew... I'm a bit scared of it too.\xf000븁\x0000It is a blessing that the monster\xfffeonly comes to our town at nights...\xf000븀\x0000What would happen if it came at day?\xf000븁\x0000Well... I don't realy know the awnser to\xfffethat. But I guess the town would've\xf000븀\x0000been very different then...\xf000븁\x0000 ... ... ... ... ...\xfffeThere is a riddle made of this\xf000븀\x0000old story...\xf000븁\x0000But...\xf000븁\x0000I don't remember it anymore...\xfffeIt's just a shame I don't remember\xf000븀\x0000the old riddle no more...\xf000븁\x0000Well... Thank you for listening.\xfffeI like to keep the story living, no\xf000븀\x0000matter what happens. If I\xf000븀\x0000don't, the story won't be remembered! Well, too bad...\xfffeMaybe some other time? I'm scared of the monster...\xfffeI mean, it only appears at nights!\xf000븀\x0000That is just... Scary!\xf000븀\x0000That's why my mom tells me to\xf000븀\x0000always be inside at nights! Wow... What a beautiful town...\xfffeI just like the old-fashioned towns.\xf000븁\x0000You know? The town with the\xfffeamazing storys and old looks! Hmmm...\xfffeYeah, I realy like that story.\xf000븀\x0000I don't know why, but I like\xf000븀\x0000that story! Just... Like it! What am I doing here?\xfffeI'm just thinking of my husband...\xf000븀\x0000He disappeared all of a sudden... Hey there!\xfffeDid you listen to the town elder?\xf000븁\x0000She has a beautiful but scary\xfffestory to tell you! Check it out! Gugu! Gugu! ... ... ... ... ...\xfffeWhere are you looking at? I know, I did all I can, but I just don't have enough time right now. JRoGue said: Here's the edit for Village Bridge Text: Most of the edits had to do with the misspelling of the word Sandwich...[Huge code] Thank you guys
Silent Storm Posted October 9, 2010 Posted October 9, 2010 Rykin122 said: I have some pics for you, but only if you want to see them Check the attaches! The fourth screen has "really" spelt wrong.
omega666 Posted October 9, 2010 Posted October 9, 2010 by now how much percentage of the whole game is in english? 20?,..,25?
Rykin122 Posted October 9, 2010 Posted October 9, 2010 Silent Storm said: The fourth screen has "really" spelt wrong. Yeah that one wasn't checked and anything, but only at that point. It has been fixed already, so no need for bothering
tetsure Posted October 9, 2010 Posted October 9, 2010 When was the latest version released? (v2, I think)
Keko Posted October 9, 2010 Posted October 9, 2010 Can someone please explain the difference between the regular and the "Exp Patched" versions of the patch? Because I tried the regular patch first and I noticed that my pokemon weren't gaining any exp. (I'm hoping that this wasn't intentional; that makes absolutely no sense to do that.) But then I noticed while playing the "Exp Patched" one, which is the only one my pokemon gain exp on, they gain exp at different rates. Like, if I battle the same level pokemon with different pokemon, they each gain different amounts of exp from the battles; or if I switch pokemon during a battle, the exp is NOT divided evenly between the two pokemon that fought; one gains more or less than the other, which shouldn't happen. What's going on here? This shouldn't be happening.
NSSVelocity Posted October 9, 2010 Posted October 9, 2010 Keko said: Can someone please explain the difference between the regular and the "Exp Patched" versions of the patch? Because I tried the regular patch first and I noticed that my pokemon weren't gaining any exp. (I'm hoping that this wasn't intentional; that makes absolutely no sense to do that.)But then I noticed while playing the "Exp Patched" one, which is the only one my pokemon gain exp on, they gain exp at different rates. Like, if I battle the same level pokemon with different pokemon, they each gain different amounts of exp from the battles; or if I switch pokemon during a battle, the exp is NOT divided evenly between the two pokemon that fought; one gains more or less than the other, which shouldn't happen. What's going on here? This shouldn't be happening. Earning no EXP from battle is Nintendos AP method. With the EXP Patched, your able to gain EXP like normal. Rates are designed like that, and depend on the pokemon. ------------------------------------------------------------- tRaLaLa said: On what version wouldl it be a complete English translation? I'd say v5/6
tacticalbread Posted October 9, 2010 Posted October 9, 2010 I just wanted to say I love all of you who are working on this. <3
acehigh Posted October 9, 2010 Posted October 9, 2010 NSSVelocity said: I'd say v5/6 Would a complete translation be necessary though?
xxdbxx15 Posted October 9, 2010 Posted October 9, 2010 acehigh said: Would a complete translation be necessary though? not really but it would be nice
Nuke501 Posted October 9, 2010 Posted October 9, 2010 im gonna wait until its fully translated before i do ebonix
omega666 Posted October 9, 2010 Posted October 9, 2010 so how much percentage of the whole game is in english relative to v3 patch?
NSSVelocity Posted October 9, 2010 Posted October 9, 2010 omega666 said: so how much percentage of the whole game is in english relative to v3 patch? Basing my info on Ruin's posts, around 30-45%. Hard to tell as I've yet to beat the first gym.
Pokepower22 Posted October 9, 2010 Posted October 9, 2010 so does this mean that mostly in v3 the 3 towns you unlock after beating the pkmn league will be english?
NSSVelocity Posted October 9, 2010 Posted October 9, 2010 Pokepower22 said: so does this mean that mostly in v3 the 3 towns you unlock after beating the pkmn league will be english? Don't think so.
omega666 Posted October 9, 2010 Posted October 9, 2010 is the translation of the story going in order from the beginning town to the last town, or is it random pieces put together?
Pokepower22 Posted October 9, 2010 Posted October 9, 2010 Rykin122 said: I have some pics for you, but only if you want to see them Check the attaches! here he has picis of it being english.
Pokepower22 Posted October 9, 2010 Posted October 9, 2010 omega666 said: is the translation of the story going in order from the beginning town to the last town, or is it random pieces put together? i belive it might be a mix and match realy.mostly your first section from wht iveplayed,but i have found random bits in english eg the person who says about zoroark in one of the routes is in english...
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